Nursery Riffs - (jazzy nursery comps)


#15 midnight (eh) music (ft. My service dog, Duke, little sleepy snoot in the corner hehe)
I am no jazz artiste but I think it's so fun! I was always so extra as a kid and wanted to find fun music to play. This book was introduced to me when I was maybe 10 and some of these intervals were just bigger than my little hands could reach. They're still big reaches...octaves suck with small hands!
I'm also a sucker for ironic songs with fun motifs snuck in so seeing nursery rhymes made jazzy instead of the usual generic sound PLUS mixing in multiple songs into one was...chefs my book. Enjoy my imperfect renditions...thanks small hands lol
00:00 Bear Jogged Over the Mountain
03:27 Bop Goes the Weasel
06:12 Oh, Dear. What Can the Matter Be!
08:20 Brahms Otherwise
10:33 Old King Cole Takes His Sixpence to London
Composer: Jon Grier

