Life After Death

Insight and Intuition International
Webinar: Is there life after death?
3rd May 2024
Is there life after death?
And if so what may it be?
Join our learned panelists to take part in this enthralling subject that has foxed philosophers, writers and mystics down the ages.
Vanilla Beer M.A. B.A. Fellow of the Cybernetics Society and a Fellow of the RSA; holds various arts diplomas and awards plus a B.A. in Theological Studies (Greenwich University) and an M.A. in Western Esotericism (Exeter University).
James McDonald is a polymath: mathematician, etymologist, historian, theologian and prolific writer on a wide range of non-fiction subjects. He holds two M.A.s, MSc, and is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Among his many books is Beyond Belief: A History of Christianity’ - a tome that took many years of travel and research.
Marcus Williamson is a British writer, journalist and campaigner. As an obituarist for the Independent he has written about many hundreds of subjects, including artists, poets, musicians, actors and inventors.
