Kerkrade Internation 3D Street Painting festival 2013 - organized by FreddArt Streetpainting


A project by FreddART Streetpainting
The streets of Kerkrade come to live during the first International 3D Street Painting Festival on June 1st and 2nd 2013! Come and experience how national and international artists use squares and sidewalks as their canvas and create the most artistic 3D illusions. In two days the artists will paint their interpretation of the theme `Sustainability and the search for new energy´. Wander through this temporary open air museum, admire the artwork, choose your favourite or do a workshop!
The street painting festival will be part of more activities which will be organised in the city of Kerkrade during the 1e and 2e of June.
The main objectives can be summarised by the core ideas of sustainability in shrinking Urban areas in relation to knowledge of, awareness, change of attitude, application and action.The willingness of the Parkstad citizens to cooperate in and to accept a sustainable development and the application of its outcome will be decisive for future sustainability.
The ultimate aim is to anchor sustainability in all layers of the Parkstad population. One way of achieving this is by creating the awareness that science and technology play a crucial role in sustainable developments. Discovery and experiment provide an insight in scientific and technological developments and this insight will lead to the awareness that science and technology are inseparably connected in the roles they play in (a sustainable) society. The 3D Street Painting festival and the exhibition create an environment for dialogue and debate among population and authorities/ stake-holders. The outcome of dialogue and debate should contribute to the development of policies concerning sustainability in the long run.
Camera&Edit : Michelangelo Ruzzene

