Kagro in the Morning - June 27, 2024

The late-breaking flood of SCOTUS decisions (and especially, a new-to-us kind of sort-of non-decision) captivated Greg Dworkin this morning. Though it really started yesterday, with one case they meant to release, but which got what we’ll call varying treatment in the media, and one case they didn’t mean to release, but did anyway.
That led us to something new for the day: the Supreme Escape Hatch known as the “DIG.” Thankfully, someone had already done some digging. Specifically into just what a DIG is.
Those cases that were actually decided and released today generated some heavy social media traffic of their own.
Oh, right. There’s also the earliest presidential “debate” in history, coming up tonight. Maybe. If you can call it that. And we haven’t even had the conventions yet. Not that anyone will notice.
About that suit “filed” by the Missouri Attorney General, saying The Convicted Felon’s NY trial was itself “election interference?” Did anybody check the paperwork?
Then again, who cares about paperwork if you can just rewrite history? House Gop leadership looks to un-contempt Steve (K.G.) Bannon, now that they think they’re Congress.
Speaking of history, here’s a guy with some: Felix Sater is back! By which we mean back… in trouble!
