Nina Grace - Putting Kidz First this Christmas


Nina Grace has a very complicated medical history and was born with multiple congenital anomalies associated with a condition known as VACTERL Association.
Nina Grace has bravely had multiple surgeries to many different major parts of her body already despite her young age and with the likelihood of further surgeries as she gets older. Nina Grace currently has a tracheostomy tube to help her with her airway and breathing and a gastrostomy in her tummy to help with her feeding.
Let’s put Kidz First this Christmas
I’m teaming up with Middlemore Foundation again to give 600 kids like Nina Grace the best Christmas season ever. We want to give presents, a BBM Fresh Food Parcel, and support for families with sick or disabled kids, living in South Auckland. Join us, if you can help you should
#christmas #kidzfirst #middlemorefoundation #ifyoucanhelpyoushould #presents #foodparcel

