Makilala TV Ep 121 | Empowering Children with Special Needs

The Makilala crew Cristina, Rachelle & Jen address the topic of children with special need in a conversation with Deirdre Levy, Special Education Teacher; and Casey DeLeon Pinola, Mother of 2 neurodiverse boys.
Rachelle Ocampo, EdM
Public Health Professional
Jen Furer, CPT
Author, Mentor & Fitness coach
Cristina Dc Pastor
Community Journalist
Produced by Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN)
Zenaida Mendez, Director
Fredy Pinto, Production & Studio Manager
Tiffany Hill-Rock, Technical Crew
Carla Robles, Technical Crew
Special Thanks
Victor Palmos, Make-up artist
Carla Robles, Intro Editor
Opening Song, “Middle C” Copyright © 2011 Jon Furer CJ Solutions Inc All Rights Reserved
Closing Song, “MakilalaTV” Copyright © 2014 Bassment Productions L.L.C. All Rights Reserved
Cablecast Schedule:
Manhattan Neighborhood Network 2022
BronxNet 2022
Kapatid International TBC
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