Nuit blanche 99 teaser test


And yes the name was inspired by the endless Nintendo 99 games XD
Audio credits : RF17 Signals In Motion - Royalty-Free by legacyAlli - EDM
This is a hidden personal project that i'm making now that the Paris version of Nuit blanche is technically dead (moved to June but it's basically a different event, making this Nuit blanche 99 project relevant since the event is basically a thing of the past now (at least in Paris)).
It will be a compilation of the best 99 art installations and/or performances of the entire history of Nuit blanche Paris between 2002 and 2022 , according to several criteria (even if some mentions to 2023 will be made, i don't consider any Nuit blanche in June to be part of the true Nuit blanche experience (now only Nuit blanche Toronto and Nuit blanche Taipei are keeping the original spirit of the event))

