Management of annual brome invasion within northern mixed grassland using indaziflam

Speaker: Anabel Dombro, Range and Conservation Stewardship Policy Analyst, Government of Alberta
About this Webinar:
Annual brome grasses are some of the most widespread and problematic weeds in North America and present a challenge in managing rangeland, with control options needed. The herbicide indaziflam has shown promise in long-term annual brome reduction on western U.S. rangeland, though how these results apply to northern temperate grasslands of western Canada remains uncertain. We monitored the effects of indaziflam for 4 years following treatment in the dry mixed grassland of Southern Alberta.
About the Speaker:
I defended my Masters in Rangeland and Wildlife at the University of Alberta in January 2023. I am now working as a range and conservation stewardship policy analyst with the provincial government.
PCAP’s Native Prairie Speaker Series is a monthly webinar about prairie conservation or species at risk.
Hosted by: Caitlin Mroz-Sailer, Stewardship Coordinator, Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan
Presenting Sponsors:
Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association, North American Helium, Nutrien, Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association and SaskTel.
