Niels Lan Doky with Lisa Nilsson and Peter Asplund - Bremen Teater, Copenhagen - October 1, 2023


Niels Lan Doky's 60th birthday concert was a truly remarkable and beautiful experience for all present, the first half of the show was based on his own fine compositions, Misty Dawn and more, and his Danish trio that produced very good and delicious sound with Niels himself playing almost magically on his piano. The last half of the concert included his special guests, the amazing Swedish trumpetist Peter Asplund, I love his sound, and the Swedish, legendary singer Lisa Nilsson, who knew of my presence in the room and sent me "the look of love" when singing the beautiful Bossa Nova song "Wave", "when your eyes met mine it was eternity", Lisa, who kept her look on me, directly into my eyes, for a long time. The highlight of the concert to me came with the incredible beautiful song "Those who were" as Niels Lan Doky and Lisa Nilsson recorded together with Niels Henning Ørsted Pedersen, the composer and world renowned bassist, in 1996. Thank you to all for giving me a beautiful experience that I will always cherish and remember 🌞❤
Facebook links and my comments:
September 6, 2023: Niels Lan Doky announced Lisa Nilsson and Peter Asplund as guests, Stig: "We have reached Heaven" and asked "maybe you will send me a glimpse"?
September 18, 2023: Lisa has come through deep crisis, Stig: "Never give up", "do you have the courage to look me deep into my eyes again"?
September 28, 2023: Lisa has reached an important, personal goal, Stig: "Celebrate with La Grande Dame" :-)
October 1, 2023: "The look of love", Lisa did have the courage to look me deep into my eyes again, thank you, Lisa ❤
September 9, 2021: Lisa Nilsson with Niels Lan Doky - Kronborg Castle, Elsinore
September 9, 2021: Lisa Nilsson brought me the God part of the Swedish King Carl Gustav, I have returned home to my own energy, where I can do and save all, now I am free
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"When they performed the very beautiful “The Miracle Of You” and Lisa sang these very words, Lisa plucked up courage and looked me straight into my eyes for what seemed like maybe 10 seconds, which is truly a long time to look another person straight into the eyes, thus telling me that I am this “miracle”, this is how she decided to communicate with me, to let me know that she knows and values, which I also felt deeply and appreciated much, thank you ♥
Already on June 12, 2021, I “challenged” Lisa in my Facebook post below asking her “I wonder if you dare looking me directly into my eyes, Lisa, I will certainly look into yours”, which she really dared, I loved it, and I wonder if it was God, who gave you strength, Lisa 🙂. And yes, I really had forgotten about having given Lisa this challenge and first now see it again, but she had not.

