Old Games Rock! OS - Windows 95 & Dos Games Multigame


Sharing a video of something else i've been working on lately. It uses the same attract mode frontend with the Nesica theme as the arcade multi. It's the same concept as the arcade multis, except for 90s Windows pc games (and a few dos ones). I used the 4k frontend for it, and 3d games run at 4k where possible. You can run these games at 4k on really old hardware and they run fine.
It's Windows 10 x64, and same deal as the arcade multi, once you get something running it should just stay running, like an embedded system. It's also a good way to not lose my savegames. I've played through some of these games several times over the years, and every time i have to reload windows i lose everything. This way that doesn't happen anymore, it's also a more focused gaming experience, the system only plays games, and the computer i have it on does nothing else, so when it's time to chill and play old games, i don't get distracted as easy.
Anyways, just another proof of concept of sorts to show that you can run basically anything on these frontends, so long as you can run it on Windows, you should be able to add it to this frontend. Some of these games require cd's mounted to play or to get music running as it runs cdda audio, so i played around and was able to script cd mounting and unmounting on game start and exit, it works really well. Got bigbox artworks and cdscans for most games to cycle through arts as well.
I don't plan on making videos on this in the future, just thought i'd share this where it's at. I do plan on adding many many more games to this one!

