Latino Voices Community Conversation February 26 2024

Latino Voices: A WTTW News Community Conversation
On Monday, February 26, 2024, WTTW, hosted LATINO VOICES: A WTTW News Community Conversation. With the launch of WTTW’s Firsthand: Homeless digital series, WTTW News on-air reporter Joanna Hernandez moderated a live virtual conversation that focused on homelessness in the Latino community. Panelists included José Munoz, Executive Director of La Casa Norte; Marty Castro, President and CEO, Casa Central; and Raul Gonzalez, Member of the Ojalá Foundation, Latino Muslims of Chicago.
WTTW is proud to partner with All Chicago, Chicago Public Library, and The Night Ministry throughout 2024 on community engagement initiatives related to Firsthand: Homeless.
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