Oakamoor To Alton & The Chained Oak. An Ancient Mystery.

It was in the winter of 1846, when a carriage was travelling through the area woods near to Alton Towers, Staffordshire. On it rode a local aristocrat, returning home from a grand banquet. Through the mist and driving rain a figure appeared in the road, the coach stopped! It was an old woman shrouded in rags, an involuntary shudder went through the Earls body.
“Spare a farthing for a beggar woman”
She pleaded with the Earl to spare her a farthing. But when the rich Earl mocked her request she placed a wicked curse on him and his family…
“For every branch of the old oak that falls, a member of your family will die!”
During freak weather conditions of the following night, a branch was struck off the tree and true to the Witches prophesy a member of the Earls family suddenly and mysteriously… DIED.
The Earl immediately ordered his guards to chain the tree up to prevent further misfortune.
