Lars Bang Larsen on Rachel Harrison | Lecture

A lecture on Rachel Harrison by writer, curator, and director of artistic research at Art Hub Copenhagen Lars Bang Larsen!
The lecture is based on his essay “When Nature Has Had Its Day, Justice Might Prevail”, which appears in the comprehensive catalog for our current exhibition “Sitting in a Room”. The essay compares Rachel Harrison’s sculpture Rainer Werner Fassbinder with Duane Hanson’s Housewife (Homemaker) and shows how the artworks becomes active conversational partners that create dialogue both among each other and with the audience, and how Harrison twists and turns reality and its representations.
Lars Bang Larsen is a writer, curator, and director of artistic research at Art Hub Copenhagen. Before this, inter alia, he has been affiliated with Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Haute école d’art et de design, Geneva; Kungliga Konsthögskolan, Stockholm; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and the Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin.
