Majestic Flight: Black Eagle Soaring High

Black Eagle (Ictinaetus malaiensis) soaring gracefully against the sky. This majestic bird of prey, known for its impressive wingspan and striking features, offers a spectacular display of aerial prowess.
The Black Eagle is a large and distinctive dark eagle found in forested mountains and hills. From a distance, it appears entirely dark, but a closer look reveals intricate pale barring on its primaries, secondaries, and undertail. Its bright yellow bill and feet stand out vividly against its dark plumage.
One of the most fascinating characteristics of the Black Eagle is its broad wings, which feature distinct "fingers" (emarginated primaries) at the tips. When in flight, its long tail, fan-shaped when open and slightly wedge-shaped when closed, adds to its unique silhouette. This structural and color combination makes it easily distinguishable from other large birds of prey in its range.
