Nc500 - Day 3 / Clashnessie Bay & Falls - The Kessock Bridge - Drumbeg Viewpoint - Smoo Cave

On Day 3, we celebrated Clay's birthday by kicking off our expedition at the breathtaking Clashnessie Bay & Falls, setting the tone for an extraordinary day ahead. As we journeyed, traversing the iconic Kessock Bridge, we were treated to a succession of awe-inspiring viewpoints that left us spellbound.
Along the route, we chanced upon signposts guiding us to the enigmatic Smoo Cave, seizing the opportunity to explore its mysteries before continuing our odyssey. With the day drawing to a close, we sought refuge at a nearby campsite, taking the time to replenish our spirits and prepare for the remainder of our NC500 adventure.
This road trip has surpassed all expectations, offering a magnificent backdrop for Clay's birthday celebrations. Truly, there could be no finer way to mark such a special occasion.

