
This podcast is inspired by "Law of Resonance", a concept the speaker, Pinaki Ray, has been practicing for almost two years. #LifeCoachPinaki is a life coach who is guiding listeners on a 5-day journey into the "Amazing World of the Law of Resonance".
According to this podcast, the "Law of Resonance" states that you and everything in the universe are vibrating at a frequency and that you can attract things to you that are vibrating at a similar frequency.
#LifeCoachPinaki uses the example of sunlight to explain resonance. Light waves can travel in vacuum. Space between Sun and Earth is also a vacuum. Sunlight travels as light wave and carries energy. When sunlight hits the earth, it converts into other forms of energy. There are certain waves which travel through space and scientists are always working to discover these energy sources.
Our thoughts and feelings are also a form of energy and they travel at their own specific frequencies. #LifeCoachPinaki says that our thoughts and feeling can travel much faster than light. When we connect with people, we are connecting with their frequency. If we are on the same frequency as someone else, we can experience a "Conscious Connection" with them. This is why like-minded people are drawn to each other.
#LifeCoachPinaki also talks about anchoring in NLP, which is a technique used to create a positive emotional state. By anchoring a strong emotion, we can access it later when we need it.
#LifeCoachPinaki concludes by saying that we can use the "Law of Resonance" to create and live a life for choices. By focusing on our thoughts and feelings, we can attract the things that we want into our lives.
#LifeCoachPinaki was referring to a 12-minute video of ‪@Mindvalley‬ that he shared with the audience before this podcast. Here is the link:
• Why the Law of Resonan...

