Keeping Girls in School Explainer | So They Can

We know that educating girls is one of the most powerful ways to change the future for a whole community. Girls who attend school are less likely to be subjected to Female Genital Cutting (FGC) and early marriage, and more likely to ensure that their future children attend school - helping to break the poverty cycle for future generations.
Our Keeping Girls in School project partners with So They Can's local medical centres to provide reproductive health information to mothers and girls, educates communities about the importance of educating girls and the risks of FGC, provides psychological support and runs empowerment workshops.
We develop Champion Mothers, Fathers and Bibis (Grandmothers) to help spread the word. Importantly, with 74% girls missing 4-5 days of school per month, the project now also provides washable sanitary products for students. Since distributing these products, we’ve seen 100% attendance in the girls who received them!
Watch this video to learn more about So They Can's Keeping Girls in School project.
