Generosity, Who We Are | Part 2

Series: Who we are
Date preached: 16th June 2024
TIDE Church is a diverse community of people on a mission to follow the teaching and life of Jesus. We are a Christian church based in Adelaide, Australia who are sharing the good news of Jesus with people everywhere.
Today’s message …
Jesus points to a poor woman he notices donating a few cents and says “this woman gave more”. His words would transform the way people saw giving and generosity forever. Today we explore those same words and ask “how do these words change us?”.
Questions to reflect on and discuss from this message:
1. What do you think of when you hear the word “generosity”?
2. Matt talked about the link between trusting God and generosity. What do you think about that link?
3. What does it look like for you to “give out of your poverty”?
4. Matt showed us how the woman’s example impacted the early church 30 years later. How could this story impact your life in the next 10, 20 or 30 years?
If you’ve got questions or want to connect, we’d love to hear from you.
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