Mental Health Awareness Week - Izzy Talks To Sylvia O'Driscoll Wong of Pieta House


This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. We will be releasing a video each day this week of 'Cork Stories' hosted by Izzy Showbizzy in association with Pieta House. In each video podcast she will speak with people who either help those with mental health issues or those who have gone through struggles themselves.
In this first episode Izzy speaks to Sylvia O'Driscoll Wong, Clinical Manager of Pieta House in Cork. She asks Sylvia what made her want to get involved with Pieta House, if she thinks the stigma around mental health is changing in Ireland and what steps people can make if they need help.
If you have been affected by any of the issues raised you can phone the free Pieta House 24-hour suicide helpline on 1800 247 247. Or, alternatively, text HELP to 51444
To hear more great content tune into Cork's Red FM 104-106FM or visit our website

