Moyers to LBJ: Hope You Change Mind about Running

This March 31, 1968 conversation between President Johnson and former Press Secretary Bill Moyers followed LBJ's announcement that he would not run for re-election.
White House Operator: You want Bill Moyers to be taken?
President Johnson: Yes, yeah.
White House Operator: Fine. [Call connects.] There you are.
President Johnson: Hello?
Bill Moyers: Mr. President?
President Johnson: Hi, Bill.
Moyers: Well, I hope things happen to change your mind.
President Johnson: No, sir. That’s--it's been made up a good while.
Moyers: Well, I wondered about that. But I really do hope something happens, because I think that was a tremendous and unselfish thing to do, but I feel it won't be right without your being there. Of course, I’ve been sorry I haven’t been there to help the last few months and I hope you know . . .
President Johnson: Here's Lady Bird [Johnson], Bill.
Lady Bird Johnson: Hello, Bill!
Moyers: Hi.
President Johnson: Say howdy.
Moyers: I just wanted to say I hope something happens to change his mind! [Lady Bird chuckles.]
President Johnson: That can't be, so don't mention that. It’s moot.
Moyers: [Unclear.]
President Johnson: That's already . . . that bridge is crossed.
Moyers: Well, I tell you, I just don't know what to do. Of course, you can't say anything at a time like this, but one of these days I'm going to do something that fits in line with the book I've always felt I had about what a great president you've been. Maybe that'll make it up to you some way.
President Johnson: Thank you, Bill.
Moyers: All right.
President Johnson: Bye.
Lady Bird Johnson: And I'm so glad--
Recording ends.
This is a draft and not a fully edited transcript.
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