Liberian Government Confirms Ancestral Land Areas for 4 Communities in River Cess

TEEKPEH - Liberia Land Authority has conducted surveys in four clans in River Cess County, the last stage for the communities to get customary land deeds.
The Land Authority conducted the surveys recently for Teekpeh, Ziadue, Dorbor and Gbarsaw, bringing to an end four years of quest for their ancestral land rights.
Before the official survey, Teekpeh, Ziadue, Dorbor and Gbarsaw declared their intention to get title deeds for their lands. Later, they formed land governing bodies and conducted open mapping of their areas, requirements in the Land Rights Act of 2018 for a customary land deed.
The confirmatory surveys were conducted in a peaceful and orderly manner with all of the parties represented. Representatives of the four clans, the Liberia Land Authority, and civil society gathered at the various boundary points to witness the process.
Before that, the surveyors asked the representatives to walk them to the spot all parties agreed to. Then they took points from each location and planted trees at those points. There are 39 border points among the four clans.
Representatives for the clans posed for a picture at each boundary point for evidence, using special equipment that processes and stores data on a memory card and to a satellite. The pictures will remain there as long as the satellite is in space.
