Kagro in the Morning - June 17, 2024

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are here to make your Monday… less so.
20 days in and convicted felon Donald Trump is still on the run, from authorities, morality, reality, sanity… Other than for maybe the law, Donald has an insurmountable head start, aided by an equally addled and prevaricating lineup of hypocrites, traitors, and idiots. For example, “Blacks for Trump” - 8,000 jerks somehow packed into 300 morons. Ace KITM Correspondent Rosalyn MacGregor tells us that if people are indeed interested in six decades of advocacy and action committed to the Black community, they should look up Joe Biden.
MAGA isn’t interested in that, of course, and you can’t tell them anything. However, Joe’s going to try, with a $50 million blitz, advertising that Trump is “A convicted criminal who’s only out for himself”. Sure, you know that, but you keep saying that once everyone else knows that, Biden is certain to win, so that’s what he is trying.
Donald’s always been a mendacious asshole, as biopic "The Apprentice" aptly and artfully reveals, but good luck seeing it with the leftist, woke media stranglehold in the US.
Meanwhile, Infowars is hard to kill. Infowars gone might be nicer than money for Alex Jones’ victims.
One way or the other, the Anti-Abortion Movement is late in its term.
The titanium on Boeing and Airbus jets is beginning to rust, and people are beginning to suspect that it just might not be titanium.
Fake electors will get to actually nominate Donald Trump in Horrible Milwaukee. At least the Wisconsin Supreme Court suspended Jim Troupis.
