Kagro in the Morning - June 13, 2024

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin hauled in another Raft o’ Stories™ for us, but the big news surfaced while we were on the air. FDA v. Hippocratic Alliance was decided by SCOTUS to lack standing. It was mostly wingnut target practice, so expect more potshots later.
Southern Baptists voted to oppose in vitro fertilization, but rejected a tighter ban on women pastors. They better pick up the pace on their traditional fertilizing, if they don’t want to go out like the Shakers. For now, they butter the Gop’s bread, so Republicans will say or do anything to oppose Democratic IVF protections.
In their spare time, while not smoking vapes and Dems on the baseball field, Republicans got their lulz in by holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt. Dave Joyce was the only Gop not laughing.
God is on Israel’s side, and also on the Gazans’, which is the reason that their war shall go on for all eternity. The only path to peace is to give God a little time off the field.
In France, President Emmanuel Macron wants to give citizens one more chance to fix things.
Rugged individualist Clarence Thomas’ “son” grew up to be as ruggedly individualistic as the old man, it’s just that he didn’t choose billionaires for his circle of friends.
Ace KITM Correspondent Rosalyn MacGregor returns with the news that Michigan state House Speaker Lee Chatfield and his wife finally ran out of expense accounts and charity funds to drain, and are soon to have their room and board supplied to them by the state.

