Linux Input-Output Redirection | Linux Redirects | Linux I/O Redirects | Hindi

In this videos, you will learn the Linux I/O redirects with examples.
The greater than symbol is used for output (STDOUT) redirection.
Output redirection is used to redirect the output of a command or program to a file rather than to the
The less symbol is used for input(STDIN) redirection.
Input redirection is used to redirect the input of a command or program from a file rather than from
the keyboard.
Commands with a double bracket 'do not overwrite' the existing file content.
In Linux, the double bracket symbol is used for output redirection to append output to a file.
00:00 Introduction to I/O redirection
01:18 Output redirection Case 1
02:44 Output redirection Case 2
03:25 Input redirection Case 1
04:07 Input redirection Case 2
04:50 append 'do not overwrite'
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