Joe A - Annual Tri State 2009

Looking for an AA speaker tape that features a young speakers approach to recovery? You've come to the right place! Hear hilarious stories from these speakers' experiences with alcoholism and how they found hope in sobriety.
Through sharing their experiences with addiction, these speakers provide valuable insight into the struggles and triumphs of recovery. They offer a refreshing take on the journey to sobriety. So if you're looking for inspiration and a good laugh, these AA speaker tapes are a must-listen.
Whether you're in early recovery or have been sober for years, this speaker is sure to uplift and entertain. It's the perfect reminder that while recovery can be challenging, it's also a journey full of joy, laughter, and new beginnings. So sit back, relax, and enjoy, knowing that you're not alone in your journey towards a fulfilling life in sobriety.
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Joe A - Annual Tri State 2009
