Mastering DJI Waypoints for Stunning Real Estate Videos: A Practice Guide for Part 107 Pilots

Plan Like a Pro:
Visualize the Flight: Before you take to the skies, sketch out your desired flight path. This helps create a cohesive video and ensures you capture all the key features.
Start & End Points: Decide on a safe take-off and landing location, considering obstacles and wind direction.
Perfecting Your Waypoints:
DJI Fly App: Make sure your drone is connected and familiarize yourself with the Waypoint Mission function in the DJI Fly App. Refer to the app's manual if needed.
Plotting Points: Tap the map to set your first waypoint (take-off) and subsequent points for your flight path. Add more waypoints for intricate maneuvers.
Elevate Your Footage (Optional):
Waypoint Settings: Tap on individual waypoints to adjust altitude, speed, camera angle, and even set actions like photo capture at specific points.
Gimbal & Camera: Fine-tune camera settings like shutter speed, ISO, and pre-program smooth gimbal movements for those cinematic transitions.
Safety First, Always:
Preview & Check: Double-check your flight path on the map to ensure it's clear of obstacles throughout the mission.
Environment Check: Before take-off, do a thorough visual inspection of the entire flight path for any potential hazards.
Practice Makes Perfect:
Start Simple: If you're new to waypoints, try a basic mission in a safe, open area before attempting complex shots for the real estate video.
Bonus Tip: Utilize DJI's simulator mode (if available) to practice your flight path and settings in a virtual environment.
Remember: Refer to your DJI Mavic user manual for detailed instructions and safety guidelines specific to your drone model. By following these tips and practicing beforehand, you'll be well on your way to capturing stunning waypoint footage that showcases your real estate listings like never before.
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