Lords Mercy To My Sins

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Hello family,
Greetings in Jesus name. I am reposting the message because Lord convicted me of not being honest with my statements.
I have been such an intense trial in my life. Still, Lord has been generous to me, forgiving me all the time. I began to thank the Lord, for each trial has brought me closer to Lords mercy.
As I was before the Lord,
Lord began to speak,
Tell me your experience after each trial what happened to you?
Lord, I was resentful many times when I saw difficulties in my life but I realized in all these trials, I saw your faithfulness, even though I fall almost every time, you lifted me up never condemned me but instead encouraged me, with each trial I saw your love, forgiveness, and fear became lessened and I was strengthened in my walk with you.
Lord replied,
Thank you, My dove, that’s what I want to teach My brides, My humility, My love, and faithfulness in each trial. Jahnavi knew how steadfast I am, how I cared for her, loved her in spite her failures that lead her to trust Me that I am God -- who never forsake you.
Will you say in your own words dear?
Yes, Lord, I had stronghold of unbelief, everything happened to me, I treated it as a punishment and felt condemned, little did I know, these trials will bring closer to you and I gained belief in you. There is little bit of change of my trust in you, not perfected but improving.
Lord spoke again,
Well said, My daughter that was honest. Be honest with Me. My brides, I know you, I see every nook and corner of your heart. Don't be ashamed to tell Me your weakness, and don't cover in fear and condemnation, let Me tell you I love you, you are dear to Me. I want to welcome you in My arms, and treat you as My queens and kings, My sons and daughters, I love you too much, nothing is impossible for Me, I am there to look after and care for you.
Can you share?
Lord, I was on my way home, and I was wanting to buy something the compulsiveness was taking over me, then I was praying rosary, I turned to scripture to fight this temptation. I quoted many but I remembered a verse how you sympathize with our weakness and you can help us.
Lord continued,
It was I who was giving you, consider Me. Dear daughter, in all your trials in your temptations I am with you, I love you and I want to exchange My love for your bitterness, your hopelessness despair with My joy, You will my dove.
Can you tell me what's happening to you now?
Lord the biggest miracle in my life, I was unable to love and help others not even say a prayer, but now I am denying myself my sorrow and my misery, and automatically my heart goes to pray for others and care for others, still improving.
Lord continued,
That's the change I am bringing in you, all your weakness is Mine to take. I love you, My dove, still you don't know about yourself there is so much bitterness in you, you cared so many things that was about you, but I am changing you. Trust Me, more will come. Trust My, brides who are struggling here to fulfil My wish, My desire, My plan for you. You can do nothing without Me, so come to Me, I will teach you, I will make you learn My ways. You will know Me, and you will see changes you have dreamed of. Trust Me, I am good, generous, loving, and often care for you as a tender child, I do want you to look at Me as your provider, and turn to Me in your weakness. I will make it to Me, in My ways, you will resemble Me and one day you will be beaming in My glory trust Me, My dove. I love you. Amen
Family, be encouraged, by the message. Blessings!

