Murad proves the HIJRA from Mecca to Medina is fictitious!


Continuing our series on debunking anything to do with Islam in the 7th century, Murad, our Middle Eastern expert, introduces yet another curiosity; whether the Hijra, when Muhammad supposedly moved from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD ever happened?!
He asks whether there is anything in the 7th century which refers to the Hijra, and finds nothing. Even Theophanes, writing around 800 AD, so before the Islamic Traditions, refers to Muhammad in Jerusalem, and not in these two cities at all.
The Qur'an also doesn't refer to the Hijra, which is odd considering just how important the event is for Muslims.
Even the Traditions themselves say little at all, yet it is foundation for the Islamic calendar.
Murad moves to 7th-century evidence to find what the people of that time referred to instead of the Hijra when announcing dates.
He introduces an inscription found at the Hamat Gader Pools in present Israel, written by Muawiyya in 663 AD. In this inscription, which is clearly Christian (it has a cross on it) refers to 42 years post "the year of the Arab", which would put it around 622, the year of the Hijra according to the Islamic Traditions. What's odd is that it doesn't use the term Hijra when referring to that date, but instead uses 'the year of the Arab'.
In 685-686 AD we find the first reference to Muhammad's name written on a coin, yet the date on the coin refers to "after the believer's case has been settled". Why, as Muslims, didn't they use the term Hijra to denote the date?
In fact, Murad has not found one coin minted in the 7th century which refers to the Hijra date.
Murad then asks why the date 622 AD is significant?
According to the Traditions, this is the date for the Hijra.
He begins with the Qur'an to find out, and goes to Surah 30:2-6, which talks about the Byzantines defeating the Persians, yet mentions that "The believers will rejoice by the victory...". Why would Muslims rejoice that the Byzantines defeated Persians?
To understand this verse, you have to go to the historical context, and begin with 614 AD, when the Persians defeated the Byzantines. Then jump to 622 AD, when the Byzantines under Heraclius came and defeated the Persians.
The reasons the Arabs were rejoicing was because they were Christian Arabs, not Muslims, and they were happy that the Byzantines had finally destroyed the Persians who had persecuted them, as Christian Arabs, for centuries.
That is why 622 is so important from then on, as it was the date the Arabs finally were freed to create their own identity.
Following that, in 627 AD the battle of Ninevah occured between two Persian groups, which weakened them and solidified the Arabs to then move up and destroy them around 10 years later.
Moving to the question concerning why even create the story of the Hijra, Murad introduces the biography of Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq (765 AD), which was only really written in 833 AD, thus well into the Abbasid era, who seemed to have eradicated much of the former Umayyad history, including these battles, and introduced instead stories surrounding their prophet Muhammad, including this one in 622. But instead of referring to the defeat of the Persians by the Byzantines, they created a new narrative around Muhammad moving from one city to the other instead.
Why, because much of the biography follows similar stories taken from the Bible, of the Biblical prophets, and transferring them onto Muhammad, especially those of Moses, including this one of his persecution, followed by an exodus, and even entering Medina, like Jesus entering Jerusalem.
Murad concludes by suggesting we must now create a new timeline for the Hijra:
Pre-622 = Arab Christians wanted Heraclius to defeat the Persians
622 = Heraclius defeats the Persians
628 = The True cross is returned, the Arabs migrate to Damascus, leading to Arab independence
663 = Inscription with a cross and the reference to "according to the Arabs"
685 = Muawiyya's coin with "After the Believer's case has been settled"
756 = Chinese notice a change in the Muslim rulers (Umayyad to Abbasid)
765 = Ibn Ishaq introduces the Hijra in his biography
833 = Ibn Hisham throws out most of Ishaq's biography and introduces his own narrative
870 = Al Bukhari takes 600,000 sayings and only retains 7,397, or about 2% of them
So, by the late 9th century, with the Hijra in 622 focussed solely on Muhammad moving from Mecca to Medina, supplanting the former defeat of the Persians by Heraclius, we find a completely new narrative, not based on the historical record, but on a man, underlying the Abbasid Muslim's
desire to now make him the focal point of their history.
No wonder all the Islamic Traditions were written so late and so far away, as it took that long to create their new narrative; proving, however, that the Hijra as they portray it, really never happened.
© Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2020
(38,960) (Music: "small adventure", by Rafael Krux, from filmmusic-io - License CC BY)

Пікірлер: 884

  • @petervdbnz2
    @petervdbnz23 жыл бұрын

    There is SO much information coming out and being put together from researchers like Jay, Mel, Murad and others. The spotlight on the real 7th century certainly is making the foundations of Islam look shaky! Keep it up.

  • @BreakFix


    3 жыл бұрын

    Peter Retep Hope you come to monotheistic islam and leave the false belief of polytheism of 3 gods Salam

  • @ItsJustAdrean


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@BreakFix I pray you no longer bow to a created thing which is the black stone in prostration, and that the Lord may free your mind to approach the truth, which is his Word, the Christ. Salaam

  • @BreakFix


    3 жыл бұрын

    RetroMan Well that’s 3 gods no matter how you slice it....polytheism!

  • @BreakFix


    3 жыл бұрын

    ADR3-N I don’t bow to a black stone. No Muslim does. Maybe Allah will guide you to Islam and bless you if you would just put down the arrogance

  • @BreakFix


    3 жыл бұрын

    Veniale Kalolo We don’t bow to stones. Jesus is not his name. His name is Isa (uhbp) son of Maryam, a prophet of Allah and a Muslim just like all the other prophets that came before him.

  • @kafirlindaclark6148
    @kafirlindaclark61483 жыл бұрын

    It is so profoundly wonderful to hear Murad. How refreshing! You guys rock! THINK! You all are opening up the real history of Islam,and in essence the history of the Middle East. Wooohooo!

  • @ErnChildofJesus


    3 жыл бұрын


  • @ItsJustAdrean
    @ItsJustAdrean3 жыл бұрын

    Wow, the narrative of the Islamic traditions is literally falling to pieces. So much for the reliability of oral transmission. Looks like all hadith are now daif

  • @rashidmohammed2921


    3 жыл бұрын

    Hadith righting was never allowed by prophet muhammad. If Hadith was written after centuries later to revive the teachings of prophet, then it is still going against the will of prophet. No matter how true the words of Hadith may be we are not to put our faith in such books. The quran is enough to answer it's call to any problem. The quran promised to protect itself with or without Muslims. Some say Quran is counterfeit of old testament and new testament. How is it that Quran is still original since day one while bibles have gone numerous revisions. Not forgetting many books bring deliberately thrown out of Bible. Why can't you claim quran as your own bible if it is counterfeit.

  • @ItsJustAdrean


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@rashidmohammed2921 That's just errors from one text. But there are some 30+ official qiraat and hundreds of Arabic qurans that don't agree with the Hafs used today. It was so significant that if I remember correctly Umar had been willing to not only interrupt the recitation but attack a man for differing in his recitation. And the Hadith whether we like them or not (I also think the Quran should speak for itself but unfortunately it isn't clear so people wrote stories) they state that the quran had to be written before more of it was lost, after I think maybe the battle of badr when it was promised those most devout would be protected by Allah but ended up being killed. And not only that but Uthman further standardized aka changed the text and burned those he didn't like, just as Bukhari did with the Hadith. I would have liked to know what they originally said. Wouldn't you?

  • @rashidmohammed2921


    3 жыл бұрын

    Haha..yes brother. Until then stick to what we have. I chose Islam because of its diverse knowledge. The more I read quran the more I discover new things. My wish on the day of Judgement is to know full knowledge of Quran . I certainly don't get any logical knowledge from Torah and gospel in terms of science and technology. I cannot base my life on some idiotic miracles and believing one person dieing for my sins. For a second I say Jesus died for my sins. Then what. What good the Jews did through out history. We know very well what Christian are doing behind our back. I cannot trust a Christian for a Second. This is because the same Christian desciples who loved Jesus most betrayed and fled their lord Jesus on the cross. It took over 1400 years to bring about people like Jay smith to discover our Religion if Islam. I am happy. I give them another 500 years to find out who real Muhammad was. Muhammad split the moon with he's pointing fingers and recorded in history and proved by Nasa scientist as well, yet people still live in dark ages. Brothers and sisters. Please do not be in doubt. Choose your faith according to your capabilities. You cannot enter Judaism as you are not a Jew. One can choose to be a Christian by proclaiming Jesus died for your sins and you become slaves of popes and priest of church. I prefer Islam as we do not have a system of preisthood, or fixed leadership's. Every muslim is the master of he's soul.

  • @ItsJustAdrean


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@rashidmohammed2921 Every Muslim is the master of his soul? What happened to submitting to Allah? And where is the split moon? Why isn't the earth torn asunder by its falling into the earth, and why did no one else record such a deed? It's not a miracle. It's a dream. Do you honestly believe the earth is flat, its sky is held up by invisible pillars, shooting stars are missiles thrown at jinns flying around too close to Allah's court proceedings? Why were there crucifixes in Egypt, thousands of years too early? And why was Haman in that story, when Haman had not even been born until the exile of the Jews? Why is Mary the mother of Jesus listed as Moses and Aarons' sister? That would make her 2000 years old at the birth of Jesus, at least. Very miraculous. Why was chainmail present in David's time, when it had not yet been invented? Why did it say Alexander the Great, a pagan and probable homosexual Greek, was a Muslim, why did Muhammad say said muslim saw the sun set in a murky pool and built a huge wall of iron? Why can't we find said wall? These are just a few of the easily googled questions I have when you say there is no knowledge to be had from our books, which don't say such stupid things, yet claim your book is totally from God, and this is knowledge. If mere men did better, what does that mean for the Quran?

  • @sandyjohnson4182


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@rashidmohammed2921 All false religions require human beings to earn their own salvation, but that is impossible because God is perfect and cannot tolerate anything imperfect in His presence. The very best efforts of sin enslaved people are only a stench to God. He Himself came into this world and did what we can never do: He TOOK AWAY sin and imperfection FOR US by His sacrificial suffering and death by the Roman means of execution, the cross. Three days later he returned to physical life and commissioned his disciples to go into all the world and tell of His great salvation for all who will believe Him and repent and trust IN Him. Then He ascended to the throne of ALL AUTHORITY in Heaven and in Earth. You can go on attempting to please God by your own works, but it is out of the realm of possibility. No one but the absolutely PERFECT can enter His presence in the next life and that absolute perfection only exists IN HIM. So unless you are IN HIM by faith in what HE has accomplished (not what YOU can accomplish) you are eternally lost. And, by the way, every believer is a Priest, so there is no such thing as a select Priesthood over the Church. However, we are not the masters of our own souls. Christ is the master of everything, including our souls.

  • @yahayadaudu3992
    @yahayadaudu39923 жыл бұрын

    A lot of disservice has been wrought on humanity for so long with so many led astray. Lord have mercy.

  • @truthislam6481


    3 жыл бұрын

    I agree. The true Lord and Son of God is showing His mercy on the so-called Muslim-majority countries. He is pouring out His Holy Spirit on them and they are becoming disciples of the Christ by there thousands per day! Iran has the fastest growing Church on this planet!

  • @truthislam6481


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Halim Yacob, if Islam is true then tell me please why are so many, now Ex-Muslims fleeing Islam to rush into the graciously waiting arms of Yeshua the true Son of the only living God? Why is God obviously filling them with His Holy Spirit if you are correct in thinking that they are apostate? It is looking like God disagrees with you. Could it be that now that they are indwelt by the Holy Spirit that He has opened their eyes of their inner-most being to see that the being Allah is in fact "The god of this world" a description of Satan a fallen angle who is the arch enemy of the creator God? If you really want to know Allah as God then ask Him to reveal Himself to you personally. He will actually respond to your fervent desire to know Him.

  • @ricetanzania4148


    2 жыл бұрын

    agreed: lots of muhamadans are led to hell

  • @onisuryaman408
    @onisuryaman4083 жыл бұрын

    This is exactly what I am waiting for

  • @jesussavedme2213
    @jesussavedme22133 жыл бұрын

    This is great! It looks like you guys are filling the “wholes in the narratives “....😄

  • @pincheguey1325
    @pincheguey13253 жыл бұрын

    Jay, congratulations. You got very good people working with you. Thanks to all of you, YOU ARE MAKING HISTORY.

  • @davidvalter1936
    @davidvalter19363 жыл бұрын

    The chances of Muhammadan actually answering this video. The same as me having a one night stand with Cleopatra

  • @davidvalter1936


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Uncle Ruckus she is long dead.... So unless you have time travel. It would be impossible for me to get with her

  • @spoomftheimmortal4960


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@davidvalter1936 not if youre Mohammad then you can get with solomons wife... and solomon

  • @davidvalter1936


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Halim Yacob All my material is from Islamic sources. All can be checked. Go and check. Let's examine the Quran and haddith. Here are few reasons why Islam is fake, Muhammad was a false prophet and pedophile. Scientific and theologic Nonsense all around. 1. He quran teaches violence Surah 3:151; 3:56; 4:74, and many more 2. The quran contains many errors Examples of error in the quran: Surah 86: 6-7= the creation of a man in the womb comes from a fluid ejected of from between the backbone and the ribs. Surah 96:2= man was created from a clot of congealated blood. Surah 2:261- that the corn consist of a hundred kernels Surah 16:68- 69- all animals eat fruits Surah 31:31 - sailing ships are miracles of allah. 3. Crazy hadith teachings Al-Bukhari hadith 77 kitabul Ilm vol.- the disease on one wing of a fly and the cure on the other wing. Al-Bukhari vol. Book 62 number 6- the prophet muhammad having sex with all his 12 wives in one in night without taking a shower. Albukhari, book of Nikah 3:52- the sun rises between two antlers of Satan And many more 4. Muhammad was a phedophile. Al-bukhari 3896; 5158; Sahih Muslim 3310; 3311- narrated muhammad's marriage to aisha st thr age of six(6) and consumate the marriage at the age of 9. 5. Muhammad was a sinner Surah 40:15; 48:1,2; 47:19; and many more in hadith 6. Islam oppresses and degrades woman Surah 4:34; 2:223; 4:26; Bukhari , book of Nikah 3:60; and many more 7. Muslim takes away free will Surah 16:106; 4:137; 3: 85 - those who turn their backs from Islam must be killed, curse, beheaded Pedophile and a pervert Muhammad really was. Here is some hadith about his child bride : Narrated Hisham's father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. Sahih Bukhari 5:58:236. 1)Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64 3)Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." what you know of the Quran (by heart)' Sahih Bukhari 7:62:65....... 4)Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64. 5)A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old. Sahih Muslim 8:3310 6) 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old. Sahih Muslim 8:3311 7)'A'isha reported that she used to play with dolls in the presence of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and when her playmates came to her they left (the house) because they felt shy of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), whereas Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent them to her. Sahih Muslim 31:59. 8)it was narrated that: Abdullah said: “The Prophet married Aishah when she was seven years old, and consummated the marriage with her when she was nine, and he passed away when she was eighteen.” (Sahih) Sunan Ibn Majah 3:9:1877 Check the surah 65:4 .. Abbas - Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs (And for such of your women as despair of menstruation) because of old age, (if ye doubt) about their waiting period, (their period (of waiting) shall be three months) upon which bb b another man asked: “O Messenger of Allah! What about the waiting period of those who do not have menstruation because they are too young?” (along with those who have it not) because of young age, their waiting period is three months. Another man asked: “what is the waiting period for those women who are pregnant?” (And for those with child) i.e. those who are pregnant, (their period) their waiting period (shall be till they bring forth their burden) their child. (And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah) and whoever fears Allah regarding what he commands him, (He maketh his course easy for him) He makes his matter easy; and it is also said this means: He will help him to worship Him well. Jalal - Al-Jalalayn And [as for] those of your women who (read allā’ī or allā’i in both instances) no longer expect to menstruate, if you have any doubts, about their waiting period, their prescribed [waiting] period shall be three months, and [also for] those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young age, their period shall [also] be three months - both cases apply to other than those whose spouses have died; for these [latter] their period is prescribed in the verse: they shall wait by themselves for four months and ten [days] [Q. 2:234]. And those who are pregnant, their term, the conclusion of their prescribed [waiting] period if divorced or if their spouses be dead, shall be when they deliver. And whoever fears God, He will make matters ease for him, in this world and in the Hereafter.

  • @mo-vid1938


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@davidvalter1936 nicee onee! Thank you for the information

  • @valentintomberg4276
    @valentintomberg42763 жыл бұрын

    Murad you are a hero!

  • @joshuakithyoma9575


    3 жыл бұрын

    where can i find Murad's content?

  • @MultiMark2
    @MultiMark23 жыл бұрын

    I don't know about you, but i'm getting excited in what this all new wave of learning will bury the islam false religion...thank you

  • @truthseeker7951


    3 жыл бұрын

    I believe 2020 will be remembered not only because of covid pandemic, but also because how God use this pandemic to shake the foundation of islam very effectively...I think many Christian apologists will emerge in the years ahead following Jay's, DW's, CP's, & other's foot steps using all good material God provides in 2020....the seeds are already planted, in Christian's & also in mo slem's hearts for the glory of the true God of Abraham

  • @shahidachoudhury6925


    3 жыл бұрын

    Mark 22000 There are many before and you who try to destroy Islam but what is happened , they were buried in the past and Islam is every corner on this earth.

  • @MultiMark2


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@shahidachoudhury6925 it's your life. If you want to continue believing the lies, go ahead.

  • @shahidachoudhury6925


    3 жыл бұрын

    tigerarmyrule Funny 😄 when churches are becomes bar and some changing to Mosques !

  • @truthseeker7951


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@shahidachoudhury6925 yeah...fulfilling its vision to violently subjugate the world with any means necessary... a religion of bully

  • @bettyqussad
    @bettyqussad3 жыл бұрын

    Jay & Mel, God Bless you! 🙏

  • @worldchanger7197
    @worldchanger71973 жыл бұрын

    This is a very impressive presentation Dr. Jay and the team. God bless you

  • @kaloarepo288
    @kaloarepo2883 жыл бұрын

    A good point is made when it is mentioned that if Mecca had anything to do with Abraham as claimed by Islam the Jews and Christians would have venerated the area as a sacred site -there were numerous Christians and Jews in those areas especially in Yemen where Jewish kings reigned and in Abyssinia which was a Christian empire just across the Red Sea-and yet there is not a scintilla of evidence that any Jews or Christians ever regarded Mecca as a holy site.When you examine the life of St Helena the mother of the first Christian Roman emperor,who organized an expedition to locate all the Christian and Jewish holy sites that had been lost because of the Roman pagan occupation of these areas,-she never had it in mind that any part of Arabia had anything to do with the Judeo-Christian narrative.Surely if Mecca was significant in the Abrahamic narrative she would have included this area in her investigations of the holy sites.

  • @samib2609


    3 жыл бұрын

    Well, what about the tefilin and the time the Jews had of Exodus in the desert for 40 years before setting in their lands? What about the cube-shaped thingy that Moses had them bind to their arms and foreheads when leaving Egypt ? What about Mount Sinai being in nowadays Saudi Arabia according to archeological and biblical evidence ?

  • @samib2609


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Qui Creva Sp I did research and I found Erick Stakelbeck, Ryan Mauro, Avi Lipkin and others talking about the real location of Mount Sinai with videos which I believe are in no shortage. As for the current suppoy location of Sinai, it makes no sense as there is no archeological evidence of jewish presence there and pharoah's empire extended to that part so they wouldn't have escaped only to stay within his territory.

  • @samib2609


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Qui Creva Sp by true expert you mean the ones that adhere to your views ? You can check this site and see where they present the biblical accounts and references correspond to the area in question wherein what you call the "actual" Sinai region isn't that all corresponding.

  • @frankestein1001


    3 жыл бұрын

    Greg Beetham Fabrication, plagiarism, pornography, incest are in DNA of Christian paganism.

  • @samib2609


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Qui Creva Sp so you write this whole paragraph just saying that what I presented is wrong, you don't give counter arguments to disapprove (the pillars at the site, the tombs of the three thousand Jews etc) and moreover no supporting arguments for your view...nada. Just because they might have stayed there for a while doesn't mean they didn't go to Mecca during the exile. But since you are asking me to do research, I suppose you did your own and have the evidence that what is known as Sinai peninsula is the place of the Exodus, please oblige us and present it.

  • @samcollins6257
    @samcollins62573 жыл бұрын

    Been dying to watch this since Mel mentioned it the other day!!!

  • @AhmedKhan-ox9tb
    @AhmedKhan-ox9tb3 жыл бұрын

    It's interesting talk and shaking the mind with evidence.

  • @soujanyajade212
    @soujanyajade2123 жыл бұрын

    Good job, i appreciate your hard work, to bring awareness, about truth, thank you so much, Jay. God bless you guy's abundantly. Love you both. 🙏💗

  • @michaels4255
    @michaels42552 жыл бұрын

    "Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." -- George Orwell, _1984_

  • @philiparundsouza6411
    @philiparundsouza64113 жыл бұрын

    great work Murad, Mel and Jay God bless you all you are really digging down the history God bless you all keep up the good work.

  • @njoroge_mn
    @njoroge_mn3 жыл бұрын

    Dr Jay Smith. I dont know how well I can say this , But your Work has really Impacted me Positively. I learn always something whenever i listen to your polemics

  • @anthonydsouza7174
    @anthonydsouza71743 жыл бұрын

    Dr Jay great job thank you Sir.

  • @surface4985
    @surface49853 жыл бұрын

    Keep up the great work.

  • @jsilvanus240
    @jsilvanus2403 жыл бұрын

    wonderful information, thank you my friends..

  • @danadam1296
    @danadam12963 жыл бұрын

    The HOLES are expanding. Thanks to Sheikh Yasir for pointing at them.

  • @LaerJet123


    3 жыл бұрын

    Black Holes

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    Shir Wup 'The HOLES are expanding.' Quite interesting! 'Fact, proof and evidence' is all it takes. Let's hear it.

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    @ 'Not just it has holes in it but torn to pieces!!!' Really? Well then; bring on and prove it evidently. Indeed 'fact, proof and evidence' is all it takes. Otherwise you are just a real sad liar/hater, aren't you? Let's hear it.

  • @emperorworld3528


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Anon Ymous see cristian prince and zakaria botros

  • @davidbassey693


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Anon Ymous if Jesus never existed, then the Qur'an which talked about the virgin birth of Isa(Jesus) has lied.

  • @karjala.
    @karjala.3 жыл бұрын

    Shorter sum up video would be nice too. Thanks Jay for all!

  • @stephengilchrist3606
    @stephengilchrist36063 жыл бұрын

    Hahahaha. I knew it. Islam is the worship of the MOON GOD. This is Gold. Thank you guys 😂😂😂

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    Stephen Gilchrist @ FACT: IS ALLAH A FALSE GOD? IS ALLAH THE MOON GOD? The evangelists say: “This ‘Allah’ was the Moon-god according to the archeological evidence. Muhammad thus attempted to have it both ways. To the pagans, he said that he still believed in the Moon-god Allah. To the Jews and the Christians, he said that Allah was their God too. But both the Jews and the Christians knew better and that is why they rejected his god Allah as a false god.” • Response Finding evidence for these truly unbelievable arguments is much harder for the Jews and Christians of the world than the impossible task of finding the original copies of their ‘holy books’ in their original language, signed by their original authors with their full names printed. Prophet Muhammad spent the first thirteen years of his twenty-three-year mission being Allah’s Messenger, in Makkah. Makkah had a handful of Christians and Jews during that era. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of Makkah were Arab pagans. The Prophet Muhammad belonged to the dominant Arab tribe in Makkah, the Quraish. The Prophet Muhammad never promoted a two-faced message. It didn’t happen that one message was designed to appeal to the pagans and another designed to appeal to the Jews and Christians. Not even the Jews or the Christians who were his contemporaries, and indeed his bitter enemies, made such a ludicrous claim about the Prophet Muhammad. If what the evangelists claim here is true then where are the manuscripts that prove this claim? Where is this earlier or different Quran that was meant for Arab pagans to appease their idol-worship? Are there any sentences in existence that belong to this imaginary pagan Quran that support this claim? More specifically, where are the specific documents unearthed by the specific so-claimed archeological discoveries that specifically state that the Prophet Muhammad specifically said to the pagans of Makkah, “Allah is the moon-god”? Had Prophet Muhammad told Arab pagans that he worshipped their very own moon-god, whose name happened to be Allah, then why did Arab pagans disbelieve in Muhammad, peace be on him, if he only called them to their pagan deities? Why did Arab pagans so violently resist, oppose, and fought against the Prophet Muhammad and his message? Modern-day evangelists just don’t make sense. The Quran is found worldwide in multiple languages. So, where is this alleged appeasement of pagan Arab deities which Prophet Muhammad made in the Quran? Have they even bothered to read the Quran before they made such claims that not only Muslims, but also numerous non-Muslims would dismiss as blatant lies! As stated, after being sent as Allah’s Last and Final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad, blessings and mercy on him, remained in Makkah, his hometown, for thirteen years residing among his tribe, the pagans of Quraish. The Quranic chapters revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during this era are called, ‘Suwar Makkiyah (Makkan [Quranic] Chapters).’ At the time, Makkah, one of the biggest towns in Arabia, had but a handful of Jews and Christians. Here are a few ayat (statements) from the Quran wherein is found the topic of Allah vs. the moon. We should note here that there are 114 chapters in the Quran. Surah Al-Anbiyaa (Chapter: The Prophets) was revealed in Makkah. Here is the thirty-third ayah (sentence, verse) in this surah: "And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Al-Anbya 21:33] Surah Nuh (Noah), was also among the Quranic chapters revealed in the early Islamic era in Makkah. Here are the fifteenth and the sixteenth ayat (verses, sentences) of this surah: "Do you not consider how Allah has created seven heavens in layers. And made the moon therein a [reflected] light and made the sun a burning lamp? [Noble Qur'an, surah Nuh 71:15-16] After remaining in Makkah for thirteen years, Prophet Muhammad was forced to migrate to Madinah where he spent the last ten years of his life. Madinah had a majority of Arab pagans, a large minority of Jews, and a handful of Christians. Here is the Quranic message on the topic of Allah vs. the moon found in Surah Al-Haj, which was revealed in Madinah: "Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified. And he whom Allah humiliates - for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He wills." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Al-Haj 22:18] Therefore, Allah has clearly stated in the Quran, both in Makkah and later in Madinah, that He has created the sun and the moon. Meanwhile, the evangelists call him the moon-god! How ingenious! • What do evangelists know about the Creator of all things? What do evangelists, who worship a man who used to eat, sleep, and answer the call of nature, know about ‘God’? And yet they dare say that Allah is a false god! Well, read how Allah is described in the Quran and compare the magnificent Quranic description of Him, being the Creator of all things, to the silly arguments of modern-day evangelists mentioned here: "Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255]

  • @springheeledjack9652


    3 жыл бұрын

    And he had a wife

  • @rashidmohammed2921


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@mathebatica9912 totally wrong brother. There is no such thing as moon God in Islam. But the Quran does warm humans against worshipping moon God and other deities. Don't mix up.

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    @joseph j 'Mohammed just proclaimed his chief god aka Allah, to be the only one,and claimed it for Islam.' Where's that alleged 'Muhammad's proclamation's' statement/article? Bring on and prove it evidently. Let's see! @ NOTE: Instead of all those 'authentic' ones, there are tens of hundreds of thousands of 'weak' and 'false' hadiths (sayings/narrations) in here and out there scattering around all over the place across the globe. That's fact! Here: Similarly we find Norman Geisler and Abdul Saleeb claiming that: '...Bukhari, considered to be the most reliable collector, admitted that of the 300,000 hadith he collected, he considered only 100,000 might be true. He then narrowed this number down to 7,275, many of which are repetitions so that the total number is in fact near 3,000. •That means that even he admitted there were errors in over 295,000 of them•![2]' And, 'As to the abundance of the apocryphal traditions, we learn that the famous authority al-Bukhari choose only 7,000 out of a host of 600,000 traditions that were current in his on time.[4]'

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    ​@joseph j @ FACT: YAHWEH IN QUR'AN & ISLAM 163. وَإِلَـهُكُمْ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الرَّحْمَنُ الرَّحِيمُ 163. And your God is One God. There is no God but HoWa, the Most Compassionate, the Ever-Merciful. (Quran 2:163) The number of this verse, 163, is equal to the numerical value of: الإسلام The Islam : 163 The declaration of the oneness of God in verse 163 of Sura 2 is comparable to the following verse from the Torah (Old Testament of the Bible): " Hear, O Israel: Yahweh (YahWah, Jahovah or YaHoWa) is our God; Yahweh is one." (Deuteronomy 6:4) In some versions of the Bible of Christians, this verse is stated as: " Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God; the Lord is one." (Deuteronomy 6:4) In the Torah (Jewish Bible), one of the words used to refer to God is YHWH (YaHoWaH), which could be pronounced as Yahweh, Yahwah, Yahowah, or Jahovah. We believe that Yahowah is mentioned in the Quran many times, such as in the above verse. Yahowah appears in the Quran asهُوَ HoWa. It is made up of two Arabic letters, the first one can be pronounced as Ha or Ho (it is the 5th letter in the Arabic alphabet) and the second letter can be pronounced as Waw or Wa (it is the 6th letter in the Arabic alphabet). As a word, it is pronounced as HoWa. Most Muslims perceive it as a word that means He. This interpretation is fine, but it is possible to additionally perceive it as two letters that refer to God. Thus, this word هُوَ (HoWa) in the Quran is the equivalent of Yahowah, or Jahovah in the Bible. The Hebrew letter "Ya" at the beginning of Yahowah functions exactly like the letter "O" that appears before the word "Israel" in the biblical verse displayed above: " O Israel: Yahweh is our God", so the letter "Ya" is not actually part of God's name. The numerical value of the word هُوَ HoWa is: 5 + 6 = 11. Furthermore, the numerical value of the word الله (Allah ) is: 1+30+30+5 = 66 (66 is equal to 11 x 6, so 66 a multiple of 11).

  • @skellingtonmeteoryballoon
    @skellingtonmeteoryballoon3 жыл бұрын

    Very informative!

  • @nabalutinokok8837
    @nabalutinokok88373 жыл бұрын

    Thanks Dr Smith, Mel and Sheikh Murad. What an amazing facts

  • @gilaschannel1855
    @gilaschannel18553 жыл бұрын

    Just shows that many people can be persuaded to believe almost any nonsense, if it is supposedly holy.

  • @inaaranur1611


    3 жыл бұрын

    That’s what the Jews say about Christians. Anywhere humans are can be confusion and disagreements

  • @john318john


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@inaaranur1611 There are historical evidence that point to Jesus existence and his miracles. It looks more like Mohammed and Islam is a fabrication based on the evidence revealed in the last 5yrs by researchers like, Jay, Mel, Murad, Dr Gibson and others.

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@john318john 'There are historical evidence that point to Jesus existence and his miracles.' Here! See below: "Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created him (Adam) from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Ali 'Imran 3:59] "[The Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, 'This is not but obvious magic." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:110] See this also where Jesus’ name does not mentioned here: "And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah. And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the dead - by permission of Allah. And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Ali 'Imran 3:49]

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@john318john @ FACT: JESUS' MIRACLES FROM AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE Segment 1 of 2: According to the Quran Jesus (pbuh) performed several miracles: [And mention] when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ]. He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous.” She said, “My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me?” [The angel] said, “Such is Allah; He creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is. And He will teach him writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], ‘Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah . And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the dead - by permission of Allah . And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers. And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me. [Noble Qur'an, Surah Ali 'Imran 3:45-50] The miracles Jesus is able to perform is breathing into clay birds that come to life, curing the blind, healing the lepers, and raising the dead. When looking at these miracles, some Christian missionaries attempt to argue that these miracles prove Jesus was much more than a man and a mere prophet, in essence they want to use the Quran itself to prove their theology of Jesus being divine. Before responding to this claim as well as explaining Jesus’ miracles in light of the Quran, it is important to establish the fact that the Quran mentions the miracles carried out by other prophets, therefore Jesus performing mighty miracles is not something unique to him. In the Quran it describes the miracles of Moses (pbuh), such as the splitting of the sea: Then We inspired to Moses, “Strike with your staff the sea,” and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain. And We advanced thereto the pursuers. And We saved Moses and those with him, all together. Then We drowned the others. (26:63-66) Moses was able to split the sea according to the Quran, with him and his people managing to walk safely through, and as soon as they had passed the sea returned as it was drowning the Egyptian chasers. Another miracle the Quran mentions is how Moses managed to turn his staff into a living snake: So [Moses] threw his staff, and suddenly it was a serpent manifest. (26:32) With this point established we can now turn our attention to Jesus’ miracles and its meanings. To begin, the Quranic verses talking about Jesus’ miracles literally speak for themselves, the Quran clearly mentions that Jesus was able to perform these miracles by God’s permission, basically that God had granted Jesus such authority and power to be able to carry out such a miracle. This is a crucial point because it refutes any supposed notion of divinity, if Jesus was divine, if he was God, then he wouldn’t need the permission of God to be able to perform such miracles, he would be doing it by himself rather than having to rely on God. As for the reasons behind performing such miracles, again the Quran is very clear: ‘Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah . And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the dead - by permission of Allah . And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers. And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me. The entire purpose of these miracles are to represent signs from the lord, from God, to show the people the proofs of God and that God had actually sent Jesus as his messenger, and that’s why he is doing such things so the people can see and believe. Therefore the purpose of the miracles isn’t down to Jesus being God, but it’s purpose is to show the people that God had sent Jesus which is why he’s able to perform such deeds because after all, no man on his own can simply perform the things Jesus did, unless they must have had some help from a supernatural source, that is God. To be continued to Segment 2 of 2

  • @danielshellaiah6194
    @danielshellaiah61943 жыл бұрын

    we.thanks dr Murad you make great we so happy real history we learning

  • @canamglobal
    @canamglobal3 жыл бұрын

    Very good stuff. Congrats Murad

  • @danielshellaiah6194
    @danielshellaiah61943 жыл бұрын


  • @ast3663
    @ast36632 жыл бұрын

    GREAT series! especially with Murad , more..

  • @truthseeker7951
    @truthseeker79513 жыл бұрын

    Act #1 "THE HOLEY QURAN" is not over yet....but somehow I can sense the next act will begin shortly.... Act #2 "THE MYTHICAL PROPHET"... soooooo excited

  • @afiam6345
    @afiam6345 Жыл бұрын

    Well done guys ...God bless

  • @debbiedavid388
    @debbiedavid3883 жыл бұрын

    Idk how I understand what you say, but my muslim family r so confused 🤷🏽‍♀️. Thanks Jay

  • @MonsterTVchannel
    @MonsterTVchannel3 жыл бұрын

    This is very interesting.

  • @thewordrevealsgod.7744
    @thewordrevealsgod.77443 жыл бұрын


  • @anthonydsouza7174


    3 жыл бұрын

    catholico 4ever Only the sexual exploits of an imagined messenger of Allah.

  • @Peter-xf9jy
    @Peter-xf9jy3 жыл бұрын

    that absence of the Hijra in the contemporary sources would imply that the "muhajiroun" in some "madinat" suras are interpolations ?

  • @steviedfromtheflyovercount4739
    @steviedfromtheflyovercount47393 жыл бұрын

    More videos. Please. Also, can you do a "Holes in the Narrative" song?

  • @stardust6769
    @stardust67693 жыл бұрын

    Jay, Mel and Murad, from memory something I read long ago, the letters of Paul were ordered from the longest to the shortest in early Bibles. Maybe you can check it out.

  • @taecart8083
    @taecart80833 жыл бұрын

    Wow not just interesting but historical. How did so many get misled.

  • @t.l.6219


    3 жыл бұрын

    Well, how about burning of manuscripts

  • @jejewa2763


    3 жыл бұрын

    The less people know,the more you can con them. 50 years from now Islam will not exist as in present unless the people are kept ignorant. By this time it will be too late because Judeo- Christian ideology will have been replaced!

  • @1541965


    3 жыл бұрын

    Pfander How silly and stupid you are. If the Hijra from Mecca to Madina never happened why the enemy of Prophet Muhammad during his time didn't use this against him to prove He was false Prophet. Please stop embarrassing yourself making fool of yourself. Please be rational and think before you open your mouth. Honestly this is the silliest claim you ever bring against Islam.

  • @1541965


    3 жыл бұрын

    @be positive please in my present don't teach me about Islam or Quran. I'm here to SCHOOL you and Jay about Islam from the right sources. You said Are you familiar about Mohammad's first Hijrah...? Either you are stupid or ignorant because Prophet Muhammad Hijrah was the 2nd Hijrah in Islam and the only Hijrah that Prophet Muhammad did . I suggest you learn about both Hijrah from the right sources but not from Jay and his anti Christ Agenda. Thanks.

  • @john318john


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@1541965 There are historical and archeology evidence now that 600 miles north is where Islam might have started not the mecca and medina you know now.

  • @edmond2000
    @edmond20003 жыл бұрын

    We need a real documentary movie about the REAL mooamad

  • @interqward1
    @interqward13 жыл бұрын

    Well so much of the Quran is directly borrowed from earlier Hebrew stories and accounts, and is a parallel 'story,' so that fundamentally, almost as a necessary core point of painting 'Muhammad' as some kind of virtual 'Moses,' then it follows as a certainty that there would be an 'Exodus to the Promised Land' - which is the 'Hijra' narrative then. This functions the same way as the Masoretic Exodus account. It's difficult to discount or even dispute this as the real underlying basis of the 'standard Islamic narrative' in actuality.

  • @silveriorebelo8045


    3 жыл бұрын

    sorry, but the parallel doesn't work: the purpose was to dominate Mecca; Mecca was seen as the holy place - so Mecca should operate in the legendary logic of Islam as the promise land - but the exodus is toward Medina...

  • @interqward1


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@silveriorebelo8045 Nah. You are asserting this:- 'Mecca was seen...' By whom, was it seen, as the holy place? This would only have been from the time of the Abbasids onwards. IE, from Ibn Hisham - which is exactly in line with the above video's basic hypothesis. Further, you yourself used the appropriate pejorative phrasing - 'in the legendary logic of Islam.' LOL. Have to agree with that.

  • @gilbertjones9157


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@silveriorebelo8045 Who was dominating Mecca? Much of the information these men are putting forward places the narrative in the Land between two rivers - Iraq. Which they also point out that Median means City. This brings out a question Which City? Lot's of Medians out there under a lot of Tels.

  • @khaledkareem7730
    @khaledkareem77303 жыл бұрын

    Interesting and mind blowing

  • @ariaarian5263
    @ariaarian52632 жыл бұрын

    Excellent work Murad! It is a very convincing argument about Hijra! We would like to hear more about your research on Islamic history.

  • @orunabho
    @orunabho3 жыл бұрын

    "Kuru" as a middle Vedic period Indo Aryan clan. Ruling over Central Asia, North-Western modern India. The central family in the Indian Epic Mahabharata. A great imperial dynasty. . Kūreš is the greatest Aryan King from a Kuru clan from the Far region of modern-day Iran. In Greek, he was known as Kûros and in Latin, Cyrus. . The legendary and almost mythical Cyrus The Great was supposedly the "founder" of the Achaemenid Empire, the first Aryan Empire - also known as the First Persian Empire. . Cyrus was possibly the first Emperor, King of Kings, controlling several nations through a concept called Satrapies (Kshatriya - Governors?) - semi-independent nation-states. He ruled all the land between the Indus and the Nile. Cyrus, founder of Kuru clan? . Muhammad was a member of a clan known as Kuresh (Quraysh) This Quraysh people or Qureshi is almost non-existent in the Arabic world, why? . Converts in India/Pakistan do keep this surname for some strange reason (possibly to show-and-tell others the nature of their bloodline, a fake one though). Interestingly, more than 80% of Quresh/Kuresh/Kureshi/Qureshi surname is found in the Indian subcontinent. . Can it be that the warlord and the rebel King Muhammad (Arabised name of that Rebel?) was a Persian - and not an Arab - and a man from this ancient Kuru clan. . Insecure Sassianisn did remove almost all history of the Achaemenid Empire (Kuru Empire) of that region. Why?? Political threat? . Can it be that Muhammad was not from Saudi Macca, not even an Arab, but a Persian in conflict with the then Sassanian Empire - who rebelled against the decadent Sassanians and established the rule of the Kuru - the original sacred lineage? . Could it be that the Sasanians were not defeated by any Arabs, but it imploded - a civil war between the Sasanians and the lineage of Cyrus (Kuru) helped and funded by the Nabatian merchant class. . Abbasid Kings - Caliphs were clearly Persians The Rashidun dynasty & Umayyad dynasty were from Damascus? were they different? Sassanians? or representatives/allies of the Byzantine Roman Empire? . Banu Quraysh - children of Quraysh - the lineage of Kuru? . The powerful Umayyad dynasty ruled from Damascus. The Abbasid ruled from Baghdad. Did nobody rule from Saudi Macca or Saudi Medina, why? . And they were enemies, why? almost exterminated each other!!! why? the descendant of the First King & the rebel was also exterminated, why? . There is a deeper mystery of the Shia and Sunni divide...political and racial/ethnic/political/dynastic divide? Is this a divide between the followers of the rebel First King (a Kuru, a Persian) and his lineage (Shia) Vs the Arab Christians in and around the Levant (who later became Sunni under Abd al-Malik) . And there are two sets of coins of that difficult-period - one Persian with Zeroasterian symbolism, and the other with Christian symbolism. . The story of that period of that region was all about war, civil wars, power, killings, treachery, conquests, empire-building...First Fitna, Second Fitna, Third Fitna and exterminating the descendant of the First King - Muhammad. It was clearly not about a Prophet!!! . It would be interesting to see the nature of secular literature of that period (600CE to 800 CE) including Arabian Nights to find any reference to the political environment of that time.

  • @joytirmoychowdhury6354


    3 жыл бұрын

    Excellent explanation

  • @jarnpr1316


    Жыл бұрын

    Although the Persian influence in Islam is there, there is a greater influence of Sabian and Christian traditions, except when it comes to the Shia that has a lot of zoroastrian and gnostic tradition in it. The Persian's preaence as Empire in Arabia was not extensive though.

  • @chrisanderson5317


    Жыл бұрын

    @@jarnpr1316 what about the Druze? Is it possible they more closely represent early Islam than either the Shiites or Sunni?

  • @kayluvsexy
    @kayluvsexy3 жыл бұрын

    More holes in the narrative, 😬

  • @mathebatica9912


    3 жыл бұрын

    afro nija Interesting! By the way 'fact, proof and evidence' is all it takes. Let's hear it.

  • @commentfreely5443


    3 жыл бұрын

    'allah most merciful' give an example of allah being merciful! 'ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh'

  • @karenthompson1337


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Halim Yacob please study your scholars exegesis, especially the sharia compendium Reliance of the Traveller and Hedaya. The fact is, according to your scholars, Sura 9 abrogated all the peaceful, tolerant verses in the Koran. Spout all the early ayat you like but they’re abrogated according to your scholars. As far as bringing the Bible into the conversation I remind you the topic is not Christianity, it’s Islam, so stop quoting Biblical verses as they are not relevant to the conversation.

  • @Maria___28
    @Maria___283 жыл бұрын

    Wow. Another twist/spin to the story.

  • @1541965


    3 жыл бұрын

    Pfander How silly and stupid you are. If the Hijra from Mecca to Madina never happened why the enemy of Prophet Muhammad during his time didn't use this against him to prove He was false Prophet. Please stop embarrassing yourself making fool of yourself. Please be rational and think before you open your mouth. Honestly this is the silliest claim you ever bring against Islam.

  • @jancizka3895


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@1541965 Maybe you have reading comprehension issues. These guys here are doing historical criticism, including claiming that there is no proof or mention of Muhammad in the first two centuries of Islam's supposed existence. They claim that most of today's narration is created by Abd al Malik 2 or 3 centuries later....

  • @didierfavre2356


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@jancizka3895 I'd bet upon cognitive dissonance. That's the thing you suffer from when some strong belief of yours is challenged. He can't read the part where Muhammad's hijra never occurred and Murad has reasons to say it. Incidentally, Muhammed can't be criticized for something that did not happen. Alaa Deen is asking people to find critics of his prophet that are denouncing him on a non-existing thing when the man was not even Muslim. Muawiya had a cross on his writing, and he comes later than his prophet. It's very hard to see your faith crumbling. Your mind shuts itself out when you face such a fate. The way I got it, the hijra is a pure invention to make Muhammed looks alike other prophets. Hard to criticize someone for something he never ever did. Hard to criticize someone for a thing you never ever heard about. When you criticize that person, you speak about things that makes you refuse him. A Christian scholar observed that this prophet was alone in a cave when he received his revelation and everybody has to believe it was Allah's word. The wonder is the number of people that believe it. It can't be because it's credible. Alone in a cave, I receive a revelation. Reminds me of the cult of the great yellow sausage some commenter made up. He received that revelation in his cave when he was alone. The great yellow sausage cult makes me wonder about that part of the Muhammed's story. I also suspect that lying is perfectly admissible in Islam when it serves the propagation of this faith.

  • @samvensesh5438


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@1541965 yours is more circular argument. The narrative creators have also created sub plots of enemies of Muhammed. You can very easily weave stories within stories and within such stories as in the Mahabharata😀 Remember the first point he put forth was about no reference to Hijri - only commentaries

  • @gilbertjones9157


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@1541965 Again the extremely lazy cut and paste trollistic maneuver. Up your game or we will Release the Hounds; that will bay you off the field knowing who let the dogs out.

  • @luckyme4286
    @luckyme42863 жыл бұрын

    Interesting historical fact.. hope many muslim listen to this video

  • @passingby3460


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Keksi Doesn't faith also requires a foundation of truth?

  • @truthseeker7951


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Keksi of course we need FAITH, but when you have been shown piles of trashes of such religion (from theological & historical aspects), that even your leaders have NO answers, it's no longer faith, my friend.... it's called IGNORANCE

  • @truthseeker7951


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Keksi Jay & his company help you to do your work on "fact check" & "examination"...things that are forbidden in islam... have you ever wondered why these things are forbidden (or discouraged) in islam? If islam is true, why forbid such things? Why muh & allah are so afraid to be questioned & examined? You should ask yourself, my friend...

  • @carlosdsouza7623


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Keksi Jay knows more about you.So go to school and learn your christian faith again.

  • @shahidachoudhury6925


    3 жыл бұрын

    truthseeker 79 They don’t care about lies my friend. Because they have no time to spend on lies.

  • @rafewheadon1963
    @rafewheadon19633 жыл бұрын

    Hamat Gader is in Israel now. thank you. I went there 2 months ago to the hot springs.

  • @mtc2054


    3 жыл бұрын

    According to international law it is in the illegally-annexed Syrian Golan Heights.

  • @silitongakantate7255
    @silitongakantate72553 жыл бұрын

    Well done brother Murad.God bless you

  • @sambeguely1132
    @sambeguely11323 жыл бұрын

    its awesome these things are coming out like this at the pop level but how do they move from here to the next level that gives it the real authoritative weight so it does not just get lost and fade away?

  • @Speakers154


    3 жыл бұрын

    In my view, academia is a tried and tested way to bury all this material so it nevers sees the light of day. We need to percolate it through society so that everyone knows how to at least question the Islamic narrative and offer more rational alternatives.

  • @gilbertjones9157


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Speakers154 It is not the first time that the lay forced academia to address issues. And not the first time a thesis was nail to the front door so all could see.

  • @anthonynoronha8442
    @anthonynoronha84423 жыл бұрын

    Well done Murad, Mel and Jay, another point to note is that even in present times the people of Desert Arabia are not warriors and fighter type, may be a research and anthropological study of these groups would point the narrative taking place more in the North. I have worked in 2 countries in the Arabian peninsula, and have noticed like most Indians working there that the locals are more docile and laid back people. The fighters and warrior types are found in South Oman and Yemen. May be Mel, Murad and will have to dig into the culture of local people of Desert Arabia to further justify your case. Islamic trade routes, qibla directions, coins and other things all pointing to events in the north

  • @brucesims3228


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for your thoughts. I only wish that these "research" efforts would stay with one view or another. Do we wish to investigate the genesis of Islam as a spiritual belief system or a socio-political system that it was modified into. IMVHO the difference between Mohammed and Abu Bakr is not unlike the difference between Jesus and Paul. I'm trying to figure why the development of Islam is not allowed a nuanced perspective that Christianity gets?

  • @abj136


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@brucesims3228 They can't stick with one view or another because they are still figuring things out. It's clear what's false, but what's true has been erased and scrambled and we have a jigsaw puzzle.

  • @rashidmohammed2921


    3 жыл бұрын

    You are right sbout Saudi Arabs brother. They are not warrior type. I come from yemen originally. We were not Arabs. But we converted to Islam in a century after the departure of prophet muhammad. Before Islam we practiced Hinduism to some extent but not in various God's like today. Our ancestors were called Dravidian of Yemen. Dravidians are the only people who travelled almost every part of the earth without conquering or claiming any land. We were nomadic in nature like Bedouins but we were more like entraprenuers. Unlike beduion who came back depending on their seasons of pastures. During the several wars in yemen the dravidians was feared for eating the hearts of enermies. Such things are not written in history books. Eating of hearts was only during a invading army. There were not carnivals. The dravidians still live in yemen but today they are known as Arabs. Looks like they mingled with other races and start dwelling at one place. One thing I would like to mention to war mangers not to step into yemen. Let the giants sleep.

  • @thewordrevealsgod.7744
    @thewordrevealsgod.77443 жыл бұрын

    Great work murat you where great.

  • @robertalmeida7753
    @robertalmeida77533 жыл бұрын

    Good Job Murad. God bless you for bring out the truth

  • @stephendufort4154
    @stephendufort415411 ай бұрын


  • @bcfc18751
    @bcfc187513 жыл бұрын

    Love listening to the truth from you all!! 🙏🏼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿✝️⛪️🇬🇧😊

  • @anthonydsouza7174
    @anthonydsouza71743 жыл бұрын

    Rewriting History by Abbasids cancelling some of the original history by Umayyads.So the rewriting by every new dynasty has lost all track of the real history of Muhammad and early Islam.

  • @taecart8083
    @taecart80833 жыл бұрын

    Gents; When did the Shahadah make an appearance. The Shahadah is not in the Quran. The first part of the Shahadah is but the last part is not.

  • @truthseeker7951


    3 жыл бұрын

    My question, too...

  • @gilbertjones9157


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Tae Cart @truthseeker 79 There are two places, on coins of 692 and the Al Qusa mosque, in abbreviated forms.

  • @ajrwilde14


    2 жыл бұрын

    possibly Zorastarianism

  • @kafirlindaclark6148
    @kafirlindaclark61483 жыл бұрын

    Northern European pagans did a sort of hijra too. They gathered at sacred spots in their countries to worship their deities.

  • @John-qo6fs
    @John-qo6fs3 жыл бұрын

    Jay Smith you are indeed The Doctor and living legend.

  • @quamrulsiddiqui4225
    @quamrulsiddiqui42253 жыл бұрын

    Murad, what have u done man? This is huge. The most striking point is to me is why an event like "Hijra" isn't mentioned in the Holy Quran???

  • @ucireke9341
    @ucireke93413 жыл бұрын

    This is interesting.

  • @lassano70
    @lassano703 жыл бұрын

    Wow... another "drop-jaw' fact.. Thinking what gonna happen after all these things....

  • @Draous1
    @Draous13 жыл бұрын

    @41:50 or so in, I don't have off hand but when talking about the Iran moon worship. I remember something along the lines of their used to be a concern with the bible and its record of Persian Kings, Cyrus and such. They answer was discovered that their was a king for a short period in between and he was a moon god worshiper that left/banished and he went down to Arabia and thus i believe took his worship of the moon god with him. This missing king from the bible helped correct what seemed to be an error.

  • @michaels4255
    @michaels42552 жыл бұрын

    About 27:08, the recovery of the True Cross is still commemorated in all the Orthodox churches every September 14th (although many of them commemorate it on the Julian calendar date).

  • @simplethings6779
    @simplethings67793 жыл бұрын

    Have you looked into Reza Jason jorjani work? Particularly his book Iranian Leviathan: A Monumental History of Mithra's Abode. Well worth reading and it ties in a few things you present here. All the best

  • @damond4
    @damond42 жыл бұрын

    It would be so nice if Jay Smith learned to keep quiet and let others speak their piece uninterrupted once in a while.


    Something to bear in mind with Bukhari; when he eliminated 98% of the material presented to him, one cannot assume that all of that material was legitimate to begin with as hardith fabrication had grown to industrial levels by that time. There was probably some legitimate accounts that were either uncomfortable to Bukhari or maybe didn't make sense to him based on what he knew to be true and therefore he ommited them from the final work. The work is already massive to begin with. Final point is that one must not assume that all 98% of the material eliminated by Bukhari was the real historical account, though some portion could well have been. The exact amount of real information omitted just simply cannot be quantified that accurately.

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l3 жыл бұрын

    5:32 There is no mention not only of the hijra but of the whole story (Mecca, etc) which will be recounted in the Ibn Ishaq story rewritten by Ibn Hisham in the 9th c.

  • @chackochan12345
    @chackochan123453 жыл бұрын

    It happened when ajaz was deposed and moved form al Hira to al Madina.

  • @harryfontesugiarto
    @harryfontesugiarto3 жыл бұрын

    Dan Gibson says in his video, that ibn-zubayr resisted the decision of moving the capital to damascus, and ibn zubayr, avoiding the attack by muawiyad troops from damascus, destroyed the kabah in petra and moved south to mecca, built the new kabah, set it up a new center of pilgrimage. After abbasid got stronger and stronger they returned to petra, and destroyed all historical evidences and re-wrote all the history, symbolizing zubayr as muhammad. ?? So confusing...

  • @mustafakemalataturk4513
    @mustafakemalataturk45133 жыл бұрын

    Quran S30, 2-6 refers to the defeat of the believers at the battle of Mu’ta in 629 CE. A simple vowel change in the surah changes its content: instead of غُلِبَتِ الروم we should read غَلَبَتِ الروم (Ghoulibat vs Ghalabat). Given the fact that the vowels were added at a later date this makes much sense [there were no vowel symbols ُ ِ َ ً ٍ ٌ ّ ْ (dots appeared only in 643 in the papyrus (PERF 558)), in the original manuscripts]. Régis Blachère (1900-1973), the French orientalist, has taken this into account in his translation of the Quran. Next to the standard version he interprets S30, 2-6 also as : « Les Romains ont vaincu (3) aux confins de notre terre, mais eux, après leur victoire seront vaincus ». My own translation: “The Romans were victorious at the ends of our earth, but they, after their victory, will be defeated …”. This gives a more intuitive/straight forward explanation to why the believers will be rejoicing over few years (not for the victory of the Byzantines but for their own).

  • @anthonydsouza7174
    @anthonydsouza71743 жыл бұрын

    It was an invention of Abdul Malik.

  • @commentfreely5443


    3 жыл бұрын

    islam is satanic whichever idiot invented it.

  • @islamicvideo89023


    3 жыл бұрын

    This vedio DEBUNKED by SURAH TAUBA ayat that say hijrat happen

  • @karenthompson1337


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Halim Yacob This man made up religion has had the majority of its Koran abrogated with the ‘Verse of the Sword’ representing its true essence. Please read your scholars’ exegesis in the Tafsirs and Reliance of the Traveller.

  • @MichaelPetek
    @MichaelPetek3 жыл бұрын

    There are languages in which the same word means "moon" and "month". The Slovene, "mesec" is an example.

  • @didierfavre2356


    3 жыл бұрын

    Connection with the duration of a full moon cycle ?

  • @kumafandzaan


    3 жыл бұрын

    Applies to my language too (Tiv, a Nigerian language)

  • @pinpoint3770


    3 жыл бұрын

    samen in Dutch, but we do not let our calander ruled by the moon, because the sun is more important in things like daylight, years and so on.

  • @chaimnisan2841


    3 жыл бұрын

    Hebrew: yareah (moon), yerah (month). The word 'hodesh' is used as well.

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l3 жыл бұрын

    18:20 Yes Mourad the hijra has never happened because there was no Muhammad to do it as he has never existed.

  • @KA-pq3yz
    @KA-pq3yz3 жыл бұрын

    Religious of peace?! can’t even showed the face of the guy! 😹😂🤣.

  • @azmanjusoh8925
    @azmanjusoh89253 жыл бұрын

    Even..the Israq Mikraj event...has mosses influence..!!

  • @jarrygarry5316


    3 жыл бұрын

    Israq Mikraj is quite similar with Book of Arda Viraf,a Zoroastrian book.Even the As Sirat is similar with Chinvad bridge of Zoroastrianism.

  • @adelassal3843
    @adelassal3843 Жыл бұрын

    Mil where are your vedeos on sneakers corners?

  • @baddbeliever
    @baddbeliever2 жыл бұрын

    the word shahr means city in farsi. I figured crescent would be Hilal or Hillel as hebrew and arabic share that word in common and new hebrew and Aramaic are extremely similar..

  • @jfkt9467
    @jfkt9467 Жыл бұрын

    Hamat Gader is not in Golan heights but a little south to Tiberia (Israel).. Hamat means hot springs in Hebrew.. hamat Gader is mentioned many times in the Mishnah and Talmud...

  • @murrieta78
    @murrieta783 жыл бұрын

    This was my first comment on Mel's channel, that emergence of Islam has everything to do with Eastern Roman-Sassanian war. So how should we understand the term muhajir/muhajirun (mhaggraye)-as a emigrant from desert areas to civilised and urban areas of Syria and Mesopotamia or Egypt?

  • @Speakers154


    3 жыл бұрын

    They viewed themselves as Hagarenes for centuries before. Hagar was sent into exile. This trope is part of the identity. It is part of their sense as nomads. It made sense as they emigrated to new lands as part of their conquest. The key thing is the year 622 didn't have a migration element to it: it was simply a year of liberation for a number of reasons.


    At around 37:00, He mentioned "the Message" starring Anthony Quinn and Michael Ansara from 1976 and the scene of Mohammad entering Medina just a few seconds after I though the exact thing! I saw that movie many times over the decades and showed it friends of mine from christian back grounds and they immediately recognized the people coming out with palm fronds and cheering from the jesus story, only difference being a camel vs a donkey! btw, that movie, though well made, was very one sided especially when one learns more about the religin over the years...

  • @preapple
    @preapple3 жыл бұрын

    🙌👏The three wise men🙌👏

  • @eyesonyoutube2013
    @eyesonyoutube20133 жыл бұрын

    how can you trust a former muslim on his narrative about the hijra of prophet muhamed , is there a consensus regarding what he says, or it is just his own assumptions. what do you expect from someone who turned his back to something for whatever reasons, he will absolutely start attacking it with all kinds of fake and made up stuff that he could come up with. The question is, is there any solid evidence and consensual support for his claim.

  • @ashleytheseeker8480
    @ashleytheseeker84809 ай бұрын

    Interesting. I always wondered why Iqra wasnt the first surah, when it clearly says in hadith that this was the first surah that muhammad claimed to have revelation for.

  • @tiasunepamri1944
    @tiasunepamri19443 жыл бұрын

    If Muawya's inscription and the sura referred in this video give indication of being affiliated to Christianity, then at what point do they ceased to be christian? Or is that sura a Christian document that was incorborated into quran as a muslim's text?

  • @gilbertjones9157


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Tiasunep Amri Well there is a relationship with the Nestorian heresy having it's roots in Gnostic Greek Philosophy. But they were also very close to the Babylonian Jewish Rabbies of the Baghdad. There is a separation between Christian Theology and Nestorian Theology. Nestorian were closer in thinking with Babylonian Talmud than what has been held to this day as being Universal orthodox Christian Theology with ties to the New Testament, reinforced by the next generation church elders trained by the apostles and disciples of the risen Jesus Christ.

  • @tiasunepamri1944


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@gilbertjones9157 Thank you for taking time to answer. Assuming they were Christians (even though a heretic one), why did those christians have to face Petra for prayer? Why Petra would be significant as a Christian?

  • @gilbertjones9157


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@tiasunepamri1944 Your welcome. Most that claim the label Christian build their houses for worship with the alter in a eastward alignment based on the basilica architecture and in honor of Jerusalem. (Curious to me when churches west of Jerusalem still faced east) High Church locals, usually for Greek or Coptic and for a bishop would be under a dome but aligning the alter to face east. It was the Aabasiads (sic) who would face south in prayer. They are from the western Persians and were at one time Zoroastrian practitioners. This southward orientation may have been unique to their brand of Zoroastrianism practice. I believe the Zories (no disrespect just abbreviation) at their Fire temples or ceremonial centers have the 'fire' brazers at the center without a cardinal direction. So for them to face southwardish was not a great leap.

  • @rossmanmagnus
    @rossmanmagnus Жыл бұрын

    yet to find where "seen" in "ya seen" is translated as "crescent moon" or "moon". any info on that?

  • @ravindramorey5433
    @ravindramorey54333 жыл бұрын

    Is there any other document from Ibn ishaq available in Islamic there any evidence of his being a real person.if he was writer then must have written something else also.

  • @alexhamilton4182
    @alexhamilton41823 жыл бұрын

    Is it linguistically possible that makka to medina in aramaic means something like from the desert(abyss) to the city?!

  • @danadam1296
    @danadam12963 жыл бұрын

    Where can one find Murad's YT channel or website?

  • @Stardust475


    3 жыл бұрын

    Sneakers Corner he works with Mel. Murad doesn't have his own channel.

  • @danadam1296


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Stardust475 Ok. Thank very much

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l3 жыл бұрын

    6:47 "The Quran does not mention the Hijra ..." Of course: the "hijra" is a deduction made by 9th c. Muslim scholars to try to explain the story of their prophet responsible of the Quran. They thought that is has happened. Then they *believed* that it has happened like this, that this story was historical.

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l3 жыл бұрын

    5:41 no need of Hoyland here, it is a well known stuff in the field.

  • @mickr12345
    @mickr123453 жыл бұрын

    Can't beat facts. Fact is the truth

  • @Stardust475
    @Stardust4753 жыл бұрын

    Murad left out the Muawiya Dam built in Taif KSA. What does that say? Does it have AH or something else?

  • @drstrangelove4998
    @drstrangelove49983 жыл бұрын

    The whole Islamic edifice is wobbling under this new research...

  • @Uniqp23
    @Uniqp233 жыл бұрын

    I was watching a Michael tsarion video he said that amenhotep gave monotheism an opportunity in the Egyptian religion and he clearly stated that amenhotep was Moses.

  • @boliussa
    @boliussa3 жыл бұрын

    Could you do a short video summarising why the four references to Mohammed in the Quran couldn't possibly be references to Mohammed at all? Thanks

  • @Speakers154


    3 жыл бұрын

    We did this already. It is about an hour long but it is required to explain it.

  • @boliussa


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Speakers154 An informative long/one hour answer is important, as is a 5 minute one. Some people can do both, some people can only do one. Summaries aren't really something you currently do much, but these things are possible.. If you watch Bob or Jay at speakers corner they often make a point quite concisely Or David Wood's old videos, before he got into a pissing contest with mohammed hijab, and before youtube's live streaming pushed him into rambling. David Wood was incredibly succinct back in the day so his old videos are a good example of what I mean re summary. Obviously that doesn't remove the need for a long informative discussion on an issue. Meir Kahane used to be invited onto talk radio, and would give lectures, and he'd do both. When asked a question, he once said "I can give a 1hr answer, or a 5 minute answer". One time he was told he needed to give an answer in seconds, like maybe 10 seconds, and he did that. You could do a video on each of the 4 references that are claimed to be of Mohammed, each video could be 5 minutes. So a 5min video per each of those quran verses.

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l3 жыл бұрын

    48:30 Yes Mel !!!

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l3 жыл бұрын

    23:34 622 The Quran does not reflects the events of 610-632. The Quran sides with nobody (except itself).
