Lukewarm Christianity, Angry | Part 4

Lukewarm Christianity
Series: Angry
Date preached: 9th June 2024
TIDE Church is a diverse community of people on a mission to follow the teaching and life of Jesus. We are a Christian church based in Adelaide, Australia who are sharing the good news of Jesus with people everywhere.
Today’s message …
We often think of Jesus as a kind, gentle man. And he was. But Jesus got angry. In this series we’re looking at what made Jesus angry, and what this means for us today. In this episode, we explore Jesus’ anger when he saw a church that was “lukewarm” in their commitment to God. It made him mad! Jesus’ words are an important challenge to a 21st century world that is pulled in every direction and where lukewarm, half-hearted faith is so easy in our busy over-committed lives.
Questions to reflect on and discuss from this message:
1. What do you think of when you hear the words “lukewarm Christianity”?
2. How do you avoid lukewarm faith in your own life?
3. What does it look like for you to love God “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”?
4. Matt talked about our “next steps” (things like volunteering, daily time with God, sharing faith, using our money, supporting people at TIDE), what is YOUR next step in giving everything back to God?
If you’ve got questions or want to connect, we’d love to hear from you.
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