Love For Sale - Beyond Duo


Written by Cole A. Porter
Musical Arrangement: Fabio Netca & Sandu Bantas
Recorded in Studio Hall UNAGE, May, 2017
Beyond Duo
Sandu Bantas - Voice
Fabio Netca - Piano
More than voice and piano.
A light field flowing into the listeners' souls is embraced by the concept of the Beyond duo: Sandu Bantaş (Chişinău, Republic of Moldova) and Fabio Netcă (Iaşi, Romania).
We both chose to study at the George Enescu National University of Arts in Iasi, being taught by professors Romeo Cozma, Dan Spinu, Mihaela Loredana Garlea and among others.
Regardless of the circumstances of the scene, our interpretation is relaxed, but at the same time well controlled. This way of feeling and behaving in the scene brought us to the first International Student Jazz Competition 2016 in Târgu Mureş - Best Stage Performance Award, and later the Jury Award at the Sibiu Jazz Festival Contest of the same year.
This year we won the Best Male Vocalist at the International Youth Jazz Competition 2017 in Târgu Mureş.
A duet that turns into orchestra when viewers are partakers of the act of their interpretative creation.

