My Child Just Came Out What To Do Now As A Parent?

Discovering that your child is part of the LGBTQIA+ community can be a pivotal moment for any parent. In this video, we explore essential steps and guidance for parents navigating this new chapter after their child comes out.
0:00 Introduction
0:03 Recommendation 1: Just love them
0:38 Explanation of the importance of parental love
1:08 Recommendation 2: Take your opinion to your own support group
1:47 Explanation of avoiding burdening the child with parental confusion
2:16 Recommendation 3: Be respectful of wishes and boundaries
2:56 Explanation of supporting the ongoing process of identity formation
3:41 Recommendation 4: Understand the fluidity of gender and sexuality
4:26 Explanation of the fluid experiences of gender and sexuality
5:11 Recommendation 5: Be your child's advocate
5:55 Explanation of advocating for the child in various situations
6:01 Recommendation 6: Celebrate your child
6:42 Explanation of mirroring and celebrating your child's identity
7:46 Sex Education Resources and Recommendations
9:09 Closing and offer of support
