Kagro in the Morning - July 3, 2024

Well, Greg Dworkin tells us that there aren’t a lot of minds changing about what the debate’s fallout means. There’s nothing yet that tells us definitively that the electorate is moving. But that’s actually something that still had to happen in order to win, so no movement isn’t very helpful. Neither are we seeing any changes in the campaign’s strategy to counteract the debate’s effects. And elected Dems are starting to go on the record about it now. Also not great!
Naturally, you can’t look to the press to help. Even if it was their job. No, this job - and it’s a big one - belongs to that most curious mix of people, “the Democratic coalition.” And it’s unclear how efficiently its members can work together under pressure and short deadlines.
Meanwhile, on the good news/bad news front: Rudy got disbarred! And Trump got his criminal sentencing delayed, parlaying his SCOTUS win into… well, who knows what?
For July 4th: Hey, ever wonder why The Founders seemed like such a unique generation of super shiny leaders?
