Lake Champlain Virtual Reality View [VR180 4K]

ohh HEY! Welcome to the most epic VR travel experience on the internet! My channel takes you on a wild ride around the world, without the jetlag or airport hangover. Plus, my videos come with a guarantee: no annoying crying babies or overly chatty seatmates to screw with your trip.
But we're not just about travel bruh- we've got some sick concerts and festival footage too. With our VR concert videos, you'll feel like you're in the mosh pit, without getting elbowed in the face by a half naked man who smells like cheap beer and bad decisions. And if you're into EDM, check out the playlist from bonnaroo/Igloo Fest. 🤙🏼 And of course, we know what you really want…. cute dog videos! My furbaby Sadie has her own playlist too lol
So if you're ready for a wild adventure, some sick beats, and more dog videos than you can handle, pop on your headset and buckle up! Don’t forget to👍🏼 & subscribe to help support the channel, and to keep up with the newest videos. Thanks for watching 😎
