Man with Down syndrome surprises girlfriend with epic proposal 🥹❤️

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  • @Marie_765
    @Marie_7657 ай бұрын

    He didn’t miss a beat on that proposal!!! He said that speech with his whole chest. CONGRATULATIONS!

  • @victrola2007


    7 ай бұрын

    Yup! He's a motivational speaker for a reason. I want to find out mire about them now!

  • @sabrinabelford9225


    7 ай бұрын

    No he didnt..very impressed!!!

  • @robertaclemmons7999


    7 ай бұрын

    Yes he did ❤🎉

  • @JK-cn5fy


    7 ай бұрын

    Not showing this to my wife… he did a far better job than I.

  • @emiliawilson4378


    6 ай бұрын

    ​@@JK-cn5fy aww❤

  • @tanbrenna7265
    @tanbrenna72657 ай бұрын

    I was a nurse in a children’s hospital and I never met a patient with Down’s syndrome that wasn’t a remarkable, loving and kind human being. Good luck to this beautiful couple!

  • @stacibayles2085


    7 ай бұрын

    So true, Down syndrome is the 21st chromosome. My daughter has a very rare chromosome disorder with the 17th chromosome. She is very happy, but she's not able to understand empathy or even self-awareness. She went to the special needs schools and was around a lot of Down Syndrome kids. I used to love being with them.

  • @ThEhObBiT1959


    7 ай бұрын

    Totally agree with you, they are amazing people and a lot of people could learn from them. ❤

  • @ThEhObBiT1959


    7 ай бұрын

    @@stacibayles2085 just read your comment, are you talking about NF 1-2? If so snap 🙏

  • @stacibayles2085


    7 ай бұрын

    @ThEhObBiT1959 No, duplication of the 17th chromosome is called PLS. My daughter only has the IQ of a 2 year old.

  • @longdongsilver7485


    7 ай бұрын

    That’s because they don’t understand the darkness in the world a gift and sadly a tragedy

  • @Emsie76
    @Emsie767 ай бұрын

    That was the cutest “it’s a YES baby” loved it. I wish them all the happiness in the world.

  • @laceyjoe5933


    15 күн бұрын

    The word of God. ❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️❤️❤️❤️ Matthew 6:19 NLT "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Psalms 107:13-14 NLT "Lord, help!" they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains. James 1:27 NLT Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. Proverbs 23:24 NLT The father of godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure to have children who are wise. Exodus 20:8 NLT "Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Lamentations 3:25-26 NLT 25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. 26 So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord . Lamentations 3:25-26 NLT Mark 6:31-32 NLT Then Jesus said, "Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile." He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat. So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. John 1: 1-51 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. 16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. 19 And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? 20 And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. 21 And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No. 22 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? 23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. 24 And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. 25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet? 26 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; 27 He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose. 28 These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. 29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. 30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. 31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. 32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. 34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God. 35 Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; 36 And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! 37 And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. 38 Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? 39 He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour. 40 One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. 41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. 42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone. 43 The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me. 44 Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. 46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! 48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. 49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel. 50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these. 51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️❤️❤️❤️ Galatians 6:2 NLT Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Isaiah 26:4 NLT Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Galatians 5:16 "i say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fullfill Lust of your Flesh" Matthew 7:24 NLT "Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Mark 2:27 NLT Then Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. Exodus 33:14 NLT The Lord replied, "I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest -everything will be fine for you." 2 Corinthians 13:13-14 13 All God’s people here send their greetings. 14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ❤️✝️❤️ Psalms 4:8 NLT In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Micah 6:8 NLT No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Jeremiah 29:11-13 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Amen 3 John 1:11 NLT Dear friend, don't let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God's children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God. Romans 8:6 NLT So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Ephesians 1:7 NLT He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. Psalms 46:10 NLT "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world." Isaiah 26:3 NLT You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! John 16:13 NLT When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. 1 John 4:11 NLT Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: "The first Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit Amen

  • @Mike-sj9si
    @Mike-sj9si7 ай бұрын

    "Even though it may take us longer to achieve our dreams" omg my heart ❤❤

  • @anikaguzman9788
    @anikaguzman97887 ай бұрын

    I'm not crying, you are 😭 I have a 17yr old son with DS and it doesn't stop me from envisioning this for him!! So beautiful and encouraging ❤️🫶🏼❤️ congratulations to the happy couple 🎉💓✨

  • @coll4455


    7 ай бұрын

  • @nicolelewis6312


    7 ай бұрын

    Expectant and happy for him.❤ The clip above highlights why conferences, organizations and social groups are important for many people.

  • @sfurlong0712


    7 ай бұрын

    I pray he finds his girl!!! Btw...we're crying❤

  • @lindahoffman2692


    7 ай бұрын

    I’m sure with a mom like you he can achieve anything he wants to, including finding the right partner for a happy life!! ❤️

  • @anikaguzman9788


    7 ай бұрын

    @@lindahoffman2692 that's beautiful to say, thank you!! I give everything I have to him and I know Gid has great plans for him 🙏🏼

  • @adaperez4770
    @adaperez47707 ай бұрын

    This was the best proposal ever, because it was done with pure love. God bless them. 😊

  • @jenniferfive-6570


    7 ай бұрын

    honestly & genuineness too

  • @sonofsocrates9899
    @sonofsocrates98997 ай бұрын

    This channel always knows how to make this guy tear up 😢 ... with tears of happiness. Blessings to the young beautiful couple ❤

  • @paulineashcroft1485
    @paulineashcroft14857 ай бұрын

    Adorable, may they have the most wonderful life together.

  • @YourGranIsBigMad
    @YourGranIsBigMad7 ай бұрын

    He spoke with so much emotion. I'm crying. ❤😭 All the blessings to this perfect couple!!

  • @karlaniday7519
    @karlaniday75197 ай бұрын

    She is beautiful! You did a great job sir. You could teach other men nowadays how to be respectful and romantic in a truly loving way. I wish you well!

  • @zombifiedpariah7392


    7 ай бұрын

    I guess bad men never existed before *nOwADaYs*

  • @cbeautifulworld11


    7 ай бұрын

    Yes, she is truly beautiful! He spoke eloquently from his heart with genuine love and appreciation for her. This is a man who will treat his wife well, as she will treat him well in return. You're right. It's common for men to take women for granted, to be disloyal and expect them to stay, to forget the depth of love which brought them together. Mutual love lasts when both partners are kind, loving, sensitive to each other's feelings and are willing to grow together.

  • @joress


    7 ай бұрын

    @@cbeautifulworld11You are saying this as if women never take men for granted…

  • @cbeautifulworld11


    7 ай бұрын

    Nope. I specifically worded the comment to be inclusive of both partners because of predictable responses like yours.

  • @JanetPorter-wz1ek


    7 ай бұрын

    That is one of the best proposals!

  • @ckaydw
    @ckaydw7 ай бұрын

    What a wonderful and sweet proposal to the girl he loves. God bless you both. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @LilKiwiBoi42
    @LilKiwiBoi427 ай бұрын

    This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. They deserve the happiest ever after

  • @tashyam7736
    @tashyam77367 ай бұрын

    His proposal was perfect and "It's a yes baby! It's a yes!"

  • @tb2328
    @tb23287 ай бұрын

    This is so precious. As my Grandmother used to say, God has someone for everybody. We are created for companionship. I wish them well.

  • @matthewgray1990


    7 ай бұрын


  • @ramsees44ss


    7 ай бұрын

    لقد خلقنا الله من اجل العباده

  • @tenacious1


    7 ай бұрын

    Yes. Thx for your grandma's reminder

  • @theresasantiago5904
    @theresasantiago59047 ай бұрын

    It’s true! They are blessed angels of love sent from above💜✨🌹 congratulations beautiful souls, adorable couple 😊❤

  • @staceychristensen1349
    @staceychristensen13496 ай бұрын

    Congratulations! Blessings to them for years to come. So Beautiful! Made me cry.

  • @laurencopenhaver5366
    @laurencopenhaver53667 ай бұрын

    Can you just imagine what a loving relationship these two are going to have they will be an example to everyone around them. They are going to spread love everywhere they go.

  • @phyllisrumler520
    @phyllisrumler5207 ай бұрын

    They are the most loving sincere people out there! Sometimes I think "normal" is the true disability. I love this!

  • @debraobeidat4470


    5 ай бұрын

    Right.... I feel the same way. I am no expert on down syndrome but to me they seem to have a very sincere and simple life. Just living with out all the noise in the world that can be so depressing.

  • @d.i.m.eproductions6925


    5 ай бұрын

    Yeah, tbh there is no such thing as normal. I don’t think there is a single human with perfect proportions or anything, there is always a flaw somewhere, which makes us all unique

  • @user-gx2wi6mj9k


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@d.i.m.eproductions6925 Jesus Christ was

  • @snwclouds3770


    Ай бұрын

    So true.

  • @laceyjoe5933


    15 күн бұрын

    The word of God. ❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️❤️❤️❤️ Matthew 6:19 NLT "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Psalms 107:13-14 NLT "Lord, help!" they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains. James 1:27 NLT Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. Proverbs 23:24 NLT The father of godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure to have children who are wise. Exodus 20:8 NLT "Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Lamentations 3:25-26 NLT 25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. 26 So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord . Lamentations 3:25-26 NLT Mark 6:31-32 NLT Then Jesus said, "Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile." He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat. So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. John 1: 1-51 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. 16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. 19 And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? 20 And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. 21 And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No. 22 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? 23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. 24 And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. 25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet? 26 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; 27 He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose. 28 These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. 29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. 30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. 31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. 32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. 34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God. 35 Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; 36 And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! 37 And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. 38 Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? 39 He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour. 40 One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. 41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. 42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone. 43 The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me. 44 Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. 46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! 48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. 49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel. 50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these. 51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️❤️❤️❤️ Galatians 6:2 NLT Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Isaiah 26:4 NLT Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Galatians 5:16 "i say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fullfill Lust of your Flesh" Matthew 7:24 NLT "Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Mark 2:27 NLT Then Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. Exodus 33:14 NLT The Lord replied, "I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest -everything will be fine for you." 2 Corinthians 13:13-14 13 All God’s people here send their greetings. 14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ❤️✝️❤️ Psalms 4:8 NLT In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Micah 6:8 NLT No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Jeremiah 29:11-13 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Amen 3 John 1:11 NLT Dear friend, don't let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God's children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God. Romans 8:6 NLT So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Ephesians 1:7 NLT He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. Psalms 46:10 NLT "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world." Isaiah 26:3 NLT You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! John 16:13 NLT When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. 1 John 4:11 NLT Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: "The first Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit Amen

  • @27.myprime
    @27.myprime7 ай бұрын

    Her smile every time she looks at him ❤ lights up the room. Cute couple

  • @JenReid12
    @JenReid127 ай бұрын

    Made me cry. How truly beautiful and sincere his proposal was and how genuine her "yes" was. I wish them all the best that life can deliver.

  • @SreemoyiC
    @SreemoyiC7 ай бұрын

    Ohh gosh the speech... so pure , flawless ❤

  • @MajicallyNews


    7 ай бұрын


  • @kawardle


    7 ай бұрын

    Straight from the heart and so real.

  • @doreenbone6077
    @doreenbone60777 ай бұрын

    The love in her eyes, even before the proposal, says it all. What an amazing cute couple. Congratulations ❤️ ❤

  • @Musical_Magic2023
    @Musical_Magic20237 ай бұрын

    One of the best proposals I've ever heard! This shows you to never judge a book by its cover because this young man is very smart! I've seen this couple for a few years now and they make me smile all the time!

  • @jodisemone7481
    @jodisemone74817 ай бұрын

    Win, win. They are both beautiful people. Truly blessed! Much love and happiness for your future❤

  • @missybelmont9830
    @missybelmont98307 ай бұрын

    Best Proposal Ever!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤so touching, bless these happy souls

  • @fionarhiannonpitbullextrao5786
    @fionarhiannonpitbullextrao57867 ай бұрын

    He absolutely NAILED that proposal, and I am so thrilled she said yes. I wish this sweet couple a lifetime of love, happiness, and the fulfillment of ALL their dreams.

  • @mistywright-vv4gf
    @mistywright-vv4gf7 ай бұрын

    Yes , nice job on the proposal and the way he did it was just sensational and heartfelt. Congratulations to you both.

  • @thuytienlives8487
    @thuytienlives84877 ай бұрын

    These two are so in love and his proposal is so heartfelt and beautiful. Thank you for this!!

  • @g-man4522
    @g-man45227 ай бұрын

    He couldn't of said it any better. May your journey together carry you far. ❤❤ big love from 🇬🇧

  • @deliapena342
    @deliapena3427 ай бұрын

    He was so articulate and I found his words so beautiful. His proposal was awesome and her reply was even more amazing than what I thought she would say. I thought she'd just say yes, but she added that "Baby" which was heartfelt.

  • @debparr8761
    @debparr87617 ай бұрын

    I've never gotten anything that romantic in all my 66 years. So beautiful.❤

  • @maryannefarrugia2147
    @maryannefarrugia21477 ай бұрын

    How utterly beautiful is this! The purity of their souls shines through. Thank you for sharing. Xxx congratulations and I hope your journey will be extraordinary!

  • @ToeTag1968
    @ToeTag19687 ай бұрын

    I have the biggest smile on my face. My man is a G! I wish them many years of love and joy.

  • @BostonHorticulture
    @BostonHorticulture7 ай бұрын

    IWish for these two to always be happy, loved and Protected by the Hands of God. Congratulations❤

  • @staryoga888
    @staryoga8887 ай бұрын

    I've taught Yoga to special needs teens including Down's Syndrome and they are the sweetest, most loving on the Earth. Blessings on this marriage of a special couple. Happiness always!

  • @LoreleiSwan
    @LoreleiSwan7 ай бұрын

    This is so wholesome they’re perfect for each other and this is so sweet❤

  • @katrinka1SF.BayArea
    @katrinka1SF.BayArea7 ай бұрын

    I know that they will grow happy and humble together as one

  • @pixiebubbles2628
    @pixiebubbles26286 ай бұрын

    They're a beautiful couple! God bless them! ❤

  • @LeafsAndCars
    @LeafsAndCars7 ай бұрын

    I wish this AMAZING couple all the best for their future together! I hope they have a long and prosperous married life with a few cute bambinos down the road!! Take care you two! You are a glowing testament to the fact that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!! KUDOS!!

  • @yak-machining
    @yak-machining7 ай бұрын

    He even gets down on his knee❤

  • @Django504.
    @Django504.7 ай бұрын

    The Syndrome is Down but the Love is Up ❤❤😂😂😂

  • @ChristianSpiritualism-wy8fj


    7 ай бұрын


  • @dixietenbroeck8717


    7 ай бұрын

    *_VERY_** well said!*

  • @danielperry3191
    @danielperry31917 ай бұрын

    What's so fucking beautiful about this is that you know his heart is pure and he's speaking the truth one of my favs now❤❤

  • @ErikaCoppola
    @ErikaCoppola7 ай бұрын

    Seeing how happy they are makes my heart melt 💕 I wish them the best, happiest, most loving future 💕💕

  • @donnazillner5139
    @donnazillner51397 ай бұрын

    So very sweet! You could not of proposed better!! 💙

  • @MajicallyNews


    7 ай бұрын


  • @welsh_dragon
    @welsh_dragon7 ай бұрын

    This was such an amazing proposal. He did it perfectly. Congratulations to them both!

  • @tammytilley6051
    @tammytilley60517 ай бұрын

    How beautiful and I love the part when he says, it may take up a bit longer to achieve our dreams … CONGRATULATIONS..may you have a lifetime of dreams coming true and great success

  • @traceybroadfield4810
    @traceybroadfield48107 ай бұрын

    The most beautiful thing I’ve seen for a long time

  • @susanheston4483
    @susanheston44837 ай бұрын

    I'm so happy for them. I wish them a long and happy life together. 💜💜

  • @fuzed22
    @fuzed227 ай бұрын

    Awww. Congratulations, many thoughts and blessings for you both. I hope you have all the happiness you two deserve.😊

  • @cathycollins9011
    @cathycollins90117 ай бұрын

    He’s so sweet. She’s lovely. Her dress is gorgeous

  • @kathleenborsch1312
    @kathleenborsch13127 ай бұрын

    More people need to see this. Best wishes to this beautiful couple!

  • @charlottewalker6490
    @charlottewalker64907 ай бұрын

    How cute and lovely. God bless them with Unity, Togetherness, and Oneness always .

  • @thetwitchywitchy
    @thetwitchywitchy5 ай бұрын

    “even if it takes us longer to reach our dreams” THAT made me cry :’) that’s unconditional love, that’s loving someone for everything they are

  • @robyoungquist5803
    @robyoungquist58037 ай бұрын

    May your joys be as deep as the oceans and your troubles as light as its foam! Best wishes to both of you 😉👍🏻

  • @Mary-BethJohnson-ny2nb
    @Mary-BethJohnson-ny2nb7 ай бұрын

    Pure love

  • @MajicallyNews


    7 ай бұрын


  • @RevenFoulger-ck2kv
    @RevenFoulger-ck2kv7 ай бұрын

    Beautiful couple ❤

  • @Treehousedog2
    @Treehousedog27 ай бұрын

    Great job and she never hesitated with her answer. You sir are the luckiest guy around to find your true love.

  • @jacqwerner7919
    @jacqwerner79197 ай бұрын

    People with Down Syndrome are the happiest people on earth!! And they make you be a happy person as well. I have tears in my eyes many many blessings to this couple!❤🎉

  • @judibascomb427
    @judibascomb4277 ай бұрын

    So beautiful... Thanks to their PARENTS and TEACHERS WHO INSTILLED SUCH GOOD Instrucction and confidente in the LIVES OF these awesome human beings...MAY GOD BLESS THEM ALL!? 😢... 😊❤❤

  • @trainsnotplanesautomobiler3781
    @trainsnotplanesautomobiler37817 ай бұрын

    Just beautifully done. Congratulations to both of them 🎉❤

  • @shandraray6672
    @shandraray66727 ай бұрын

    I love it!!! Congratulations!!! This made my day!❤

  • @veronicavanslambrouck329
    @veronicavanslambrouck3297 ай бұрын

    How sweet! I wish them lots of memories and a happy life together!

  • @jillybeancadney6229
    @jillybeancadney62297 ай бұрын

    Up Syndrome. I love these two knuckleheads. That was sooooo sweet. And he's a stud muffin. They will make an amazing couple.

  • @Fritz0206
    @Fritz02067 ай бұрын


  • @weneedpeace777
    @weneedpeace7775 ай бұрын

    Aw, heartwarming!!! Congratulations, guys!!! May you have the best in everything! Just being you is good enough!

  • @quickcutlawns486
    @quickcutlawns4866 күн бұрын

    His intentions ... Seem to be of the purest ever...good luck you too...very cute

  • @amaldaconcepcion2781
    @amaldaconcepcion27817 ай бұрын


  • @creeder99
    @creeder997 ай бұрын

    Everyone deserves a chance 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @AnimalLover-xe2cd
    @AnimalLover-xe2cd12 күн бұрын

    These people are such a loving, wonderful people.

  • @JacquelinePerez-Lopez-rd8rj
    @JacquelinePerez-Lopez-rd8rj7 ай бұрын

    A Beautiful moment for this how he holds her ..his girlfriend.. future wife Amen🙏

  • @5TA1KR
    @5TA1KR7 ай бұрын

    Pure brave and confident. I can definitely learn from that great man!

  • @lydiawhitting5406


    7 ай бұрын

    Most heartfelt proposal I've ever seen. ❤

  • @Loveroflife987
    @Loveroflife9877 ай бұрын

    That is so amazingly, beautiful! May you both continue to rise in all that you do in life. God Bless! ♥️

  • @jamieyount5389
    @jamieyount538912 күн бұрын

    People with Down Syndrome have the purest hearts. Always kind and loving ❤️ When I was in High school, I made friends with a boy named Jamal, and it was all because I gave him a piece of candy. From there, I gained the friendship of Cale and David. They came and sat by me during lunch. Everyday when Cale got up to leave, he would come over and give me a hug and would point to his cheek and would say " give me a kiss." They taught me so much in the little time I was in school with them. ❤❤❤

  • @2tallmdgirl141
    @2tallmdgirl1415 ай бұрын

    Ok; crying - sooo touching and sweet! I wish you both many decades of happiness together!! 💕

  • @amydecker6207
    @amydecker62077 ай бұрын

    That was a beautiful proposal!

  • @leebrewer7394
    @leebrewer73947 ай бұрын

    Hope they have a great long marriage.

  • @jtpaar1732
    @jtpaar17327 ай бұрын

    People with Down Syndrome seem to be the happiest, most loyal and loving people I've ever met. May God bless their beautiful relationship.

  • @tinytim4657


    7 ай бұрын

    I didn’t see DS in his proposal - I just didn’t see it. I saw 2 people.

  • @jtpaar1732


    7 ай бұрын

    @@tinytim4657 Hey, good for you. Thanks for letting us know.

  • @tiffany38126
    @tiffany381267 ай бұрын

    God, I see what you do for others! This was so sweet 😢

  • @sharita7270
    @sharita72707 ай бұрын

    The way I just cried, how sweet a proposal ❤ I pray blessing of continued joy, love and forever togetherness for these two!!!

  • @joannemarchetto2252
    @joannemarchetto22527 ай бұрын

    That is so sweet! I love it!❤

  • @marcinance9586
    @marcinance95866 ай бұрын

    She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! They are such a beautiful couple ❤️ Congratulations to them both!!!!

  • @thesunnycmoreno8463
    @thesunnycmoreno84637 ай бұрын

    I love this. It is the perfect proposal! Her response was equally perfect. On top of that her dress is so stunning!!!

  • @rosemarylopez5738


    7 ай бұрын

    thesunnycmoreno463: Exactly! I agree with you 💯%!

  • @StrengthNLove
    @StrengthNLove7 ай бұрын

    God is love 💕

  • @michaelgear7642
    @michaelgear76427 ай бұрын

    This is so heartwarming 😊 such a cute couple

  • @millicenthamilton-kakowski8275
    @millicenthamilton-kakowski82756 ай бұрын

    You truly said it, " There's nothing DOWN about it". Love is love!!!❤

  • @ritadaniels5402
    @ritadaniels54027 ай бұрын

    Awwww! This is sooo Beautiful! Blessings!

  • @FoxHybrid
    @FoxHybrid7 ай бұрын

    This is too damn wholesome! I wish the ABSOLUTE best for these two ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @emha1368
    @emha13687 ай бұрын

    These two need a KZread channel asap! ❤️

  • @ThEhObBiT1959


    7 ай бұрын

    That would be amazing to watch. What a beautiful couple. 🙏

  • @coll4455


    7 ай бұрын

    Right!!!! What a beautiful representation they are ❤

  • @missybelmont9830


    7 ай бұрын

    I'd subscribe for sure...❤

  • @melissahinkley7629
    @melissahinkley76295 ай бұрын

    This is one of the best proposals I've ever seen! Such a sweet couple! I wish them all the love and happiness. 😊❤

  • @MamaJewels99
    @MamaJewels997 ай бұрын

    A beautiful couple. I wish them all the happiness in the world.❤

  • @cassthesass1785
    @cassthesass17857 ай бұрын

    First! That’s so great for them!

  • @MajicallyNews


    7 ай бұрын


  • @k888k
    @k888k7 ай бұрын


  • @MajicallyNews


    7 ай бұрын


  • @gracenorcott1
    @gracenorcott17 ай бұрын

    This is so wonderful. It needs to be broadcast everywhere. So many babies are aborted because of the diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Iceland says it has nearly eradicated Down Syndrome but doesn’t say that it is through abortion. Every life is precious and we need to protect the lives of those with Down Syndrome whether they are in the womb or already born. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment.

  • @sugar.creations
    @sugar.creations7 ай бұрын

    I wanna cry from watching the kindest of hearts.. love is beautiful 😍

  • @annesturrup6627
    @annesturrup66277 ай бұрын

    This is so beautiful.. nothing like LOVE… ❤❤❤ God bless them!!

  • @dianefort3984
    @dianefort39847 ай бұрын

    A lady couldn’t refuse a proposal like that ❤

  • @staceynelson2357
    @staceynelson23577 ай бұрын

    there are no words to describe the innocent pure love between those two. God bless you both.💛🕯

  • @Ajushi08
    @Ajushi087 ай бұрын

    That was AWESOME!!!! 😭I wish them an awesome life together!

  • @theghostwithin4922
    @theghostwithin49227 ай бұрын

    Omggg this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen just pure love

  • @cornishmaid9138
    @cornishmaid91387 ай бұрын

    For me this is especially wonderful. When I was growing up people used to hide their Down’s syndrome children. How far we’ve all come. Bravo ❤️👏👏❤️