Monarchs and Native Plants

Speaker: Emily Putz, Habitat Stewardship Coordinator, Nature Saskatchewan
About this Webinar:
Monarchs are one of the main focuses of the Stewards of Saskatchewan Banner Program, a voluntary habitat stewardship program that works with landowners to conserve habitat and monitor species-at-risk. The Monarch has been one of the primary focal species for the 2023 field season with the launching of our new Milkweed Monitoring pilot project. This project aims to fill knowledge gaps of milkweed patch structure and use by monarchs within their prairie range, as well as to generate new interest and sighting reports by the public. In this presentation learn how to ID a Monarch, about their life cycle, how to ID native Milkweeds, the importance of Milkweed and other nectaring species, and how you can help support this species and other pollinators!
About the Speaker:
Emily Putz first started working in the field of conservation biology in 2014 and instantly knew that it was the career path for her. She graduated from the University of Regina in 2015 with a degree in biology, with concentration in ecology and environmental biology. Her career has been species-at-risk focused and in 2016 she was hired as a Habitat Stewardship Coordinator at Nature Saskatchewan where she has spent time coordinating all five of their species-at-risk programs. She currently coordinates Shrubs for Shrikes, Plovers on Shore, and Stewards of Saskatchewan Banner Program. While not in the field scoping out Species-at-risk, she and her partner live on their property by Silton, SK with their dog, cats, horses, goose, and ducks!
PCAP’s Native Prairie Speaker Series is a monthly webinar about prairie conservation or species at risk.
Hosted by: Caitlin Mroz-Sailer, Stewardship
