Mikel Arteta is proud of Arsenal despite the final day disappointment in the title race


Mikel Arteta is proud of Arsenal despite the final day disappointment in the title race
Mikel Arteta reflects on Arsenal's journey this season. The team showed great improvement. Despite falling short, Arteta is proud of the players' effort. He appreciates their commitment and hard work. The final day disappointment is part of the game. Arteta sees it as a learning experience. The team will use it to grow stronger. Arsenal faced tough competition throughout the season. Arteta acknowledges the challenges they have overcome. The players never gave up. They fought until the very end. Arteta admires their resilience and dedication. The disappointment will fuel their determination for the future. Arsenal has a bright future ahead. Arteta believes in the team's potential. The fans' support has been unwavering. Arteta thanks them for their loyalty. The journey may have ended in disappointment. But Arsenal has much to be proud of. The team's spirit and passion have shone through. Arteta remains optimistic for the future. Arsenal will continue to strive for greatness. Arteta's leadership has been crucial. He has instilled a winning mentality. The players have embraced his vision. Arsenal is on the right path. Arteta's pride in the team is evident. The disappointment will only make them stronger. Arsenal will come back even better next season. The journey continues for Arteta and his team. They are united in their pursuit of success. Arsenal fans can look forward to brighter days ahead. Arteta's belief in the team is unwavering. The disappointment will fuel their hunger for success. Arsenal will bounce back stronger than ever. Stay tuned for more updates from Arsenal and Mikel Arteta. The journey is far from over. Arsenal is a team on the rise. Arteta's pride in the team is inspiring. The future looks bright for Arsenal. Thank you for watching.
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