Live From DC: Rethinking Harrenhal


Livestreaming at 9 PM Eastern

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  • @Jotari
    @Jotari5 ай бұрын

    Jaime brings up Tysha because he's keenly aware that he might never see his brother again, and that this is something he can't have left unsaid forever.

  • @variablemuffins


    5 ай бұрын

    Indeed, but this was not a kindness, no matter how Jaime intended it. Subconsciously, it was about Jaime alleviating his guilt.

  • @Jotari


    5 ай бұрын

    @@variablemuffins Well, more about George R.R Martin trying to break Tyrion. That Jaime has no guilt about it before that moment is a fair criticism, but I think it works for the sheer out of nowhere gut punch it makes for.

  • @deamon202
    @deamon2025 ай бұрын

    In my mind the 'Southern Ambitions' was a very loose political strategy that didn't have a concrete outcome. I think the ambition was to align the great houses against the Throne. If we think back to what we know of Ned's generation, we should also remember that at one point there was some kind of suggestion of marrying Jaime and/or Tyrion to the other Tully daughter. Meanwhile, before Elia married Rhaegar, there was this idea of a marriage between Lannister and Martell. For whatever reason there seems to have been an IMMENSE amount of moving and shaking going on in the five or ten years right before everything devolved into Robert's rebellion. Most of the time great houses don't marry other great houses, when we look back through marriage records the most common pairing is one of their own vassals to keep support strong and concentrate power. The Great Houses marrying amongst each other doesn't concentrate power, if anything it dilutes. It would also be difficult to turn such a pact into an aggressor, you can't quite ask your wife's brother/father to go to war with you and expect to always receive the answer you want. On the other hand one thing that these marriages do definitely create is a kind of protective alliance of realms, you can't ask for a war of aggression but a defensive war is asking him to protect his sister/daughter. So the question becomes protection against what? Well, I think we can solve this by asking another question: how, exactly, did Rickard Stark meet Hoster Tully, Steffon Baratheon and Jon Arryn? It pretty much canonically (in that AWOIAF says this) happened during the fifth Blackfyre rebellion, and that makes sense, in my opinion. Egg's reign is notable for having a relatively large number of uprisings across the realm. Multiple times he had to intervene in the Westerlands under Tytos, we are told, and Lyonel Baratheon rose up against him when Duncan Targaryen broke a marriage pact. In fact this happened to Egg twice more with Jaehaerys and Shaera, angering houses Tully and Tyrell, as well. Additionally, it's suggested that Egg was a bit disliked by his lords because he pushed consistently to curtail their power and improve the lives of their subjects against their interests (i.e. giving them rights they didn't previously have). There were one and a half blackfyre rebellions during his reign as well, the first being the fourth, which ended fairly ignominiously, and the second being the fifth. Now, Aegon V dies before the fifth actually begins, but why does he die? Well, because he goes crazy trying to hatch dragons specifically to enforce his rule on his lords. Jaehaerys II, newly crowned, sees the writing on the wall for what it is, and essentially back tracks on his father's political strategy. The War of the Ninepenny Kings, as it becomes known, is perhaps one of the first times that a unified Westeros is brought to fore on a world stage and many important players in the Robert's Rebellion era cut their teeth together in it fairly explicitly. Tywin, Steffon and Aerys fought together in it, but so did Jon Arryn, Rickard Stark and Steffon Baratheon. Hoster Tully was explicitly there too and so certainly met these lords. We can even imagine that maybe there was a Dornish contingent to account for why there was at one point almost a Jaime/Elia marriage. By all accounts the War of Ninepenny Kings seems to have been a true attempt at mustering grand unified westeros army. So all of these young lords and brothers of lords and sons of lords were together for the first time in perhaps hundreds of years, feeling a kind of newly burgeoning national pride together as men of Westeros, and what would have been on their minds? Their new, weak Targaryen King and his insane, overreaching father who broke multiple marriage alliances, was constantly putting down rebellions, and who just recently died mysteriously in an attempt to birth dragons (or something similarly evil sounding, probably, maybe they don't have all the details but "Egg attempted to kill everyone" seems to be the accepted story of Summerhall in universe). It was known to the old King's advisors that he intended to hatch dragons precisely to bring them to bear against his lords, so that info might have been leaked as well. Aside from then prince Aerys, there was no Targaryen anywhere near the chain of command. It was a Baratheon and then a Hightower (granted a member of the Kingsguard serving Targaryen interests). The Targaryens would have seemed especially superfluous. It's not that the pacts were brokered during the war, but that the war introduced all of these lords to one another, and showed them what they could do together without a Targaryen, and that would have been something in the back of their minds in the years following. Jaehaerys dies soon after, and Aerys comes into the picture as King. Aerys, Tywin and Steffon form a kind of southern triumvirate and initially seem very close allies. The realm, for a brief window, would have seemed to be 'on the right track' to all of our great lords. Of course, we know how this story ends. Aerys becomes increasingly deranged, first with his outlandish plans for public works, then with personal behaviour including being perceived to take liberties with a lord's wife (whom would this have reminded people of, I wonder?), providing support for wars in Essos for no real reason, etc. This allegedly played well for the court in King's landing, but we can wonder about how it would have been received by the other Great Lords - if Aerys could do it to one of them he could do it to any of them. I think Southern Ambitions exists as a defensive political strategy in this context. The Lords would have believed that the Targaryens had, more or less, fulfilled their purpose and outlived any potential usefulness. The crown itself in Aerys held little to no political power at this point, all of it was held by either his son Rhaegar or by the alliance of Great Lords that was slowly forming in the background. To that end there wouldn't have been any explicit conspiracy to put Brandon Stark (or anyone) on the Throne, but I think what Rhaegar might have uncovered was the extent to which his Lords were ready to move on without him. This would all of a sudden make a Great Council seem very risky. Rather than support him against his father, his Lords might have been able to pull a compromise candidate out of the hat that wasn't a Targaryen at all (this probably still would have been Robert IMHO, Brandon was too Northern and Ned doesn't seem to think his father ever planned for Ned to inherit Winterfel, which he would have done by default in this scenario). This would have given them a completely bloodless way to coup the Throne. To complicate things even further, Aerys arrives on the scene personally (one of his few politically savvy moves towards the end). So now not only are the lords rumbling about not needing Targaryens, but the prime evil himself is right there in front of them, ranting about killing traitors. Whatever political dialogue existed before Aerys' arrival would have been snuffed out with the quickness, leaving an information black hole at Harrenhal. Rhaegar ends up not being able to pull the trigger on this thing he's set up and paid a lot of money for. He's scared, worried, annoyed, angry at a whole bunch of people and in the middle of all this angst the Knight of the Laughing Tree shows up. The rest is history.

  • @wisdommanari6701


    5 ай бұрын

    Jesus fuck Long person BAD

  • @tentonmotto6779


    5 ай бұрын

    This brings to a head one of the key flaws in GRRM's worldbuilding: there really is no good reason for the great lords of Westeros to tolerate the Iron Throne's yoke after the Dance. Take for instance unification of England before the conquest. It was a process motivated by complex internal reasons. Because of that it was gradual. It took centuries for England to unite despite the resistance of powerful lords, who wanted to preserve their autonomy. Only in time and for pragmatic reasons like resistance to vikings did they prefer one throne. And it should be noted that it was a relatively homogenous country to begin with, yet despite this it was not a smooth sailing. Unification of the Seven Kingdoms wss a completely different matter. It was not organic. Lords of Westeros were forced to unite by an outside invader with an equivalent of a nuke. Each great lord was basically a hostage of Targaryens rather than a political agent with an interest of staying loyal to a king in King's Landing. Because there was no such interest. Politically Westeros is too isolated to have external threats that could prompt a unification. Economically each region is too self-suficient to accelerate unification either. Sure, merchants would prefer a stable united realm with one currency, codified laws and continental infrastructure. Maybe in time those merchants could even move Westeros that way. But Westeros as described vy GRRM divides itself too neatly into natural resource extraction zones and with lack of technoligical progress economic factors are taking a major hit. Finally, culturally Westeros is a huge mess with at least three major ethnicities, several religions and long history of regional identities. Realistically, Seven Kingdoms should gravitate towards disintegration into several independent countries the same way Spanish kingdoms tended to break apart (until that stopped for reasons). Targaryen rule up to Dance did not change anything that much to prevent this disintegration. Politically there was still no external threat. Economically Jahaerys did a lot to unite the Seven Kingdoms, but it was not enough. As it is apparent even in the Game of Thrones, there is still no real national economy and no tech to promote it. Culturally even after nearly three centuries of Targaryen rule there is still no notion of one Westeros identity. People still identify mostly as Westermen, Northmen and the like, clinging to history of past kingdoms. And on top of all that there are Targaryens themselves, who did as much as they could to antagonize people of Westeros. There would be no reason other than fear of dragons for great lords and population at large to tolerate, let alone like inbred, foreign, arrogant, vain, unstable (that's their reputation, deserved or not) people like Targaryens. Maybe Tyrells, Baratheons and Tullys could have some lingering sympathy for elevating their houses, but history rarely pays the bills. Basically the realm should've collapsed once combat-ready dragons died, especially after Targaryens devastated Westeros over their own private succession dispute. Once Aegon the Third was in custody, realistically his council probably would kill him or banish him. Targaryen line would be declared extinguished. Their dynasty would be villified as foreign monsters, who had no respect for customs and religion of Westeros and killed a lot of noble lords. The conquest of Westeros would be declared a tragedy. There would be a hunt to kill remaining dragons. Iron Throne would be melted. Great lords would loot the King's Landing and move to their own castles, once more declare themselves kings and kill each other in border conflicts.

  • @SIRslipperyasp91


    4 ай бұрын

    ​@tentonmotto6779 great post, but I have a couple of nitpicks. Firstly it's cannon that house Manderly and Mormont are two of the Starks most loyal houses and they were both rewarded with their lands by the Starks, this is in contrast to the conquered and resentful boltons. The Tullys, Tyrells, and Baratheons were all rewarded their positions much more recently in history compared to the northen houses I've mentioned, and the Baratheons especially since they're a targeryan cadet branch should have loyalties to the crown. Secondly up entil the Daeron the good got married to a dornish princess, Dorn was an antagonizing force on the Stormlands and reach, while the Iron Islands being kept subdued is beneficial for the north, riverlands, and westerlands. Don't get me wrong, the fact that half the kingdom sided with Aegon the unworthy's basterd over the kings own legitimate son is definitely symptomatic of the targeryans weakening grasp over the 7 kingdoms, and the fact that it did hold together for another 100 years can definitely be cholked up to a machiavellian psychic blood relative being hand of the king for a good chunk of the post dance kings.

  • @tentonmotto6779


    3 ай бұрын

    @@SIRslipperyasp91 The difference between real Medieval Ages and ASOIAF is that real one was even more cynical and bloody. In ASOIAF most people are extremely loyal to their houses, their sovereigns and their realm. It is a very stable and static world where neither dynasties nor borders nor laws nor much else change for centuries. Real Medieval lords were not like that at all. They always looked for ways to get ahead and rarely cared about idealistic morals. They plotted and killed their own benefactors without a second thought. You may look into Russian feudals in particular, the stuff they did makes Red Wedding look tame. It was a very dynamic wordd full of conflict and change. Ambitious cynical people like Littlefinger are an anomaly in ASOIAF, but those were the norm in actual history. Feudals conspired and rebelled for the most whimsical reasons. In contrast, ASOIAF nobles are very legalistic and traditional.

  • @5210smile
    @5210smile5 ай бұрын

    I feel like Robert romanticized Lyanna after the fact. He was miserable with Cersei and repeatedly told himself it would have been better with Lyanna, then grew to believe his own BS to the point it was some epic romance

  • @carlitoking8473


    5 ай бұрын

    Can you blame Robert for loving a ghost while being married to Cersei?

  • @SapphireSolstice67
    @SapphireSolstice675 ай бұрын

    “I loved Tyrion. I was good to him. Well, but for that one time . . . but the Imp did not know the truth of that. Or did he? "Why would he kill Joff?"” Jaime VII - ASOS He’s thinking about Tysha

  • @fyviane
    @fyviane5 ай бұрын

    About the Jaime Tysha situation: ASOS Jaime IV: "The wench had the right of it. He could not die. Cersei was waiting for him. She would have need of him. And Tyrion, his little brother, who loved him for a lie." So he did think about it before, once.

  • @102nickplays


    5 ай бұрын

    Doesn't Jamie also think or say at some point, that he is hated for his greatest deed and loves for his worst? By worst, is it possible he was referring to the Tyrion/Tasha thing.

  • @darquanjr


    5 ай бұрын

    He feels bad for what is happening to him, so he helps him and gets this lie of his chest because this should be the last time they meet. Why does everythibg about this series always have to be dumb or badly written. Preston should take a break from thiss story. Its pretty tiring to watch all his stuff for a long time

  • @avatarname0008


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@102nickplaysyep that was in clash

  • @SapphireSolstice67


    5 ай бұрын

    “I loved Tyrion. I was good to him. Well, but for that one time . . . but the Imp did not know the truth of that. Or did he? "Why would he kill Joff?"” Jaime VII ASOS

  • @DD-qo1tw
    @DD-qo1tw5 ай бұрын

    I think Robert when young was simply concerned with wounded pride, having his supposed property stolen basically. When older he was just fantasizing about a life that could have been. In a basically loveless marriage of convenience he liked imagining Lyanna would've really loved him and given him the marriage he lacked. A combination of "grass is greener" " the road not taken", and "the past was better whether it happened or not". In spite of how dashing and powerful he'd been in his youth and his apparently prolific oat sowing the two women he was most involved with didn't love him and actively sought out another. Given that we can guess he had the capacity to change and possibly quit womanizing had he found love I think it's fair to consider him a tragic figure.

  • @SuperWindsage


    5 ай бұрын

    also the you trying to murder me thing. that is a big issue on the whole Robert Targ thing.

  • @DD-qo1tw


    5 ай бұрын

    @@SuperWindsage haha that's a good point as to why he hated Rhaegar but I was more looking at his feelings toward Lyanna who he really didn't know all that well

  • @iliaponomarev1624
    @iliaponomarev16245 ай бұрын

    I read a theory that it was meant to be Tywin's tourney. As the theory goes, Tywin was planning to hold some kind of Great Council to overthrow Aerys. Maybe in favor of Rhaegar, but maybe not giving Rhaegar the full picture. Valid point about it: Tywin is probably the only one who can throw away the kind of money the tourney cost. As my thinking goes further, I'd say Aerys learned about it and decided to come to the tourney to stop it all. Tywin in turn decided to stay home. Rhaegar in turn figured out how bad things actually are and decided to throw a monkey wrench into the AntiTarg League by breaking Baratheon-Stark marriage. Plus, well, he was on a mission to make Visenya. And things spiraled out of control from there.

  • @variablemuffins
    @variablemuffins5 ай бұрын

    Jamie's guilt about the Tysha situation was hinted at before. Earlier in Storm of Swords Jamie thinks about Tyrion, who "loved him for a lie." Perhaps George could have done a better job establishing Jaimie's guilt, considering we're in his head a lot, but he most likely wanted to withhold information for the sake of that plot twist.

  • @SapphireSolstice67


    5 ай бұрын

    “I loved Tyrion. I was good to him. Well, but for that one time . . . but the Imp did not know the truth of that. Or did he? "Why would he kill Joff?"” Jaime VII ASOS

  • @goatmc
    @goatmc5 ай бұрын

    Everytime with your opening! Lol. Good stuff. I’m sorry i missed your stream. I was watching sports ball.

  • @joshtedmanson6078


    5 ай бұрын

    I always worry someone overhears and thinks I'm watching an 80s adult film 😅

  • @TheEldenwhite
    @TheEldenwhite5 ай бұрын

    The adventures of Satin could start when some travellers meet an old grizzled bearded ranger north of the wall. He shares his campfire with them and begins telling them tales of his youth in Oldtown. The juxtaposition of an old hard ass super masculine Night's Watch ranger reliving his saucy gay youth in an Oldtown brothel would be hilarious.

  • @jewsco
    @jewsco5 ай бұрын

    Tywin is definitely Rhaegar he hates the mad king. The mad king has made inappropriate comments and advances at his wife , he insulted Tywin when he offered Cersei as a marriage candidate saying they don’t marry the help, he took away Tywin’s heir and made him a kingsguard. Tywin definitely wants the mad king out

  • @jimjamsam3482
    @jimjamsam34825 ай бұрын

    george's latest blog post was very depressing, he posted not long after this stream. heres a quote "Has anything I have ever written here ever changed a single mind, a single vote? I see no evidence of that. The era of rational discourse seems to have ended"

  • @FlorianMark
    @FlorianMark5 ай бұрын

    I think Jaime told the Tysha story because he wanted to know if Tyrion killed Jeffrey.

  • @kennybell5108
    @kennybell51085 ай бұрын

    I mean installing a fierce ally to the throne where you have never had one before is pretty ambitions. Not to mention Robert being the most practical option seeing as he is well connected and more on an obvious choice compared to Brandon.

  • @iliaponomarev1624
    @iliaponomarev16245 ай бұрын

    > What's good about Edric Storm compared to Mia Stone Edric is officially recognized. With Mia it's just a rumor.

  • @SuperWindsage
    @SuperWindsage5 ай бұрын

    I dont actually think southern ambitions was a usurp plan, it felt more defensive alliance against a crazy but even with that a Queen Stark would be a good plan to back really.

  • @cinematicbeauty2194
    @cinematicbeauty21945 ай бұрын

    54:34 I hope it comes out that Varys actually mentioned it to Jaime in his glib way, reminding him of it and putting it in his head. Once Jaime remembers it it's hard to not let it out since he thinks he's never going to see Tyrion again.

  • @guichogf5636
    @guichogf56365 ай бұрын

    Maybe I'm the only one, but I don't see Rhaegar as a good and noble prince like everyone in the books and the fandom seems to. If he can boast of any great deeds besides tourney wins, which may have been thrown to him, and his musical talent, I can't find them in the books. He publicly shamed his very pregnant wife and as soon as she delivers a son, almost dying in the process, he disappears, allegedly with Lyanna Stark. Not exactly honorable things to do. Whether he kidnapped her or she went willingly with him, he disappears as the realm descends into war because of his alleged tryst with Lyanna. The honorable thing to do would be to take Lyanna home and join the Targ forces in the war that he caused. But he doesn't do that right away. I have a lot of doubts about the Lyanna story. Jon Con was infatuated with Rhaegar and he is bitter and jealous towards Elia Martell whose only sin was marrying Rhaegar, having his children and being murdered. Why so much animosity? But he doesn't even mention Lyanna which is surprising, because if she didn't appear on the scene the battle of the bells wouldn't have happened, Rhaegar wouldn't have died the way he did and Jon Con wouldn't have been disgraced and exiled. It doesn't make sense. It seems more likely to me that the rumor about their affair was started by someone interested in destabilizing the realm. Rhaegar has lots of fans in the books and fanbase, but there are questions nobody ever asks. I find it odd that he supposedly sent Lyanna to the Tower of Joy, in the lands of his scorned wife's family. How does that make sense? And he allegedly sent kingsguard to attend and protect her, but as prince, he didn't have the standing to do that as the kingsguard is sworn to the king, not the prince. I think Rhaegar was just a foolish dupe in some grander plan and a lot of the stories told about him and Lyanna are just not exactly true.

  • @avatarname0008


    5 ай бұрын

    First preston stream?

  • @guichogf5636


    5 ай бұрын

    @@avatarname0008 Not my first, but relatively new. Can someone direct me to a stream where he talks about this, it would be nice to hear I am not the only person that doesn't fall for the Rhaegar hype.

  • @JorraneReiC


    5 ай бұрын

    @@guichogf5636A significant portion of the fandom at large has been in a constant Rhaegar hate circle jerk for years now. A character who has like 5 lines in the books.

  • @carlogiurizzato2441


    4 ай бұрын

    you got it wrong rhaegar children are older elia was not pregnant, she already had the children, lol go to the asoiaf wiki then maybe you get why people love rhaegar, barristan arthur dayne, jaime ned stark cercei tywin oberyn all loved rhaegar

  • @carlogiurizzato2441


    4 ай бұрын

    for the dornush second wife are normal bro oberyn has 8 daughters with 8 diferent women, bastards are normal did you read the books? the prince absolutely can command the kingsguard did you read the queen and the princess did you watch house of the dragon princess rhaenyra command the kingsguard at will, so can as well the hand of the king bro inform yourself before making dumb assumptions

  • @louiscassis3426
    @louiscassis34265 ай бұрын

    So telepathy isn’t magic? How do I get my hands on some? There’s no difference between telepathy, telekinesis and magic.

  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson5 ай бұрын

    About Rhaegar's Great Council... why does Aerys showing up ruin Rhaegar's plans? (assuming that is indeed what happened.) True, its easier to get people to side against someone who isn't in the room, but if you're trying to make the argument that Aerys is mad and should be deposed, wouldn't you want to show off how mad he is? His crazy mood swings, his fingernails and matted long hair... Rhaegar could've baited Aerys into insulting a bunch of lords in attendance, then on cue, to each insulted party, Rhaegar shows up to apologize for his father, and pledge to treat them better once he's king. We know from Jaime how quickly he became disillusioned with Aerys at Harrenhal: "Aerys had turned sour.... 'He'll win no glory here,'" (Jaime VI ASoS)

  • @evancappello9288
    @evancappello92885 ай бұрын

    Have you/Would you ever do a dive into PatchFace & his prophecies?

  • @Garvak
    @Garvak5 ай бұрын

    The OneyPlays tree star reference was the most unexpected crossover on stream

  • @Sniffchicken5


    5 ай бұрын

    Tomar has gone international

  • @slide4
    @slide45 ай бұрын

    that would explain why brandon didn’t want to marry lady dustin as he needed a queen‼️

  • @formerdave94
    @formerdave945 ай бұрын

    Appreciate your streams, Preston

  • @goatmc
    @goatmc5 ай бұрын

    Buffalo Bills & Sabres have existed for combined 101 seasons. No titles. Sabres on a 14 year playoff drought going 15. The Bills ended their 17 year playoff drought in 2017. They’re a combined 0-6 in Title games. Detroit & Cleveland have had it rough too. The orioles won 101 games last season & Baltimore Ravens won the most regular season games this season. They have won 2 Super Bowls in the last two decades.

  • @donaldjgumpofficial5754


    5 ай бұрын

    Minneapolis is a better contender. Other than the Lakers in the 50s that moved, they have a World series and that's it. Detroit and Cleveland used to be really successful.

  • @FateHasWritersBlock
    @FateHasWritersBlock5 ай бұрын

    What comes first TWOW or Preston eating spaghetti on stream?

  • @avatarname0008


    5 ай бұрын


  • @noonesomeone669
    @noonesomeone669Күн бұрын

    Robert’s view of Lyanna makes plenty of sense. She represents everything his current life is not. He is in love with the idea of Lyanna and the dreams of youth. The toll of governance, an unfulfilling marriage, growing old, and the failure he feels himself to be is what has him cling onto Lyanna. It is very much a subversion of the maiden and knight romance.

  • @bombkita
    @bombkita5 ай бұрын

    So many silly questions like "how do i get over a girl".... Nobody tunes into preston jacobs for that...

  • @robertflintoft5614
    @robertflintoft56145 ай бұрын

    I've never noticed it in the books but does George make any suggestions that Jon Ayrn expand the power of leige lords in any way? Like do Robert and Jon fulfil any of the assumed aims of the southern ambitions strategy. I'm personally not sold on the Bardon as king the objective.

  • @profoundpronoun4712
    @profoundpronoun47125 ай бұрын

    Love ya BIG P ❤❤❤

  • @asdacustomerservice4605
    @asdacustomerservice46055 ай бұрын

    What’s the deal with the food fetish dude that always asking about pasta?

  • @f_f_f_8142
    @f_f_f_81425 ай бұрын

    The false kindness Jaime is talking about is supposedly hiring Tysha and faking the rescue.

  • @PrestonJacobstheSweetrobin


    5 ай бұрын

    Tyrion would love him for that?

  • @f_f_f_8142


    5 ай бұрын

    @@PrestonJacobstheSweetrobin He thinks Jaime deliberatly caused the best moments he ever had. I think he at least appreciated the effort that went into this scheme to make him feel desired and all that.

  • @nickkoch3467
    @nickkoch34675 ай бұрын

    1:43:49 I finally watched the Leftovers last year. It was a great show. I agree with Preston on this.

  • @SomaSong
    @SomaSong5 ай бұрын

    The springs over your mic mount vibrate and the sound channels up the frame into the mic

  • @nickm8425
    @nickm84255 ай бұрын

    “I dont have pasta” -turns off immediately-

  • @jewsco
    @jewsco5 ай бұрын

    Lyana is the pretty girl he never got and Robert got all the pretty girls he wanted

  • @TimRobertsen
    @TimRobertsen5 ай бұрын

    Could Jamie's "kindness" be knighthood, or the concept of knighthood/kingsguard? That he himself believes that he has never lived up to the ideals of knighthood. He thinks of himself as a failed knight. It's a bit of a stretch, but if you view the kindness-comment in the context of the dialog. The dialog is mostly about moral, and how it applies to some people but not others. The kindness-comment is simply a counterpoint (with no definite origin) to the killing of Aerys. He is hate for what he did, and loved for what he didn't do. People will see you for what ever they want to, regardless of what ever you actually are.

  • @sjp2649
    @sjp26495 ай бұрын

    The pasta people literally need to chill out. No one cares about the pasta. Please for the love of god stop bringing it up every week. Also, PJ, please post your Pokémon go friend code. I’ll send you gifts.

  • @evancappello9288
    @evancappello92885 ай бұрын

    Tight tackle is NOT an American football term, I believe you’re referring to a Half-Back…which a lot of TIGHT ENDS also play…but zero official position of “tight tackle”

  • @PrestonJacobstheSweetrobin


    5 ай бұрын

    It’s as if Google doesn’t exist

  • @evancappello9288


    5 ай бұрын

    @@PrestonJacobstheSweetrobin I mean, I love you Preston, but even google won’t help you here. The position has never existed in that name form, it’s just always been Tackle…it’s ok, it’s an irrelevant subject…but you are wrong here. Maybe it’s one of your minds’ Mandela effects.

  • @anthastoned
    @anthastoned5 ай бұрын

    1:02:44 I remember one instance of Jaime thinking about Tyrion and he says something like, “…and my brother- who loves me for a lie” and that was before he told him, but I don’t know if it’s mentioned otherwise

  • @SapphireSolstice67


    5 ай бұрын

    “I loved Tyrion. I was good to him. Well, but for that one time . . . but the Imp did not know the truth of that. Or did he? "Why would he kill Joff?"” Jaime VII ASOS

  • @evancappello9288
    @evancappello92885 ай бұрын

    2:46:40 maybe it’s GRRMs way of showing what people naturally do; which is to never talk about it and not address the issue. Jaime def seems like the type who’s not really going to get into his feels often

  • @Zacahorse
    @Zacahorse5 ай бұрын

    just upload a 5 minute video of you literally just eating pasta - no explanation for non-stream viewers

  • @sorsha295
    @sorsha2955 ай бұрын

    French streamer Domingo sometimes streams Crusader Kings and he's great at it so its still a decent stream game

  • @MrJakewray
    @MrJakewray5 ай бұрын

    45:15 I can confidently say no, Brandon would not be able to walk forward

  • @Saturos226
    @Saturos2265 ай бұрын

    2:30:00 So it's Elissa Farman or Arya?

  • @feral7523
    @feral75235 ай бұрын

    What would be your response if the answers to your questions for George were generally "I don't know"? Also rethinking Harrenhal for 10mins should be header.

  • @humzakhalid7902
    @humzakhalid79025 ай бұрын

    1:02:00 jaime does think about it before...a couple of times in previous chapters jaime has vague thoughts about tyrion, like tyrion loves him for something he never did and something around those lines...since theres nothing else that is revealed its safe to assume the tysha thing is what jaime is guilty about

  • @humzakhalid7902


    5 ай бұрын

    yes! the line "he loved him for a lie" is the second time he thinks about it

  • @humzakhalid7902


    5 ай бұрын

    AND once in storm of swords when hes thinks he was always good to tyrion except for that one thing but tyrion didnt know the truth of it or did he? when hes thinking if tyrion might have killed joffrey knowing he was jaimes son...thats 3 different times the mystery is foreshadowed....and the one u say doesnt fit...when he thinks tyrion loves him for something he never did its not that he thinks tyrion loved him cuz he saved the girl n made the thing up its cuz he doesnt realize how traumatic the whole thing was for tyrion and how he really did love jaimes head tyrion as a teen would have seen it as a gift that his brother got him his first whore and went through the whole charade of having him save her and comfort her and all...tyrion never told jaime how much he hated tywin for what he did to tysha and that he really had feelings for her..he always pt up an air of not really caring for whores

  • @ThailandOutsider
    @ThailandOutsider5 ай бұрын

    With Rhaegar not having (much) suport at Harrenhall, isn't that the point? I never thought that the guests were all allies of Rhaegar, but were maybe seen as the ones most like to be? Although I don't believe this was the moment he was planning on calling a great counsel, even still it's not the worst idea, in politics it's sadly not always pick the best person, but more pick anyone but that person, and given his reputation as bat shit crazy, hell even Sweet Robin could a won that vote 😅

  • @jordanhines6455
    @jordanhines64555 ай бұрын

    Super late but isn’t the Jamie thing also have to do with this quote s. "I think it passing odd that I am loved by one for a kindness I never did, and reviled by so many for my finest act.” Like other people said I thinks a combination of guilt and thinking he’ll never see Tyrion again. I also do think he doesn’t think Tyrion would react as bad as he did because he seems super upset when Tyrion tells him to fuck off.

  • @jacebales2951
    @jacebales29515 ай бұрын

    1. Preston is absolutely correct that the Jaime thing about the 'kindness he never did' doesn't make any sense. 2. Skyline Chili is amazing.

  • @OfficialRedTeamReview


    5 ай бұрын

    Skyline Chili is great. the recipe calls for a bit of cinnamon and coco powder.

  • @jacebales2951


    5 ай бұрын

    @@OfficialRedTeamReview Yes, Cincinnati chili. I think nutmeg is in it too. Created originally by Greek immigrants. There's also Gold Star, Camp Washington and Blue Ash lol. Skyline is probably the most well known, though.

  • @matthew66306
    @matthew663065 ай бұрын

    Leftovers was the worst, most pointless waste of time

  • @franbalcal
    @franbalcal5 ай бұрын

    OMG just boil pasta for 15 mins and add some ready made sauce, how is that HARD?! is Preston aware of the Vanderpump rules moment "ITS NOT ABOUT THE PASTA!!!"

  • @matthew66306
    @matthew663065 ай бұрын

    It's funny, in one video you propose that Cersei could have poisoned Joeffrey accidentally by trying to poison Tyrion. And to zhe problem of her never thinking about it you say she might have done so off page and that its a common thing in GRRM writing that such thoughts are left out. And here you get hung up on Jamie not thinking about Tysha. Which is very easily explained by GRRM not wamting to reveal the whole thing until the right moment.

  • @LordAbraxas
    @LordAbraxas5 ай бұрын

    Was gonna say Carm's spinoff idea was Lomas Longstrider, but then you said it for Trey. So maybe it's Elissa Farman?

  • @OfficialRedTeamReview


    5 ай бұрын


  • @evancappello9288
    @evancappello92885 ай бұрын

    Come on Carmine, HAS to be the Lannister Uncle..Gerrion? 2:31:21

  • @OfficialRedTeamReview


    5 ай бұрын


  • @globesurfer122
    @globesurfer1225 ай бұрын

    2:29:36 Marwyn the Mage?

  • @AiltonOfClawIsland
    @AiltonOfClawIsland5 ай бұрын

    You guys are so thick. Jaimy is telling Tyrion his wife wasn't a bought whore is huge. It is as huge for Jaimy as for Tyrion. Tyrion now knows that her love was real and it probably does tons to his self esteem. This can not compared to anything like i" cheate on my wife 20 years ago. should i tell her?"

  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson5 ай бұрын

    I don't know if Brandon could've won a Great Council: its not enough to have Great Lords on your side. For instance, when Robert's Rebellion actually happens, despite Jon Arryn and Hoster Tully supporting Robert, Gulltown initially sides with Aerys (thus why Ned had to go north through the Fingers and Sisters: "The Mad King had sent to the Eyrie for Stark's head, but Jon Arryn sent him back defiance. Gulltown stayed loyal to the throne, though." Davos I ADwD), as did some Riverlanders and Stormlanders (Darry, Connington, etc.) Though I guess Brandon could still have screwed things up enough for Rhaegar, with vote-splitting and stuff, that Rhaegar decided he couldn't risk it...

  • @carpeimodiem
    @carpeimodiem5 ай бұрын

    Preston, if you haven't seen the new film 'Saltburn', check it out and see if it doesn't remind you of a certain backstory/folk tale from Game of Thrones ASoI&F hahaha You and Carmine should appreciate it 👍

  • @OfficialRedTeamReview


    5 ай бұрын

    thats bait

  • @carpeimodiem


    5 ай бұрын

    @@OfficialRedTeamReview did u see it? If not (a) it's a really good movie. And (b) you'll see what I mean hahaha

  • @ulyssesodysseus2452
    @ulyssesodysseus245213 күн бұрын

    preston can soy out sometimes like no other YT channel i follow

  • @teddycaliendo6744
    @teddycaliendo67445 ай бұрын

    ive got a full diaper

  • @Muzer0
    @Muzer05 ай бұрын

    Re "why'd she have sex with Tyrion the same day she was raped"... now I will say I've never been raped and indeed I'm also not a woman. But isn't it reasonable to guess that some people might have very different reactions to trauma to others? I'm no psychologist but I certainly wouldn't find it surprising or, god forbid, try to shame anyone for deciding to assert control over their own sexuality as an immediate reaction to having it violated. Perhaps TV!Shae finds it surprising but I don't think you can necessarily say she speaks for all women everywhere. Perhaps I'm completely barking up the wrong tree and it's universal that people wouldn't want sex after rape; I fully admit this might be the case. But short of surveying a large sample of rape victims can you really say this for certain?

  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson5 ай бұрын

    3:07:45 Ironborn succession is weird... it makes it seem like women are completely excluded from succession. Rodrik the Reader's sons are dead (I don't think he has any daughters?) so under normal Westerosi succession, his heirs should be his sisters Gwynesse and Annalys, then Annalys' kids Theon and Asha. But instead his heir is his cousin Harras. Here's how Rodrik and Asha discuss it: "Asha, my two tall sons fed the crabs of Fair Isle. I am not like to wed again. Stay, and I shall name you heir to the Ten Towers. Be content with that." "Ten Towers?" Would that I could. "Your cousins will not like that. The Knight, old Sigfryd, Hotho Humpback . . ." "They have lands and seats of their own." True enough. Damp, decaying Harlaw Hall belonged to old Sigfryd Harlaw the Silverhair; humpbacked Hotho Harlaw had his seat at the Tower of Glimmering, on a crag above the western coast. The Knight, Ser Harras Harlaw, kept court at Grey Garden; Boremund the Blue ruled atop Harridan Hill. But each was subject to Lord Rodrik. "Boremund has three sons, Sigfryd Silverhair has grandsons, and Hotho has ambitions," Asha said. "They all mean to follow you, even Sigfryd. That one intends to live forever." "The Knight will be the Lord of Harlaw after me," her uncle said, "but he can rule from Grey Garden as easily as from here. Do fealty to him for the castle and Ser Harras will protect you." (The Kraken's Daughter AFfC) GRRM is definitely planning on having a Harlaw succession crisis. Harras is given Greyshield in the Reach, so he's likely going to be captured/killed soon - maybe for a while it will be ambiguous if he is dead, just to further muddy the waters on who should be heir. Maybe the other cousins backstab each other fighting for it, while back home, Gwynesse quietly takes over? Not sure what role Annalys would play...

  • @ricebix
    @ricebix5 ай бұрын


  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson5 ай бұрын

    1:19:13 with the Ashara Dayne - Jyana Reed theory, I do quite like it, though I'm not sure why... I guess structurally, it works well as a reveal? Very GRRM-y to write about Ned liking a girl, but her hooking up with his friend? Not sure if there's anything in the text to definitely suggest that Ashara favored Howland over the Starks, but there is textual evidence to support how Ashara hooking up with Howland would lead to Ashara-Stark rumors: "the quiet wolf had offered the little crannogman a place in his tent that night" (Bran II ASoS), and at least one of the Ashara-Stark rumors we hear seems to be based on Ashara being seen in Ned's tent: "maybe some words were whispered in a tent of a night" (Arya VIII ASoS). As for why Ashara would be interesting in a scrawny bullied Howland Reed... idk, the dude had just come from the Isle of Faces, would probably be a super interesting person to talk to? As for listings in the appendix... I mean, if those were reliable enough to quash theories, then the Three-Eyed Crow is Brynden. The thing about Meera being the heir is implied, not stated, but here's the quote, from when Meera and Jojen are introduced at Winterfell. Meera gets the fancy titles, and Jojen is almost an afterthought: "The Lady Meera of House Reed," the rotund guardsman bellowed over the clamor. "With her brother, Jojen, of Greywater Watch." (Bran III ACoK) Though idk if GRRM had decided that Dornish Law would be a thing way back in ACoK?

  • @JorraneReiC


    5 ай бұрын

    Assuming Howland was the one who 360 no-scoped Arthur Dayne, do we really feel Ashara would want to play house up in the swamp and pop out a few kids with him after that? It’s my only real hang up with this theory otherwise I do think it comes together nicely.

  • @Mj_Jetson


    5 ай бұрын

    @@JorraneReiC Yeah fair enough that is a problem... though I think there's gotta be some intriguing alternatives to what went down at the Tower of Joy, other than Howland sneak-attacking Arthur? Or else do we know if Arthur and Ashara had a good relationship? Or did Howland tell Ashara the truth about what happened? (maybe Howland ignored Robb's orders to send men because he was too busy going to couples counselling with Ashara cuz she just found our he killed her brother LOL)

  • @Nemenon
    @Nemenon5 ай бұрын

    I love these streams but I find it so jarring how you'll continue to switch between deep dives into asioaf questions to modern politics to asioaf to politics etc lol.

  • @seanpidduck
    @seanpidduck5 ай бұрын

    How is Preston such a boomer at KZread introductions he's only like 35 lol?
