Navigating Performance Appraisals (Advantages & Disadvantages)

Performance appraisals serve as a cornerstone of performance management, yet their effectiveness can spark debate.
In this video, we'll dissect the advantages and disadvantages of performance appraisals, helping you navigate their role within your organization.
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Join us as we navigate the complexities of performance appraisals, uncovering strategies to maximize their benefits while mitigating their drawbacks.
By understanding both sides of the coin and implementing best practices, organizations can leverage performance appraisals as a tool for enhancing employee performance, engagement, and organizational success.
Video Content
0:00 - Introduction to Performance Appraisals
Advantages of Performance Appraisals:
- Clarifying Expectations and Organizational Goals
- Motivating Employees for Excellence
- Providing Insights for Informed Decisions
- Creating a Documented Record of Performance
- Fostering Engagement Through Feedback
Disadvantages of Performance Appraisals:
- Time Consumption for Managers and Employees
- Subjectivity and Bias in Evaluation
- Emphasis on Past Performance Over Future Potential
- Potential Source of Stress and Anxiety
- Risk of Minimum Expectation Focus
Mitigating Strategies:
- Implementing Fair and Transparent Evaluation Criteria
- Providing Training on Objective Evaluation Techniques
- Emphasizing Growth and Development Opportunities
- Creating a Supportive Feedback Culture
- Encouraging Innovation and Exceeding Expectations
Conclusion: Striking a Balance for Effective Performance Management
School of Learning
Arnav Dutta
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