Let's Explore Tirana, Albania - Rruga Papa Gjon Pali II to Grand Park to Tirana Castle - Part 2

We're resuming our walking tour of Tirana from the top of the Pyramid - come walk with us as we make our way down Rruga Papa Gjon Pali II to the large park and artifical lake, as well as some other famous touristy spots.
September 16, 2023
Note: Special thanks to www.motionartsmedia.net/free-video-templates/free-like-susbscribe-and-notify-overlay for their like/subscribe/notify overlay.
13:23 Pallati i Kongreseve (Convention Center)
13:38 Presidenca (President's Office)
14:12 Tirana Mariott
14:41 Sheshi Nënë Tereza (Mother Teresa Square) & Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës (Polytechnic University of Tirana)
15:17 Muzeu Kombëtar Arkeologjik i Tiranës (Tirana National Archaeological Museum)
21:02 Kopshti Japonez / Shtegu i Qershive Japoneze
22:06 Parku i Madh "Kodrat e Liqenit" (Grand Park of Tirana)
28:59 Liqeni Artificial i Tiranës (Tirana Artificial Lake)
30:21 Amfiteatri i Tiranës (The Ampitheatre)
41:41 Kalaja e Tiranës (Tirana Castle)

