Lakeridge Elementary Universal Design for Learning Kindergarten

The Mercer Island School District has moved to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework for instruction that prioritizes the design and development of curriculum that is effective and inclusive for all learners. We know moving to UDL will generate questions, and with this first newsletter, we want to explain how UDL aims to address the learning needs of all students in the District. In this video posted to the District KZread channel, Lakeridge Kindergarten teacher Joby McGowan explains how he uses UDL and then shows you how he implemented it in a lesson on hexagons. By asking how many sides a shape has, McGowan is working to develop conceptual knowledge. He is asking students what hexagons look like and how we deconstruct and construct that knowledge, by hands on first, then moving to a more abstract understanding. He is also developing small motor control by asking them to manipulate the shapes, cut the shapes, and draw the shapes. This serves two purposes, creating a kinetic understanding and muscle memory.
