Legal Hour | AI and Tomorrow's Lawyers

UNSW Law & Justice | Legal Hour panel discussion
AI and Tomorrow’s Lawyers: How technology will change what lawyers do and how legal services are delivered
It’s no secret - artificial intelligence is coming of age as the ‘fourth industrial revolution’, giving rise to a new era of changes to the legal profession.
While some fear the rise of ‘robot lawyers’ is the beginning-of-the-end for the future of the legal profession; opposing views see the rise of legal technology as an opportunity to enhance and optimise lawyers’ performance and services. Both predictions have important ramifications for clients and society at large.
This one-hour panel with leading academics and legal professionals will discuss:
• How AI is evolving in the legal profession
• What capabilities AI can provide lawyers
• The potential risks and ethical challenges of AI
• What skills lawyers need to prepare for the future
Joining the conversation:
Panel Chair: Professor Lyria Bennett Moses | Associate Dean (Research) - UNSW Law & Justice, Director - UNSW Allen’s Hub for Technology
• Professor Michael Legg - UNSW Law & Justice
• Lisa Kozaris, Chief Innovation & Legal Solutions Officer, Allens
• Evan Wong (LLB/BCom UNSW 2015), CEO & Co-Founder,
