No More Running Away

SSG Jacqueline Crisostomo shares her personal battle with depression and alcoholism, shedding light on the impact these struggles had on her life. She recounts the overwhelming feeling of being trapped under a cloud of depression, losing interest in daily activities, and being unable to enjoy precious moments with her child. Turning to heavy drinking for solace and joy, her life spiraled into darkness.
Amidst the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic, she hit rock bottom, contemplating self-harm and feeling disconnected from her family and purpose. However, her story takes a powerful turn as she enters the addiction medicine program at Irwin Army Community Hospital. Through the compassionate support of Behavioral Health professionals and a structured treatment program, she finds a path to recovery and a renewed sense of purpose.
Witness her transformation as she describes how her mood improved, relationships strengthened, and hope was restored. Her candid reflections on overcoming addiction and learning to face life’s challenges without alcohol offer hope for others facing similar battles. This Soldier’s journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the life-changing support available at Irwin Army Community Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas.
