Kagro in the Morning - June 20, 2024

Happy Solstice! KITM is the source for a few minutes worth of hesitant Painthenge discussion!
We may already have said this yesterday, but this - about Juneteenth - bears repeating.
Greg Dworkin kickstarts a demographics and polling-oriented segment today with views from the other side, actually. But about growing Latino power at the polls, a strength not to be taken for granted. Still, there’s no denying things just don’t look like they can come together for Trump, and they probably know it. Maybe chaos just doesn’t sell beyond the crazy-ass base. So crazy is what you’re gonna get. Even the GOTV “plan” wants to be crazy.
And, sometimes Greg takes one for the team, and reads something dumb so you don’t have to.
The guy who looks to have ousted Bob Good, is bad.
Social media discourse around a discussion of "the legislature's role in finalizing election results" gives us a chance to get into some procedural weeds. How would you define a “role,” exactly?
Did your brain just explode? Wait! Come back! Steve Bannon’s going inside! And Peter Navarro’s already there! Plotting God-knows-what! Receiving visits from God-knows-who! And… hanging out with more worldly and experience fraudsters.
Lastly, a backgrounder on the increasingly cynical “weaponization of government” discourse.

