Katatonia - HD Video Interview & Techtalk - Per "Sodo" Eriksson (2012-11-28)


New-Core.de Video Interview & Techtalk with guitarplayer Per "Sodo" Eriksson, from Katatonia on the "Dead End Kings Tour" in 11/2012, Luxemburg. Scroll for Questions & Topics!
Topics: New Album, Songwriting, Recording Tech, Live Tech, Touring, Festivals, Gigs and many more.
(00:00) You're already since the beginning of November with the new album on tour. As the tour so far and how the new songs were received by the audience?
(00:45) You released your latest album "Dead End Kings' end of August, for me, it has once again become a great album that I've given you 10 of 10 points. What is the response of the rest of the press?
(01:36) The songs on the new album fit together very well, it was planned as a concept album? Or is it just the natural songwriting process that everything fits so smoothly into one another?
(03:13) You both have "Dead End Kings" recorded by your self. What are the "Ghost Ward Studios & The City Of Glass" ?
(03:55) Describe us your work on the new album?
(05:00) You Re-Amp all that stuff regular just with a clean layer to use it later for the mix?
(06:12) You and Niklas are now official members in the Katatonia lineup, did you have already worked on the songs for the new album ?
(07:00) Frank Default once again created a nice atmosphere with keyboards and samples. Is it true that Frank has worked on the new album more than before?
(07:55) Frank belongs already to Katatonia family, is it also conceivable that he will supported Katatonia in the live ste, or you rather play the keyboard from the laptop?
(08:50) You are using the Line 6 HD Pro and you tell me that you switch all effects automaticly with the Laptop. Is this all connected with the arrangement in Protools?
(09:41) You are happy with the Line6 HD Pro sound? Or do you prefer more the real Tube sound for the Live gigs?
(11:35) How to create your your songs, especially when many items are contributed by Frank later. I can imagine that the songs without the keyboard until something empty sound! You know in advance how about those parts should sounds like which are recorded by Frank?
(13:03) How is the recording process, do you record one takes or record it take by take?
(14:54) I know that you mixed for the previous album the Laboga and the Blackstar amp as well. Now with that Reamp stuff do you use also this Amps and mix them?
(16:50) I have read an interview with Anders in a guitar tech magazine that he is using a stompbox pedal for the tuning, the "Capo" did it work well?
(17:45) All your guitars have stickers marked with the different tunings on the headstock. Is this special for your guitars?
(19:05) Jonas is using also effects on his Vocals! What are they exactly?
(19:55) What guitar effects do you use for the recordings and which ones you use in the live set?
(22:54) I saw you this year on the "Night of the Prog Festival" at the Loreley, where I also get a backstage insight into your work routine, and the 2nd time was at Summer Breeze. It looks like really relaxed!?
(23:51) Do you prefer the festival gigs or the gigs on a regular tour?
(24:28) Both festivals were great, "Night of The Prog" and "Summer Breeze"! What did you do on festivals like this before and after your gig?
(26:22) I've read that your are playing almost 1,5 hours on this tour including encores! How did you set up your setlist to make it special for the fans?
(27:42) Here's a reader question: At the gig in Berlin in November you had technical problems with the guitars! What exactly was the problem and how you feel as a musician in such a situation, especially Jonas, because you have to explain to the audience, that it soon goes on
(31:50) Thats it! Thank you very much, that you have taken the time to do this interview! Do you want to say anything else to our readers and your fans?

