Nami Maymuru-White: Maḏayin Artist Profile

Naminapu Maymuru-White was born at the Yirrkala Mission in Northeast Arnhem Land, the daughter of artist Nänyin Maymuru. Having attended the mission school and working at local stores, Naminapu was always drawn to art making. Studying her father’s artwork from childhood, and receiving instruction from her uncle Narritjin Maymuru and her father, Naminapu was one of the first Yolŋu women to be taught how to paint miny’tji, sacred created clan designs, and later played an important role in the declassification of previously restricted designs for commercial and legal use. Having lived in Gurka’wuy during the early days of the Homeland Movement, Melbourne, Darwin, and later returning to a now self-governed Yirrkala, Naminapu worked as a teacher, art instructor, and curator at the Buku-Larrnggay Arts Center. She is a two-time winner at the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards.
