Know more stomach cancer了解更多胃癌 (English version)

Know more stomach cancer了解更多胃癌
1. 性別:男性發生胃癌的機會是女性的兩倍。
2. 年齡:年紀越大,患胃癌的機會越高。五十歲以後患胃癌的機會更高。
3. 飲食:長期進食高鹽、醃製和燻製食物會增強加患胃癌危險性。
4. 疾病:胃部息肉、進行過胃部切除手術及患有惡性貧血的人士,患上胃癌的機會較高。
5. 吸煙:吸煙人士患上胃癌的機會較非吸煙人士高。
6. 遺傳:家族近親曾患有胃癌的人士,較其它人患上胃癌的機會高兩倍以上。
1. 多吃新鮮蔬果: 十字科類蔬菜含抗癌物質,有助分解體內致癌物質;含豐富胡蘿蔔素的蔬果及含豐富維他命C的食物有助加強身體的抵抗能力,直接減低患癌的機會。
2. 少吃高鹽及油炸食物: 醃製、燻烤類食物(例如臘腸、鹹蛋、香腸、火腿、煙肉、鹹魚等),製作過程中形成致癌化合物。油炸食物,油炸過程中會產生自由基,減低體內組織的氧含量,破壞身體的組織。
3. 注意個人衛生:多洗手及避免接觸排泄物或嘔吐物,避免感染幽門螺旋桿菌
4. 定期檢查:如果家族有近親曾患上胃癌,建議40歲以上人士每年定期接受胃鏡檢查。
如果大家有以下徵狀,可能是患上胃癌, 但亦可能是其他更常見的情況如胃炎、胃或十二指腸潰瘍。有懷疑徵狀,應盡早向家庭醫生求診:持續消化不良、食慾不振; 體重急速下降; 小腹腫脹; 進食後腹脹不適; 嘔吐,甚至吐血; 大便出血或大便呈黑色; 貧血、疲倦、虛弱
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The stomach is a part of the digestive system. The stomach secretes gastric acid to help digestion, grinds large pieces of food into small pieces, and then gradually transfers the food into the intestines through intestinal peristalsis to continue the digestive process.
Gastric cancer occurs when cells in the stomach mutate and develop into malignant tumors.
Genetic mutations in gastric tissue cells turn normal cells into cancer cells.
There are many factors that cause gastric cancer. Studies have found that Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus infection may increase the chance of gastric cancer. Please pay special attention to the following people:
1. Gender: Men are twice as likely to develop stomach cancer as women.
2. Age: The older you are, the higher your chance of developing gastric cancer. The chance of developing gastric cancer is higher after the age of 50.
3. Diet: Long-term consumption of high-salt, pickled and smoked foods will increase the risk of gastric cancer.
4. Diseases: People with gastric polyps, those who have undergone gastrectomy surgery, and those with pernicious anemia have a higher chance of developing gastric cancer.
5. Smoking: Smokers are more likely to develop gastric cancer than non-smokers.
6. Heredity: People whose close relatives have suffered from gastric cancer are more than twice as likely to develop gastric cancer than other people.
In terms of diet, general anti-cancer dietary principles can be adopted, including:
1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables contain anti-carcinogens, which can help decompose carcinogens in the body; fruits and vegetables rich in carotene and foods rich in vitamin C can help strengthen the body’s resistance and directly reduce the chance of cancer. .
2. Eat less high-salt and fried foods: Pickled, smoked and grilled foods (such as sausages, salted eggs, sausages, ham, bacon, salted fish, etc.) form carcinogenic compounds during the production process. Fried food will produce free radicals during the frying process, which will reduce the oxygen content of tissues in the body and damage the tissues of the body.
3. Pay attention to personal hygiene: wash hands frequently and avoid contact with excrement or vomit to avoid Helicobacter pylori infection
4. Regular examination: If a close relative has suffered from gastric cancer, it is recommended that people over 40 years old undergo regular gastroscopy every year.
If you have the following symptoms, you may have gastric cancer, but it may also be other more common conditions such as gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers. If you have any suspected symptoms, you should consult your family doctor as soon as possible: persistent indigestion and loss of appetite; rapid weight loss; swelling of the lower abdomen; abdominal distension and discomfort after eating; vomiting, or even vomiting of blood; bleeding or black stool; anemia, fatigue, and weakness
/ @herbsdr
