Kagro in the Morning - July 5, 2024

Something, something, US and UK, July 4th, yadda yadda. Only this time, the UK was having elections (while the US was thinking about maybe not having them anymore). And guess what? There was a weird, hard to read outcome. But the bottom line is, Labour “wins.” Their guy will be PM, and with a strong hand. And maybe more to the point, an exceptionally weak one for the Tories.
Having a hard time keeping up with developments in our “special relationship?” Maybe you can stop, now.
Meanwhile, we fully intend to have an election here. Though Republicans are embroiled in a fight over just what it will mean. Or, you know, maybe they really aren’t. Or maybe LOL YOLO, nothing means anything but what The Convicted Felon says it means.
Project 2025 is an example of something that’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice. And once it’s in place, along with his newfound “presidential immunity,” there won’t be any reason anymore not to do foreign deals like this one while in office.
Uh-oh! Somebody in the boardroom thought Twitter was the real world, and now they’re in trouble… with the real world.
For your weekend consideration:
Biden’s fine!
No he isn’t!
