Last Moments of Umar Ibn Khattab

Lecture By ‘Abdulilah Lahmami.
Some points discussed during this lesson:
The narration regarding the last days of ‘Umar.
‘Umar’s concern for the people and his desire to deal with justice.
The interaction between ‘Umar and Abū Lu’lu’ah al-Majūsī that lead him to take vengeance against ‘Umar.
The Messenger’s ﷺ praise of ‘Umar and his supplication that was answered.
‘Umar’s recounting of the moment Islām entered into every part of his heart.
His desire to help the poor and widows in ‘Irāq.
Aḥādīth regarding the great importance of straightening the rows for prayer.
The stabbing of ‘Umar and what occurred thereafter.
‘Umar’s concern for the prayer even after being stabbed.
The Prophet’s ﷺ love for the prayer.
The similarity between the words of the Prophet ﷺ and ‘Umar (رضى الله عنه) upon their deathbeds.
The severity of ‘Umar’s wounds.
His supplication to die as a martyr in Madīnah.
Clarification of a doubt regarding men’s garments going beyond their ankles.
The seriousness of dying upon debt.
‘Umar’s longing to be buried next to his two beloved companions, and ‘Ā’ishah’s acceptance of his request (رضى الله عنهما).
The love and respect ‘Alī had for ‘Umar (رضى الله عنهما).
‘Umar’s dislike that anyone should weep in his presence, and a warning against the weeping of the people of Jāhiliyyah.
‘Umar’s response when he was asked to appoint a successor, and his advice for the one who will be the caliph after him.
Does Allāh accept the prayer and ‘ibādah of an individual who shaves his beard and drags his garments below his ankles?
How does one overcome wiswās in all forms of worship?
Can a man give zakāh to his stepchildren?
