Managing Grief and Loss

Losing a loved one is never easy, and grief is a normal response to loss. It’s not at all unusual for someone in mourning to experience emotions ranging from anguish and fear to anxiety and anger.
While there is no single “right” way to manage grief, there are healthy approaches, and most people find that, with time and support, they’re able to move forward with their lives. But sometimes individuals who’ve lost someone dear to them have great difficulty processing their grief and can even develop a condition known as prolonged grief disorder.
So, how can someone grieving know when to consult a professional health care provider? Just what is prolonged grief disorder? And how do conditions such as depression and addiction impact challenges around grief and loss?
Susan Block, MD, provides a guide to understanding and addressing grief and loss, offers providers tips for how best to support a patient who is grieving, and answers audience questions about healthy coping strategies during bereavement.
