Life After Death Dimensions & Preparation with Jurgen Ziewe

EBTV with host Evita Ochel and returning guest Jurgen Ziewe in a dialogue about Jurgen's work on life after death - what to expect and how to prepare.
Jurgen's Books:
1. Vistas of Infinity (
2. Multidimensional Man (
3. The 10-Minute Moment (
Topics covered in the video include:
1. An explanation of non-local consciousness (NLC) and the dimensions of consciousness after death. (2:23)
- NDE’s / Near Death Experiences are not universal, unique to each person
- each person has their own “death” and “near-death” experience
- how to collect effective data about other dimensions
- spatial reality is not after death reality
- our mind and feelings will determine the reality we experience after death
- why Jurgen wrote the book
2. Biggest misconceptions about death: it is an eternal resting phase. (12:20)
- R.I.P fallacy
- quote from Jurgen’s mother: “death is simply an extended form of gathering valuable information and experience” (13:09)
- how our work continues beyond this dimension of reality
- how other dimensions provide us other powers and abilities, not available here
- the impact of positive and creative attitudes
- why people don’t “fly” on lower dimensions
3. The importance of preparing for our life after death. (17:54)
- everyday is a first of an infinite future
- we get to continue our mental and spiritual work
- practicing and priming ourselves for greater states of consciousness
- no end in the process of “awakening” or “enlightenment”
4. How much of ourselves, our identity, we get to keep and what we need to shed beyond this life. (24:14)
- we exist in NLC (lower levels) with "identity intact" but to reach more sublime levels of Consciousness we need to transcend Ego identification
- the downside of Ayahuasca and similar experiences
- the pros and challenges of meditation
- how to experience permanent Ego shedding
5. An exploration of why suicide is not a way out, and what may be experienced in other dimensions as a result. (30:44)
- the relocation of our problem to another level
- the challenges and stress created due to beliefs
- why believing something does not make it so, or automatically shape our reality
- Jurgen’s experience in lower dimensions where we have to face our actions, experience what we have created
- how to live effectively for positive experiences here and in the afterlife (39:33)
6. How to work in accordance with the Laws of Nature and balance our “karma”. (41:28)
- the loss of knowing Truth
- the essential components of clarity and wisdom
- what to do if we feel “lost” in this dimension or others
7. Exploring reincarnation in context of life after death, time and space, and our roles, relationships and relatives. (49:34)
- our lifetimes as a “tapestry”; connected energy centers
- the access to understanding how our lifetimes and experiences connect
- experiencing the totality of our being
- the close bonds between those we help and those we hurt
8. Final words on how to deal with fear and insecurity dealing with death and the afterlife. (57:26)
- we cannot control reality, but we don’t have to be controlled by reality
- the role of acceptance and surrender
9. Jurgen’s websites and contact. (1:04:45)
- update on 3D virtual reality project

Пікірлер: 248

  • @XenonDiosmitide
    @XenonDiosmitide6 жыл бұрын

    This video saved my life. I was planning on ending it. Then, through that process, I realised that nothing is going to change from here to now. I wasted years of my life running from what I already knew in my heart was the "way". Now Im coming full circle and realising that this material existence isnt the culmination of my struggles...its only the beginning. I need to work on these things now and not expect things to be better once this body ceases to exist. Thank you guys for jarring me out of this confined space of consciousness and seeing the bigger picture. You will never know the effect youve had.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    You are so very, very welcome!!! Your comment Helias is the most meaningful and moving one I have ever received and what makes doing this work so worth it. Thank you for posting this and sharing your experience. I am so grateful that through the power of your awareness you were able to have this incredible illumination that can further liberate you from the bondage of any mental constructs that diminish your potential and prevent you from living the truth of your heart. Indeed, this is just the beginning..... sending an abundance of blessings your way for a positively transformative life journey.

  • @SpiritualReform


    5 жыл бұрын

    In my understanding, when this life is over, a new life begins; one that may have nothing to do with this one here on Earth. We might go through a period of deconstructing our old beliefs _(it's necessary in order to move on),_ but once that is over, the new life and experience begins.

  • @SpiritualReform


    5 жыл бұрын

    @Anka B It doesn't matter what religion we follow or whether we believe in a god, as long as we are true to our hearts and ask from the heart, we may experience that which we desire or ask for. :) I too met my soul mate by asking from a moment of quietness.

  • @jackcumming3663


    3 жыл бұрын

    I also considered ending my life many years ago when I lost my wife of 25 years at a young age. I went through a very dark time. Then I thought to life is a bus ride and I can get off at any stop I chose. Day by day I told myself this. To me, death was the light at the end of a very dark tunnel, an end to my suffering. Well..many years later I am still here and have grown spiritually...and in understanding. I am in a happy place now.

  • @jackcumming3663


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@SpiritualReform the next life, in my opinion, has a lot to do with this life here and what we do while we are here, as it will be in the next life. We take our lessons with us...and so on it goes. It is about progressing.

  • @FarrahLily
    @FarrahLily7 жыл бұрын

    I love how the bottom line is just to appreciate and focus on the wonderful things in life and that knowing that there is so much more out there beyond this physical reality we are currently perceiving. This has made a huge impact in my own personal happiness and acceptance and love for myself. I love the quietness of nature and watching animals and a simple walk outside brings me so much joy in my daily routine! Just finding awareness and "magic in the mundane" is so wonderful. Clarity is the best feeling in the world. I can't believe he was able have all of these amazing experiences! "Love is everywhere and you can never get lost." I love that! What a wonderful perspective and interview and thank you for bringing it to us. I can't wait to read his book! Thank you again ❤️

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    You are so very welcome Farrah. It was so lovely to read your comment and feedback. Thank you!

  • @lz8484


    6 жыл бұрын

    I love this interview and Purchased his book Vistas of Infinity....everyone needs to have this knowledge. It gives hope to those who them assurance heart and compassion is above a top position in a company or millions of dollars. It's your heart of gold and service to yourself and others that are eternity.

  • @fightingcancermultiplemeyl5408


    6 жыл бұрын

    can we not just love and show compasion for every human life we will all benifit

  • @vickiphillips7887
    @vickiphillips78874 жыл бұрын

    I found this interview comforting and resonating on a very deep level... thank you for doing this work... my son has transitioned recently and your interview brings me great comfort that he is okay... he was such a sweet soul & a kind heart... I know now that he is experiencing his own bliss..

  • @EvitaOchel


    4 жыл бұрын

    Great to hear that you found comfort and value from Jurgen's experiences with the afterlife Vicki. May you have peace of mind and heart

  • @jackiekerouac2090
    @jackiekerouac20907 жыл бұрын

    Very insightful interview. Thank you! Now, what I have to share may not be accepted by some, but it's okay. Some will be open enough to "listen" with their heart. I have been a "student" of life for the past +50 years. I have learned and practiced astral traveling in my late teens. I felt then that there was "something" higher than the astral level of vibrations. A few years later I came upon a new concept for me called "Soul Traveling". At first, I thought astral and soul traveling was one and the same thing. It took me years to find the difference. First, one has to know that he/she is Soul inhabiting a physical body. For instance, I don't say, "I have a Soul, but I AM Soul." Huge difference since we have to identify initially with the "I" principle, or the Real Self. Jurgen talks about the many Vistas of Infinity, and he is correct. There are infinite dimensions or levels of consciousness; some call them "planes of existence", or God realms or divine mansions. The first time I realized that I am Soul and the astral body is just another sheat protecting me, as Soul, was during a conscious out-of-body experience (OBE). One day, as I was doing my daily contemplation using a special mantra, called the HU, I suddenly found myself out of the physical shell, looking back at my body. The "air" around me had a sort of bluish aura all about the room. It was very interesting to see myself as such, and I was not afraid because I was prepared for that experience through the daily contemplations I began many months before. Suddenly, I heard the voice of my spiritual guide beside me. He said, "Look closely at the body lying there!" That certainly got all my attention. Then, I saw "another me" raising out of the physical shell lying on the bed. That other self was sparkling with countless little bluish stars, as if that body was only made out of twinkling light. My spiritual guide said, "This is your astral body and you, as Soul, is looking at it." He was in fact teaching me about the difference between Astral traveling and Soul traveling because I needed to move beyond the astral plane of existence to learn about the many other divine realms of creation. At that time, I was caught up in thinking that the astral level was the only one. To make a long story short. Either through NDE, OBE, meditation or contemplation, astral traveling is the process of moving out of the physical body in full consciousness to simply enter into another shell protecting Soul. The "Astral plane" of existence is only one area very close to Earth, and in a way, it's very limited. Beyond that level, one can find other fields of knowledge, like the the akashic records (past-lives repository), or the mental/intellectual worlds holding the knowledge of all mathematics, logic or rational thought, beyond that level one can find the source of most religious teachings on this planet, with their heavens and cathedrals or worship churches. And, much beyond, behind some sort of what seems to be an impenetrable darkness or void, lies the Soul plane. That area marks the passage between the "lower" and "higher" vibrations (for lack of a better word). The lower worlds encompass universes affected by positive and negative vibrations, and subject to many spiritual laws, like the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma). The higher worlds are not subject to karma or reincarnation. When Soul reaches that level, it is no more compelled to be reincarnated. Over the years, I learned through experience that Soul is a divine eternal being, beyond matter, energy (as we know it), space and time. I also learned that this physical world -- and all its billions of stars and galaxies -- is an illusion (maya) created by highly evolved beings as training grounds for Soul. Soul incarnates again and again in different classes to learn about the millions of lessons life has to offer. Those many classes (lifetimes) could be about dominance, power, control, egotism or compassion, self-giving and the most important one, love. Since it's quite impossible to learn all those lessons in one lifetime, Soul comes back again and again, but always going forward, always progressing. Once in a human body, Soul rarely regress into a lower state of consciousness. That's why I only laugh when I hear people say that so and so will reincarnate into an animal, a flower and alike. Soul always move forward. In all of its thousands of incarnations (and more!), Soul has to merge with a human brain. This process is done during the first few months before a baby is born. For Soul, who is an all-conscious being, this is usually a difficult process since the baby human brain is like a clean slate, or a computer processing system that needs to be formatted for that particular Soul's vibrations, and according to what Soul has chosen (with its spiritual guides) to learn down here below. Sometimes, Soul will take on some incarnations with not too much physical problems, within a healthy body, in a wealthy family. Those are the "easy" incarnations! Other times, Soul may choose a more challenging body, with disabilities, or incarnating in a very poor country or warlike country. All of these incarnations are only for Soul to learn, to find and to answer key questions such as: Who am I? What am I doing here? Is there life after death? Is there a God? and so forth. I was fortunate enough to be able to remember who I am as Soul early in my actual incarnation, and about my spiritual mission in life. For me ALL religions are valid and I respect each one of them. As long as they teach about high principles of charity, altruism and love, then all of their followers are learning good points. This is a long reply, and to shorten it, here are some basic "entrance points" for those who wish to step beyond their comfort zone: Jurgen Ziewe's references, Michael Newton's first two books (Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls), Harold Klemp (The Secret Teachings, The Dream Master, among others), Paul Twitchell (The Key to the Secret Worlds). And, lastly, a contemplation technique, the "HU song" (just Google it!)

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much Jackie for taking the time to share all that you have and offer further explanations and insights with regards to this topic. Everything you shared resonates with me very much, and I know it will offer much value to others who come across this video and read your words as well.

  • @eilenevuong3019


    6 жыл бұрын

    This is very comforting. Thank you.

  • @markusf2873


    5 жыл бұрын

    thank you for your explanations Jackie, slowly the puzzle of life, religions and beliefs is starting to make sense to me!

  • @peterturley8846


    5 жыл бұрын

    Animal love unlike Human love is unconditional and true- I find your comment about not incarnating 'regressively' into flora and fauna quite arrogant and ignorant in equal measure, which is the hallmark of the Human ego! For someone who is allegedly espousing spiritual values, having visited certain spiritual vistas and domains, your rhetoric hasn't broadened your spiritual ethos or led you to any kind of real and profound understanding of whom we really and truly are!!!

  • @tzmythos
    @tzmythos7 жыл бұрын

    I consider this his best talk, as though he has somehow expanded, and whatever insights he has gained flow through him so easily. He is saying nothing that has not been said before, but he is saying it with such lucidity, such simplicity that for me, it is like drinking in pure light. Please thank him, and thank you very much, Evita, for this very important dialogue.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    You are most welcome, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about this video.

  • @zhangchen5286
    @zhangchen52866 жыл бұрын

    Sir, You hit the nail on my head. You are a great man. I can't wait to read your book. Thank you.

  • @TwinGears
    @TwinGears6 жыл бұрын

    Of all the interviews with Jurgen Ziewe, I feel Evita Ochel does one of the best jobs - worth watching both videos.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    That is really beautiful to hear Brian. Thank you for sharing your feedback!

  • @TwinGears


    6 жыл бұрын

    Your welcome - I just came across Jurgen a few days ago and was amazed how bang on he's been tracking the same thing I have been onto in a different manner. Most people don't like to discuss heart space and it's function, and his gratitude to the being now is so straight forward that no wonder it was such a head trip for him on his first big out. I got my first OBE in late 80's while driving but didn't start to look into it until after 2014 I think or there abouts...

  • @john360m
    @john360m7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you Evita, Thank you Jurgen, for your Great Work. The heartfelt kindness in your voices comes though.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    My sincere pleasure, and thank you for your beautiful comment!

  • @nilug.9444
    @nilug.94447 жыл бұрын

    Evita, I really love your work! thank you so much. You are an inspiration. Sending you much love from Germany

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your love and kindness with me Nilu. It is deeply moving and so greatly appreciated.

  • @naturesgifts5682
    @naturesgifts56827 жыл бұрын

    Jurgen is a beautiful man. He speaks what my heart feels. Thank you so much Evita, you are an amazing interviewer.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for your kind words and feedback.

  • @mariecarbery8762
    @mariecarbery87627 жыл бұрын

    I just came across your show, you ask the most wonderful and life changing questions and we receive the most wonderful and life changing answers. Wishing you many many blessings .

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much for your kind and beautiful feedback Marie. An abundance of blessings to you too :)

  • @bailey31909
    @bailey319097 жыл бұрын

    This is the second time I have watched this one and found it very enlightening and extremely positive. Thank you, Evita Ochel.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    You are most welcome and thank you! So great to hear that you enjoyed it so much :)

  • @LadyPenelope
    @LadyPenelope7 жыл бұрын

    Wonderful interview. Thank you both so much. Gratitude...

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Great to hear and thank you so much for watching!

  • @DodefiEnglish
    @DodefiEnglish7 жыл бұрын

    Evita & Jürgen: I cannot say more than simply thank you! I am going to bring this video to the attention of all my own viewers for the sake of spreading this wisdom. Namaste

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    You are so very, very welcome :) Great to hear it resonated and thank you for sharing this message.

  • @MrTomkelso22
    @MrTomkelso227 жыл бұрын

    Hi Evita, great interview but I am most impressed in the fact that you take the time to address those that have concerns. although this may be time consuming, this demonstrates the love that radiates from your heart. as I came across your channel today, I will be following. Thank you

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much Tom for sharing your positive feedback and observations. Warmest regards!

  • @stazzeldskater
    @stazzeldskater5 жыл бұрын

    watching this for second time... feeling even more awakened and really relate to Jurgens point on his cancer as I have battled with Ulcerative Colitis and have to agree that illness does offer a huge opportunity to grow and learn. I feel I really relate to living in the moment now and I feel such gratitude. These videos as well as many other things have really helped to put me in the moment day to day

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing about your experience and impact of Jurgen's work on your life.

  • @stazzeldskater
    @stazzeldskater5 жыл бұрын

    Enjoyed the whole video but one of my favorite points from him is that the bedrock of reality is bliss. When I hear this it connects to something deep inside me. Like something I've in some way known all my life but have managed to trick myself into forgetting. I feel gratitude for these videos that help me connect with deeper realizations about myself.

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Wonderful to hear, and thanks so much for taking the time to share your nice comment.

  • @InsanityisSanity
    @InsanityisSanity7 жыл бұрын

    You're such a wonderful speaker Evita, im so glad to have found your channel and am very grateful for the great information

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Deeply moved by your beautiful comment. Thank you so much for taking the time to share it. With love and gratitude!

  • @michaeljoseph8674


    5 жыл бұрын

    This dude talks in circles wake up

  • @Tina-ed5vl
    @Tina-ed5vl5 жыл бұрын

    Absolutely great! I hear the interview again and again

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Wonderful to hear it resonated so much :)

  • @JohnGalt2028
    @JohnGalt20287 жыл бұрын

    He really got me saying that there is only one emotion you can feel at a time : love ❤️ or fear. We all can choose which one ?! In my life it means to be conscious of myself and others, to be aware of what is real and what really matters.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Beautiful takeaway! Thank you for sharing your comment.

  • @pambennett8967


    7 жыл бұрын

    John Galt a mother protecting her young feels both love and fear

  • @jackhenshaw8651
    @jackhenshaw86517 жыл бұрын

    great man, this is all we need and lots more.your books are great thanks. jack.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for watching and sharing your feedback Jack.

  • @lolisrobles9557
    @lolisrobles95576 жыл бұрын

    Thanks Mr.Ziewe

  • @HelloDaniMo
    @HelloDaniMo6 жыл бұрын

    Beautiful conversation- thank you for sharing :-)

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Our pleasure, and thank you Dani.

  • @irenecarlos6039
    @irenecarlos60394 жыл бұрын

    Thank you, such a wonderful interview.

  • @EvitaOchel


    4 жыл бұрын

    Our pleasure Irene, thank you for your kind comment.

  • @oneness6691
    @oneness66916 жыл бұрын

    Really really wonderful!!! Got lots of insights.Lot of information dat I had never before. Thank u all for helping us n also thanks for ur best effort to bring dis vedio to us...

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    You are very welcome! Thank you for watching and sharing your feedback.

  • @houmandehdashtidmd9078
    @houmandehdashtidmd90787 жыл бұрын

    Excellent. Been looking forward to this.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Wonderful to read your comment and feedback, thank you!

  • @houmandehdashtidmd9078


    7 жыл бұрын

    Evita Ochel most welcome.

  • @elliegotfredson3712
    @elliegotfredson37126 жыл бұрын

    Thank you, I am filled with peace.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Lovely to hear Ellie.

  • @genevievematte9048
    @genevievematte90485 жыл бұрын

    thank you for the confirmation of what I know is TRUTH! We need more and more of this type of discussion! I am eternally grateful for your clear mindedness....knowledge ....and light love energy! i CALL IT GODIOUSNESS

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Our pleasure, and thank you for your nice comment and feedback :)

  • @charlotte155
    @charlotte1556 жыл бұрын

    Wow thank you for this wonderful video 😍❤😍

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    My pleasure :)

  • @Zakkkkkkkkkka
    @Zakkkkkkkkkka6 жыл бұрын

    I loved your interview very interesting!!

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Great to hear your feedback, thank you!

  • @pureenergy5051
    @pureenergy50516 жыл бұрын

    Love is constantly bursting forth as quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what are called protons and neutrons. Love constantly bursts forth as everything.

    @IVANHOECHAPUT6 жыл бұрын

    I have books on Amazon about the afterlife. Been researching this subject for about 13 years and am embarrassed to say that I've never seen any of Jurgen's videos. What an enlightening articulation of reality, both physical and non-physical! The best I've ever encountered.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Excellent to hear you enjoyed Jurgen's work! Thank you for sharing about your experience.



    6 жыл бұрын

    Thank you. I think this generation, or possibly the next, will basically revise the entire belief system that secular religion has long ago imposed on humanity. Thanks to people like Jurgen, Anita Moorjani, Terrance McKenna, Raymond Moody and many others for their groundbreaking work on consciousness outside the body.

  • @DeadEternally


    6 жыл бұрын

    What did you feel about Ziewe's ideas directly opposing the ideas of life between life researchers such as Michael Newton and Brian Weiss who postulate a uniform and structured after death experience, whereas Ziewe says the state of your mind will dictate what you will experience?



    6 жыл бұрын

    DeadEternally - I just finished my new book titled, HEAVEN. I too had the same question as you just posted and wanted to find the answer of the varying experiences of NDE'ers and astral travelers versus other ideas of heaven that do espouse to a "realm of perfect harmony". I have to clarify my comment, "The best I've ever encountered" has to do with the description of the astral plane. I had hypnotically regressed may people's past lives around 1970. Then I tried finding out what had happened to them between lives, in heaven. The few people I did this with provided an existence in a heavenly realm, but I didn't pursue this as Dr. Newton has. This was a long time ago and I was mainly interested in reincarnation. After reading Jurgen's book, Vistas Of Infinity, conversations with Roberta Grimes, and other research, I've come to the conclusion that there are two basic realms of heaven. A first, or lower realm, namely the astral plane and an actual higher (not higher as it relates to up or down) heaven. The astral is the realm of astral travelers and the realm most, but not all NDE'ers or anyone that has died first enter into. I've also surmised that the second is the actual heaven from which NDE'ers have not entered and cannot return except by way of reincarnation. Therefore, the accounts that NDE'ers return with must therefore be products of their own thoughts that they bring with them. I have to conclude that the astral plane is a thought world that manifests thoughts into scenery. Some people pass through this realm rather quickly while some get stuck there until they change or ask for assistance. The second realm is one that we really don't know much about because of its vastness where infinity actually has its real definition. We know some things, but this heaven is actually extremely organized with what can be described as a God Head and myriads of other entities. This has been corroborated in my unpublished book titled, "Saiey A Spirit Entity From The Eighth Sphere", about a spirit entity channeled by a medium. I have 37 hours of recordings from this entity. However, from what I've come to believe, God doesn't seem to be a single entity, but rather can be All That Is, the Source, or life itself, namely ALL life that also includes the matter comprising the universe. In essence, I don't think Jurgen's views oppose Dr. Newton''s, but are another source that fit the puzzle of the search for what life after this physical life is like. We all believe that we are right in what we think. Writers and speakers are no different - including me. Jurgen writes about what he knows which is still of value in its limitations within the astral plane. I personally feel Michael Newton is spot on in his research because he does mention that we bring our thoughts with us to and/or through the astral plane based on our spiritual development. He also is very articulate in describing our travel into a realm where guides and choice of aspects of our reincarnation are presented to us before physical birth. I feel this is possible by way of probabilities that are possible in a non-physical existence - heaven. This is where time has no meaning. Conversely, free will in this physical realm that has a space-time continuance can collapse these probabilities into a single path based on choice. This presents an answer to the dichotomy between predestination and free will. They are both real. Predestiny is based on probabilities which are infinite and can be experienced in a thought or spirit realm, but based on an overall life path. In this physical realm, free will collapses all of those run on probabilities by way of single choice. I could go on and on, but in a nutshell, that's how I feel about Ziewe's and MIchael Newton's apparently different ideas. It's certainly a pleasure to know that Michael Newton has all his curiosities solved! He just may returns to continue his work! Religion is literally being rewritten.

  • @19grand
    @19grand7 жыл бұрын

    Good work, good questions Ev.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @19grand


    7 жыл бұрын


  • @chirastuthakur366
    @chirastuthakur3666 жыл бұрын

    Sir you are great and awesome

  • @jimji2774
    @jimji27743 жыл бұрын

    Jurgen: Your description of the need to adapt to new circumstances and surroundings in the afterlife at whatever level we find ourselves in makes me want to practice this adapting by doing more traveling to different countries and learning to deal with new environments. Too much being in the same room in the same town and sleeping in the same bed can't be helpful.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for watching and sharing your comment for Jurgen. That is very much spot on, Richard. Staying put like that leads to stagnation of our energies and potential. The more we expand our comfort zones, the more we grow emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Best wishes!

  • @Munnraibe
    @Munnraibe5 жыл бұрын

    This helps, thanks

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Great to hear, thank you!

  • @travisgrant5608
    @travisgrant56084 жыл бұрын

    I'm sure it will be different for each and every person. What one experiences will depend on their personal belief structure at the time of their death.

  • @EvitaOchel


    4 жыл бұрын

    Very much so. Thank you for watching and sharing your comment.

  • @jackcumming3663


    3 жыл бұрын

    In all honesty, I believe organised and established religion is a barrier to real knowledge and spiritual growth. I believe all were created by man not by any God. If there ever was a truth in religion it has been distorted and lost. To me, religion now and in the past, a business. I discarded religion a long time ago...and took a solo journey to find truth. At times I have taken the wrong road and fell down a few times, but have always found that something comes along and picks me up and helps me on my way. I believe the journey is far more important than the destination.

  • @jason4453


    Жыл бұрын

    I think it's possible for anything everyone seems to have a different NDE?

  • @vocentar6550
    @vocentar65502 жыл бұрын

    I resonate so much as if Iam Jurgen himself Much love for him, he is such a blessing in my life❤❤❤

  • @EvitaOchel


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for your love-filled comment!

  • @vocentar6550


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@EvitaOchel and.. Evita, you are absolutely wonderful 🙏🌷

  • @anythingbootneck
    @anythingbootneck6 жыл бұрын


  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for watching.

  • @jackhenshaw8651
    @jackhenshaw86516 жыл бұрын

    Evita I would love to meet Jurgen and any one with the same mind set.All the people I know think this way of thought is not right.When I was 11 years old I had an out of body mother had me to the doctors and they all had the idea I was having a breakdown. The fear of that made me work hard stopping it over years. I had a laptop given me 3 years ago and then found out this was a gift and nothing to fear.I did a good job at blocking this that no mater how I try I can not get back to this.Thank you keep up the shows they are the best.Jack.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing about your experience and feedback Jack! I recommend following Jurgen on Facebook, where he shares his insights and can answer questions, etc.

  • @michaelprarie5117
    @michaelprarie51176 жыл бұрын

    Very good and I appreciate your video. I would like to hear or read more about "Summerland."

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for your feedback Michael.

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    When he was talking about a suicide bomber..and the strings attached to our actions are drawn to us, and we can experience what our victims if we tortured someone, we experience what they felt...This sounds very much like a life's review, as has been discussed in other vids on life after death. This sounds like justice and a lesson all in one.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Indeed, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  • @Phoenix_cataclysm_in_2040


    Жыл бұрын

    There's an excellent book called A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands by Franchezzo, it describes those dark and horrifying Afterlife realms and its dwellers firsthand as this book was channelled. It's a must have/read. Bad deeds are not just for a review, they land people in Shadowlands oftentimes for thousands of years before they decide to spiritually progress. Karma is king there.

  • @hanniffydinn6019
    @hanniffydinn60197 жыл бұрын

    It's worth reading the Seth materials channelling from Jane Roberts. It explains in more detail the fabric of reality - which is multi dimensional. Jurgen is learning all this himself.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your comment. Indeed, the Seth material is very good and provides great info and perspectives to better understand ourselves and the nature of reality. Either way, we are all tapped into one consciousness, and all this info is there for anyone who is open to it, to tap into it themselves, whether they read Jurgen's books or Jane's books, or neither, etc.

  • @Prasantadas721
    @Prasantadas7216 жыл бұрын

    Grear vedeo sir

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for watching and sharing your comment.

  • @jimji2774
    @jimji27744 жыл бұрын

    I recommend Jurgen's book "Vistas of Infinity" over his other two. It is really the most comprehensive description of his advanced travel in the other worlds. I happened to read his books in reverse order to how they were published but was most inspired and touched by "Vista's" and have read it 4 times now. If you read it and other authors about this subject then you will hear that there seems to be a higher power that is directing all things including our development and in this way I believe Jurgen's teachings must be directed and allowed at this time to bring this consciousness and understanding to this physical world. I for one am grateful to have it as an antidote and balancer to the hardship and trauma that us a big part being alive here in a body. Thanks Jurgen for your continued efforts to share all that you have experienced.

  • @EvitaOchel


    4 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and recommendations, Jim.

  • @genenightthunder2727
    @genenightthunder27276 жыл бұрын

    Excellent !! I recommend you increase your Volume when recording, so I and others can adjust ours Up and Down, because your Recording Volume is very low.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for the feedback!

  • @user-ok7nw3hd4k
    @user-ok7nw3hd4k6 жыл бұрын

    Love that title.. How to enjoy life when your dead, brilliant! How to be a happy ghost and profit from doing so. My choice.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for your comment.

  • @kashyapp8050


    6 жыл бұрын


  • @galadhlinn
    @galadhlinn7 жыл бұрын

    Yay! : )

  • @MABO07
    @MABO075 жыл бұрын

    What happened that made us so ill prepared to accept or believe that life doesn’t just end after we “die”? I know that there are, or at least were, other cultures that prepared it’s people for the afterlife (whether they’re accurate or not is a different story). How come we don’t have a culture that prepares us for non-physical life? What happened that made our human society/culture veer away from this kind of knowledge? What lead us astray? Also, I would love it if his books were on audio. Juergen! Please consider audiobooks! It would be so helpful to have that.

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your comment Ramara. Unfortunately, there is a lot at play in our highly materialistic and physicality-focused modern Western society that has led people astray. It is not a society that is working for the betterment of human life here and beyond, but directly against it. This is why it is up to each person who "wakes up" or is awake to take matters into their own hands with regards to how they live and how they prepare for the afterlife. P.S.To share feedback with Jurgen, you will need to contact him via his website or Facebook.

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    In my fathers house there are many mansions, Rooms. I believe it should my fathers house there are many dimensions.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Nice point!

  • @lisabuchmann656
    @lisabuchmann6567 жыл бұрын

    how do we get our enegy to live in other dimentions .. here on earth we eat to live, so i wonder how its done there ?

  • @pambennett8967
    @pambennett89675 жыл бұрын

    Yah my kid died and all I want is to see him again. I will never say it was a blessing

  • @KamiPopescu


    5 жыл бұрын

    Pam Bennett ,my child died angel with green eyes.. I cant wait to meet hem again.

  • @dinopharis2876
    @dinopharis28766 жыл бұрын

    I'm also an artist.I've thought about the afterlife and accepted the Judao Christian short I've had panic attacks,became addicted to opiates & benzos.I've had two obe's and it felt like powerful electricricity.It was so intense.But I have these (daydreams) of this blissful eternal night (too hard to articulate)I want to believe that no God will let anyone feel suffering.The matrix is real,We can escape it.7 billion people? that's the number of souls today,There have been billions even before Adam.The world has ended many times.Everyone has their own compelling experience.I've heard this one before.

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    I have has out of OBE's or astral projection if you wish. I believe that the astral body is the one we inhabit when our physical body expires. I also believe that the OBE and death bed experience are in a way the same. In one we get to return to the body, in the other we are permanently disconnected...a one way ticket so to speak. In my recent thinking, as I have had OBE's, I am wondering if the astral plane..dimension, is the first plane we go to at death as well as in the OBE. In a way..a plane where we adjust to our new situation...and only later get to move on...if we wish. In both the OBE and near death experience..we get to see and here all that is familiar to us..but not interact with it. When people who believe in only the material cross over, I can imagine their confusion at seeing things they cant understand. They can see their body lying dead..but they are still can that be. They can see and hear their family but they cant see or hear them no matter how hard they try. Can you just imagin the confusion, and maybe fear. So..a place of adjustment to a new reality.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Jack, if you aren't already familiar with, I highly recommend the work of Graham Nicholl. I think you would really resonate with it given your interest in OBEs. Here is his website for your reference:

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    I experienced in this life, or should I say, got a glimpse into a past life. In that past life I had an affair with a married woman whose husband found the end of the experience I saw the word KARMA. I realised then that the woman I was married to in this life..and all the problems that went with it..was the result of my past transgression. My wife in this life died quite young of cancer..and as in the previous life..I loved her dearly. I thought about our life together and her death. I thought..did she die because she had served KARMA's purpose and it was time for both of us to move on ?

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    There are many reasons for such experiences, Jack, and indeed the idea of karma, which is just the concept of consequences based on choices, is very much behind the people and events in our lives.

  • @anamariaperescu5877
    @anamariaperescu5877 Жыл бұрын

    The crowds of people gathered in the Astro plane, and their unprocessed and supressed emotions manifested, are concepts Rudolf Steiner explains very eloquently. Interesting chat nontheless.

  • @EvitaOchel


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your comment to offer further value.

  • @DeadEternally
    @DeadEternally6 жыл бұрын

    Since you give advice on dealing with pain by staying in the moment and observing pain, I have a question how to deal with my unbearable emotional pain. It is caused by my frequent dreamless nocturnal emissions. As a kundalini yoga practitioner I need to conserve and transmutate sexual energy, and loss of semen very frequently in this manner breaks my heart everytime it happens. I truly declare this is 10x more painful than if I were raped in the ass. What should be my attitude about this cruel pain inflicted upon my innocent self by nature itself? Physical pain doesn't cause heartache but this one while not physical, breaks my heart.

  • @thomasnagle501
    @thomasnagle5016 жыл бұрын

    Interesting subject. Question, once your death and leave this physical world do you enter another physical world with the same people or same spirits?

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Not possible to say for sure Thomas while we are here, but when we exit this reality, all evidence points to the other reality being "non-physical". However, when it is time for our soul to incarnate again then we can enter other physical realities, like this Earth one. As for the people, some may be the same in different forms, some may be new and different. We each take on many different identities, personalities, roles and bodies in our many incarnations.

  • @jjbentley9
    @jjbentley93 жыл бұрын

    I've always been interested in occultism like theosophy and of course spiritualism and spiritism.but in theosophy they say that mediums are not actually talking to the dead.or spirits but a part that lingers on in one of the astral realms.this information can be found searching for theosophy veiws on channeling and mediumship.i don't know if I agree completely but eas wondering have you came across this information thanks.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    There are many theories about the afterlife or simply put, life outside of the visible realm of this seemingly physical reality. Many people who are capable of sensing the subtler layers of reality can point us to some ideas but ultimately no one can tell you for certain what life looks like outside of this reality and how communication happens between different dimensions of reality. The best anyone can do is just give you their own experience, which will always be subjective based on their biases, fears, beliefs, understandings, etc. Collect information from different sources and aim to find your own truth by consulting your own inner guidance.

  • @jjbentley9


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@EvitaOchel yep totally agree I try look for the thing's that seem to pop up again and again. But yes I I totally agree.theres so much to life etc we just have no clue about.

  • @Prasantadas721
    @Prasantadas7216 жыл бұрын

    Dear Sir Thank you for such ultimate advanced information. You are the ultimate solution to the whole 7 billion People !! Kindly update when you will release Virtual Reality project to guide us to 7th Dimensional Reality meditation and Goes for making a Blockbuster Film from Hollywood. Kindly let me get fully get ultimate Realization as I already Tapped by me somewhat and Ensuring to share your Light Master Task with our Vast Region of Asia . The coming time is really interesting and I am sure making it from Human Version 2.0 to Human Version 3 (upgrade) and ensure the acting superfast to Release the Humanity from the Earth Prison !!!

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    I have been following a line of thinking that tells me that we have more than one body..In fact we have quite a few bodies but only one consciousness that inhabits every body we inhabit. To put it simply...we are like the Russian dolls, and each dimention we rise to needs a different body. Just as our physical body can't inhabit or interact with a higher dimention, whichever body we inhabit ...occupy... as we move on, has the same problem. Only our consciousness goes with us..As we are that consciousness.

  • @jackcumming3663


    3 жыл бұрын

    This physical plane, for me, is on one of the lower levels of consciousness, this is why there is so much suffering. People here, those grounded in materialism only, are deaf, blind and dumb..not meaning it as an the spiritual side of our nature. Those who have love in their hearts, and try in their own way, to show that love and compassion to others, even if they do not believe in the spirit, after life etc..are on the right path for when their time comes to leave this physical world. It is not what you believe so it is who you are. Love and compassion comes from the heart, not any belief system. The rest will follow, if not in this life it will follow in some future life.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Very well put! Thank you for these additions to further enrich these topics.

  • @heartmusic5504


    2 жыл бұрын

    I recommend 13x60 channel. He talks about this theory. I'm also exploring this

  • @snacklepussPSN
    @snacklepussPSN6 жыл бұрын

    3 years ago me and my best friend nephew [whos now deceased] were sitting in my house facing each other just talking having a normal conversation when suddenly from his right shoulder a blue ~ white sphere appeared [about the size of a dollar coin] and rose up to around his ear level and darted across the room in my direction causing me to dodge it and hit my wall with a loud bang; leaving a small dark spatter mark like a firework would make: Both of us saw it happen exactly the same and in the same time reference: So much so we both reacted the same and immediately to it: He actually felt it then saw it: This `event` was so quick and strange we both ducked for cover and were soon on the ground looking at each other in disbelief with a WTF look on our faces: Still in shock we attempted at first to rationalize it; then proceeded to dismiss it: We concluded never to tell anyone about it [within our circle of friends] because it was so crazy; irrational and totally unexplainable we saw no purpose in being deemed crazy: To this day I still have no clue what it was nor do I even attempt to explain its existence; but I know for sure beyond any doubt that it happened; it was real; and it was `physical` and NO it was not Evil: It just was downright bizarre: Perhaps its not meant to be explained: But some things about reality are yet to be known; unknowable or are actually occurring as part of its evolution: My opinion is just part conclusion: Coincidentally enough [not connecting the event to it] the last photo of us together was taken where he and I are pictured by chance sitting in the exact same spot just 10 days before he died: [We were sober and no drugs were involved ~ just incase] Over my own life I swear and under penalty of death to me should I be a liar that this happened: Now I have said it; I would be keen to learn if others have had this experience or something like it or could direct me to a source of this `nature`:

  • @malcolmlockridge1853


    6 жыл бұрын

    I was sitting in my living room one night in 2013 with my wife when a large bat flew past me, down the hall, and into the back bedroom. There was no possible way it could have got there, and my wife actually saw it materialize out of thin air behind me. We shut it in the bedroom until we could deal with it in the morning. Twenty minutes later, the exact same thing happened again. For some reason I was subconsciously expecting this to happen both times. And when we went back in the morning to investigate the situation, I knew they would both be gone - even though there was absolutely no way out of that bedroom for them. And they were gone. God only knows what happened, but it happened.

  • @gabriellemonteith4305


    5 жыл бұрын

    Try reading about ball lightning. That’s what it sounds like to me!!

  • @gabriellemonteith4305


    5 жыл бұрын

    Bucky Lastards Network Try reading about ball lightning. That’s what it sounds like to me!!

  • @chrisjustus5446
    @chrisjustus54463 жыл бұрын

    I am an island unto the self outside the COMMANDMENTS of the OLD TESTAMENT. BELIEFS are illusions.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for your insight!

  • @chrisjustus5446
    @chrisjustus54463 жыл бұрын

    At one time I was a Saturday SABBATH observer. From this action I found that I was bound up by restriction according to this and this was BURDENSOME by force very LABORIOUS. I have found GUILT SUBDUES SELF ASSERTIVENESS. The COMMANDMENT REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY I FIND IS CONTRARY TO MY LIFE AND PERSONAL REST.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

  • @majorenkova
    @majorenkova4 жыл бұрын

    So, how do I meditate to get there?

  • @EvitaOchel


    4 жыл бұрын

    That depends on what you are ready for and willing to do. Meditation and accessing higher realms of existence or different dimensions take time and practice that few people are willing to commit to. It takes discipline and determination, and it starts by having a daily meditation practice where the goal is not to "get somewhere" but to first go within to understand the self. The more one understands themselves, the more they then become focused on working to release and transform all of the destructive mental patterns and daily actions that they do in this reality, which are hurting them and others. This naturally shifts the attetnion from "there" to "here", which is where our attention is most needed, as Jurgen explains in the video to prepare for the experience that we will have "there" when the time comes.

  • @eileentorres1496
    @eileentorres14965 жыл бұрын

    I do not believe we carry any negativity to the afterlife. We are not held accountable for circumstances that formed our egos. We are held accountable only for the love we gave. Also NDEers state emphatically there is no time on the other side so the “few minutes” theory doesn’t apply. To say NDEer are simply having a chemical reaction is convenient but there are too many experience er with changed perceptions and changed lives that to disregard all these accounts and use your sole experience of what reality is seems to me ludicrous. If you want to understand Reality study A Course in Miracles. You are correct that pure Love is Reality

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject Eileen.

  • @SpiritualReform


    5 жыл бұрын

    We do carry whatever thoughts, feelings and beliefs to the afterlife. It's a temporary experience, however. Most go through a period of dismantling their human beliefs. This may take a while for some _(time is experienced differently in the after life)._ However, once this process of dismantling one's belief system is over, we move on to create new experiences. And you're right, we are not held accountable for anything - that is a limiting human belief based on the idea and concept of _right and wrong._ There is nothing to be held accountable for. You came here to have an experience, and no matter what the experience, that is all it is. Once this is over, it is over. A new life beings - one that has nothing to do with your past life and experience.

  • @mikeharries5242
    @mikeharries52427 жыл бұрын

    l wouldn't say nobody understands the nature of Reality [how can jurgen know that anyway. lt depends on your level of Enlightenment or Realization - of which there are many degrees. l agree that the intellect can't understand - we have to go beyond the mind in order to know Divine Reality or Gnosis. Yes, ananda [bliss] is the bedrock of Reality. The Highest plane is called the 'Ananda Plane' in Yoga. At a certain point in our Spiritual Progress, Bliss will enter our consciousness and it will be felt in our bodies as well.

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    Our consciousness occupies many bodies as our spiritual or astral travel continues. The body we occupy is just one of many. Just as this physical body can't enter the next it is with our other future bodies in other higher or lower dimentions. This is my Russian doll theory. Only our consciousness continues the progress and all its..our...experiences.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing, Jack.

  • @BusterABrown
    @BusterABrown7 жыл бұрын

    I use to wonder if our universe was a hologram. Now I spend my time on the hugelbeds.

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    I would love an answer to a question about astral travel. I used to experience astral travel until I had one bad experience years ago. I was rising out of my body when I heard a kind of whispering and sniggering from what I can only imagine were unpleasant entities. That brought an end to that experience and I have not been able to do it since. I would like to know who..what these entities were. It was as if they were waiting for me to enter their reality.

  • @elizabethecarlisle1045


    3 жыл бұрын

    There are nasty entities throughout the lower realities (cruelty, addictions, selfish egoic attachments, and so on...) Those lower levels are inhabited by a myriad of negativity in much the same way those same scenarios can darken our doorways here. Look within yourself to identify and transcend those things that have an affinity for what you described.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Excellent answer, Elizabeth. Thanks for jumping in to provide some guidance to Jack's question. As with all things, it is not "things outside of us" that are the problem, but the fears and negativities that we harbor within that can sabotage our life experience here, and beyond.

  • @elizabethecarlisle1045


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@EvitaOchel Thank you. I hadn't considered how poorly mannered it would be to jump-in like I did. I'm sorry 😔

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@elizabethecarlisle1045 Oh gosh, not at all. Please don't be sorry, Elizabethe as such enriching community input as you provided is always greatly appreciated :)

  • @pambennett8967
    @pambennett89675 жыл бұрын

    Even the thought of surrender fills me with rage

  • @jackcumming3663
    @jackcumming36633 жыл бұрын

    I comment as a subject arises..for years I could not get my head around an infinite space. Something with no boundaries, then it came to me..The reason I could not get my head around an infinite space is because it does not exist. Then I thought about before everything there was nothing, just a black emptiness. Another question arose from this..why...and how do we know there was nothing ? Who..what was there to witness the nothing ? So if there was nothing there, how do we know it existed at all and if it did why ? For me there has to be criteria for the existence of anything..a purpose for its existence and a witness to its existence. Also, in every dimention we go to..does it have it's own space and planets and are they the same as they are here ? If not..then is any of it real..or are they just a creation of our own consciousness ? A simulation...for the purpose of that and every experience ? I think of it like every reality we inhabit , it's like we are living in a box. Within that box we create our own reality. Space time, a physical reality that seems real to us at the time. In that reality we also die..then move on to another box..or dimention. Everything in that box, dimention, is the reality we created.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Great questions and insights, Jack. While we cannot answer most of these with our limited awareness from the vantage of this reality, it is the inner knowing and expansion of consciousness that allows us to grasp higher and higher concepts and understandings.

  • @psychedelicartistry
    @psychedelicartistry8 ай бұрын

    He's like the german John Hammond of the Astral Plane. Welcome, to Astral Park!

  • @EvitaOchel


    8 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your comment.

  • @kronossonork6994
    @kronossonork69946 жыл бұрын

    What happened if the hell accounts scare the daylight's that you can't control thoughts

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Re-educate the mind. We know today, based on things like neuroplasticity, we can re-wire the brain and we can change our thoughts and in turn emotional reactions to them. The key is to immerse yourself in supportive content, as well as use things like affirmations, and at the same time remove any exposure to content that creates the problem in the first place, and more than anything be open to release the old thoughts that no longer support your understanding, rather than tell yourself that they have power over you. Everything is possible when we train the mind, the key is to do it.

  • @kronossonork6994


    6 жыл бұрын

    Many NDers say so much depends on karma, and even our thoughts wrt to others.

  • @EvitaOchel


    6 жыл бұрын

    Karma is action, it is the action you take today in your thoughts, words and actions that matters most. The present moment is all that is real and it is in this moment of awareness that you have the potential to change. Just as our health is not enslaved by our genes, in the same way our current life path is not enslaved by past karma. Be aware of the fact that each person you listen to will only share their own truth, and that is not THE truth or YOUR truth. Our job is to take the experiences of others into account, but eventually feel out and form our own truth, trying to get closer and closer to Universal Truth. Otherwise we will be enslaved and limited by the experiences of others and mistaken that for quality guidance. For really quality into on this topic, I highly recommend studying the basis of Eastern philosophies. Here is a an example of that on the topic of karma:

  • @kronossonork6994


    6 жыл бұрын

    Evita Ochel Thanks for the link. I'm familiar with Hinduism. Many NDers say they see Christ, Shirdi Sai Baba was like Christ as was Guru Nanak and The Buddha, but I haven't heard many experiences of them, atheist see a silver type being like the Silver Surfer - I just want to know if repentance and maybe donating to poor and animals can get a 'get out of hell' card if you get my drift Evita. Thanks for your help.

  • @brianmcnellis5512
    @brianmcnellis55126 жыл бұрын

    Eliminating the victim mentality is key..

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Yes, indeed. Thanks for sharing your input, Brian.

  • @davidblackman7536
    @davidblackman75367 жыл бұрын

    If there is a thereafter then it suggests we possess a metaphysical being. Would a dolphin or a chimpanzee also have this eternal life force? Or in fact your beloved pet who shows you so much compassion and love? A step further might say a rat, snake or gerbil will pass on to 'the next chapter' after death. At which level do we expect life to be insignificant enough not to harbour a soul? A mouse, a bird, an insect? Don't be silly we're all animals and when we perish we extinguish in the vein as the mosquito you slap on your arm.

  • @apostatejim2080


    7 жыл бұрын

    All living things have some degree of consciousness, none has more value than another, The only way to validate the existence of the afterlife is to do the work required to experience it, anyone can do it.

  • @davidblackman7536


    7 жыл бұрын

    ApostateJim Pray tell...

  • @apostatejim2080


    7 жыл бұрын

    I started with Monroe's book in 1976 Journeys Out of the Body, Although when William Buhlmans book Journeys Beyond the Body came out in 96; I was amazed how his observations of nonphysical environments were the same as mine. So if you want to experiment either one is good. Jurgen Ziewe is the real deal also, but haven't read any of his books yet. All these authors are fond of reincarnation, I'm not.

  • @davidblackman7536


    7 жыл бұрын

    ApostateJim Many thanks and much appreciated I'll definitely check them out.

  • @malcolmlockridge1853


    6 жыл бұрын

    ALL living things are souls, Reality Check. That is what it means to be a living thing. The entire Earth is a single vast living being, and all organisms -- ALL organisms -- are equal aspects of Her. None is greater or less than another. ALL are living. Why do you imagine that you are somehow "above" a mosquito? Can YOU do what a mosquito can do? Would YOU be successful trying to be a mouse? If you do not believe in spirit, that's fine. You are wrong, but that is your right. Don't put down other forms of life, though.

  • @chrisjustus5446
    @chrisjustus54463 жыл бұрын

    Forgiveness to me is only in the mind. When law doesn't exist neither does sin. Everything happens and I don't have to give an excuse or reason for the happenings. It all happened standing solely on its own. This is independent of my belief about them. Sin is an illusion.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this topic.

  • @pambennett8967
    @pambennett89675 жыл бұрын

    Love is the strings is nice but I am sure I can have more than one feeling at a time.. love hate and fear etc

  • @SpiritualReform


    5 жыл бұрын

    And it's your right to express yourself however you feel whether it's through anger, hate or love. We're here to have an experience. Needless to say, this experience needs not be in anyway anyone may think it should be. You _(all of us)_ are creating your reality after all; and you may go about it however you're moved to act.

  • @nimbayes
    @nimbayes7 жыл бұрын

    the button translate is not available and I don't speak well enough english to have the chance to hear this man I just discove. Really disapointed

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Sorry Mary, I don't have the ability to offer translated versions.

  • @nimbayes


    7 жыл бұрын

    ohhhh so I have to improve my english and listen very carefully. Thanks Evita

  • @chrisjustus5446
    @chrisjustus54463 жыл бұрын

    MISERY accrued more MISERY.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    A reflection of the Law of Attraction.

  • @eftixismeni2010
    @eftixismeni20102 жыл бұрын

    Has this man had a NDE? Doesn’t sound like it. I have had an NDE and OBE and I assure you there is more to it than the states of consciousness. He is missing it. Meditate also. Completely different experience than accessing higher states through meditation than through NDE.

  • @EvitaOchel


    2 жыл бұрын

    Everyone's experience is uniquely their own based on their level of consciousness. It is great that you had such out of body experiences but there is no need to put down the experiences of others just because they are different from yours. We can all benefit from more unity and less divisiveness.

  • @reapergrim1611
    @reapergrim16118 ай бұрын

    What about pagans and their beliefs

  • @EvitaOchel


    8 ай бұрын

    Consciousness allows for the expression of all. One can believe anything they want and those beliefs will be reflected in their physical and spiritual reality. However, the ultimate truth / reality is beyond all human-derived beliefs and beyond what any human mind can grasp. We are a tiny spec in the immense ocean of consciousness.

  • @reapergrim1611


    8 ай бұрын

    So what of faith then cuz then does it mean nothing

  • @reapergrim1611


    8 ай бұрын

    Cuz if I deconstruct my self then I lose my family and my faith then

  • @EvitaOchel


    8 ай бұрын

    Faith and belief are not the same things. Beliefs are fixed, cultural, and idea-based. They change as ideas change. Faith, on the other hand, is more personal, and can support the human spirit in valuable ways. If you are struggling with these topics, it would be great for you to consider connecting with a spiritual counsellor or a group where you can get better insights and support for the challenges you face. It would also be of benefit to read Jurgen's books to gain a better understanding of these topics so that they don't cause misunderstandings. Best wishes.

  • @frankfeldman6657
    @frankfeldman66575 жыл бұрын

    Seems a lovely man, but these are all just assertions. Assertions which don't jibe with a gazillion other "assertions" by perfectly well-meaning individuals and even traditions.

  • @EvitaOchel


    4 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for sharing your comment Frank.

  • @charles4962
    @charles49625 жыл бұрын

    He begins by stating that information about next life experiences is limited to a few minutes maximum. How is it possible to talk endlessly about a reality beyond those few minutes!

  • @makhtar58
    @makhtar587 жыл бұрын

    very vague and unclear . nothing concrete.

  • @makhtar58


    7 жыл бұрын

    the interviewer is good .

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for the feedback and sorry to hear you did not get what you were looking for from this video.

  • @quantumofconscience6538


    6 жыл бұрын

    You expected a man to reveal the entire mystery of the afterlife? Really?

  • @MadinaVadache
    @MadinaVadache7 жыл бұрын

    Bad quality of audio hard clearly to hear

  • @quantumofconscience6538


    6 жыл бұрын

    Why do people make these comments. These people are doing the best they can. This isn't Microsoft interviewing Coca-Cola company. If you believe this guy, doesn't the nature of the content good enough?

  • @vvv2k12


    6 жыл бұрын

    maybe cos its true u plum

  • @user-ok7nw3hd4k


    6 жыл бұрын

    Yeah, it's kind of like your writing.

  • @user-ok7nw3hd4k


    6 жыл бұрын

    This does bring up a good point, lap top mics just suck, this should be improved or you can shop on amazon for a decent one.

  • @AutumnleafMind
    @AutumnleafMind7 жыл бұрын

    Pfffff more misunderstanding around ayahuasca. Of COURSE ayahuasca isn't 'permanent'. We are responsible to transform our lives minute to minute but this does NOT mean that ayahuasca is at fault. I am very very greatful to ayahuasca because it saved and transformed my life.....and yes I worked my ass off...and this goes for everything. EVEYTHING, meditation, free handouts folks.

  • @EvitaOchel


    7 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your comment and great to hear your positive experience. Please note that neither Jurgen, nor I are saying that it is "bad", "useless" or at any "fault", we are simply making people aware of what to expect, as I know I personally have seen too many think that it will be their "saving grace" only to walk away very disappointed. Too many also get hooked on it and consumed by it, just as it possible with any other "high" or substance that transforms us mentally/emotionally. As you said, of course, it all takes work and personal dedication and that is the point we are making -> personal responsibility.

  • @michaeljoseph8674
    @michaeljoseph86745 жыл бұрын

    Sadly when you die it is more than likely over. Total oblivion..There is no evidence otherwise, NONE..Your lucky to be here and some arent actually many sickly children adults etc...The nature of life is brutal and vicious and there is no love in that.. Animals eat each other to survive, we eat and destroy the animals.. People die in bizzare painful ways..Man it is very sad and ugly sorry to say

  • @EvitaOchel


    5 жыл бұрын

    I am truly sorry to hear that you see it this way Michael. We see what we are primed and conditioned to see, and given the mind's self-centered nature, it then projects onto others as part of its safety and security mechanism, and believes that what it experiences is the same for others too, when the reality experienced by others is starkly different.

  • @SniffThatglue
    @SniffThatglue7 жыл бұрын

    life action looney tunes

  • @skyflower2479
    @skyflower24797 жыл бұрын

    So cliche.

  • @ToddSloanIAAN
    @ToddSloanIAAN5 жыл бұрын

    Sure, I tell my wife flow and living in a state of luxury works well. She is a poop about listenig to that>

  • @SpiritualReform


    5 жыл бұрын

    Nothing wrong with living in a state of luxury. All of life is but an experience; and there are no right and wrong experiences.

  • @chrisjustus5446
    @chrisjustus54463 жыл бұрын

    To me THE HOLY BIBLE has been a curse.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for sharing your observation.

  • @lindalai9092
    @lindalai90925 жыл бұрын

    This is hard to follow.

  • @pambennett8967
    @pambennett89675 жыл бұрын

    This ‘focus on the positive ‘ seems very lonely and self-centered . There are 22 Million being killed by our government through seige warfare ( our ships prevent food from entering Yemen) because we want their land, ports and oil We need to stand up and call congress and senators . Doesn’t it seem like the strings that hang down could be to them? Isn’t love painful at times? To see these people suffer and stay engaged? I can feel love pain and fear all at once . And helplessness but still act despite my feelings and make the calls to congress to stop killing millions of people because of the greed of the people at the top

  • @chrisjustus5446
    @chrisjustus54463 жыл бұрын

    I do not remember learning anything from my prior lives. I reflected on so called sins. RELIGION does NOT solve problems on the contrary it brings on more of them.

  • @EvitaOchel


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for your insight.
